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4ST05 Basic Geotechnical Engineering -II


To make the students aware of properties of soil, various applications, and to impart the knowledge of soil mechanics and geology which would help in economical foundation design.


Course Contents:

Part- I

  1. Compaction: Definition, compaction test, field compaction methods, factors affecting compaction.

  2. Bearing capacity: Introduction and definitions, factors affecting bearing capacity, IS method to compute safe bearing capacity, shear failure, settlement failure and plate load test.

  3. Site & soil investigations: Introduction, importance, types, site reconnaissance, soil exploration, different methods, soil investigation report.

  4. Recent advances in soil mechanics: Ground improvement, application of geotextile, geomembrane and geogrids, and elements of reinforced earth.


    1. Introduction to Geology- scope, branches, geology in relation to civil engineering.

    2. Physical Geology- study of various physical (weathering) agents and their significance in civil engineering.

    3. Earthquakes, volcanoes, groundwater studies- foundation and construction in earthquake prone areas.

    4. Identification of minerals and rocks. Engineering properties of works.

    5. Study of geological structures like fault, fold, joints etc. and their significance in site selection.

    6. Geological importance in the construction of major structures like dams, tunnels, bridges etc.

    7. Case studies of important small and large scale engineering structures.

    8. Understanding of geological reports, maps and cross sections.

The practical performed by students at our laboratory are as under:-

    a) Compaction / Proctor Test

            Light / Standard Compaction            Heavy / Modified Compaction

    b) Permeability Test            c) Unconfined Compressive Strength.

    d) Triaxial Shear Test (Triaxial Unconsolidated Undrained)   

    e) Direct Shear Test (Direct shear Unconsolidated Undrained)


Reference Books:

1. Text of Soil Mechanics – By Bharat Singh

2. Text Book of Geology – By P.K.Mukherjee

3. Principles of Engineering Geology - By Robert B and Degrant.V

4. Engineering Geology for civil Engineers - By Venkat Reddy

5. Fundamentals of Engineering Geology - By R.S. Khurmi.

6. Geology for engineers - By Parbin Singh


Internal 60 %

    (Class assignments/tutorials, Class attendance, Tests, Class interactions, and any laboratory work if required

Final 40 %

    (Exam, Jury, Term Paper etc.)