An exposure and initial journey into the understanding of professional and personal self-recognition and Evaluation of potential and performance.
Identifying agents and acquiring skills, techniques to progress and reach planned destination. Developing sensitivity and awareness of personalities.
Enhancing communication skills and confidence. Developing sensitivity and creativity. Gathering insights , techniques for better oral and written presentations benchmarking.
What moves man?
And what stops him?
Identifying and understanding apparent and hidden motivations.
And how to manage in self and others.
Course Contents:
Communications : Understanding nature and process of communications, purpose and models of communication. Mind, media channels & their features. Non- verbal communications and body language. Oral and written communications. Effective presentations.
Motivation : Discovering and accepting the diversity of motivation techniques to activate and accelerate. Goal Setting and achievements, planning, performance, monitoring & Evaluation.
Reference Books:
1. 7 habits of highly successful people- By Stephen Covey
2. Steps to the Top- By Ziegler
3. Books- By Deepak Chopra and Shiv Khera
4. Communication- By Mark Corm ark
5. Hand book for Editors- By Srinivas Rao
6. Third wave- By Alvin Toffler
Internal 60 %
assignments/tutorials, Class attendance, Tests, Class interactions, and any
laboratory work if required
Final 40 %
(Exam, Jury, Term Paper etc.)