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5MT04 Material Science


To make student aware of scientific, practical relationships among structure, properties and performance of all materials. To prepare sound base for detailed courses of engineering materials.


Course Contents:

  1. Material classification and important properties: Requirement and selection factors.

  2. Structure of solid material: Crystalline, no crystalline, atomic bonding and generalized properties, crystal structure, crystal planes & directions, crystal imperfections, diffusion mechanism of solid and its application.

  3. Structure, properties and control of multiphase solids: Solid solutions, home rathery's rules for alloys, system, phases and structural constituents, phase diagrams and transformations, iron-carbon system and T T T diagram, heat treatment of steel and other alloys, effect of alloying elements on steel, case hardening and surface treatment.

  4. Ceramic materials: General structure and properties of ceramics, silicate glass, refractory, abrasives etc.

  5. Organic materials: Polymer and polymerization, structure and properties of plastics, rubber etc.

  6. Composite material: Components and types (dispersion reinforced, laminar reinforced, fiber reinforced) and applications like Ferro cement, reinforced glass and polymer concrete.

  7. Cement and concrete: Hydration mechanism, microstructure and related properties, constituents and admixture, high strength concretes.

  8. Performance of material in service: Corrosion and oxidation, fracture and fatigue, performance under high temperature, radiation damages.

Reference Books:

    1. Elementary Material Science - By Lawrence.

    2. Material Science and Metallurgy - By Khanna.

    3. Material Science- By R. Gupta

    4. Material Science- By J. Patel.



Internal 60 %

    (Class assignments/tutorials, Class attendance, Tests, Class interactions, and any laboratory work if required

Final 40 %

    (Exam, Jury, Term Paper etc.)