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4ST06 Structure-IV


To develop an understanding of behavior and analysis of various structural elements.

Course Contents:

Review of shear force and bending moment diagrams, Review of bending stress and shear stress for simple beams, Deflection of beams ( Conjugate beam method, Double integration method, moment area method), Fixed and Propped cantilever beams, Continuous beams, Three hinged parabolic and circular arches, Column and struts, Direct and Bending stress, Moment distribution method, Influence lines and rolling loads for determinate beams, Thick and thin cylinders.


Reference Books:

    Theory of Structures By Ramamrutham

    Analysis of Structures By Junnarkar



Internal 60%

    (Class assignments/tutorials, class attendance, tests, quizzes, class interactions , model making and any
    laboratory work if required etc.)

final 40%

    (exam, jury, term paper etc.)