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4SR03 Applied Hydraulics



The aim is to achieve among students the basic understanding of the subject of hydraulic engineering. SI Units shall be used. The course should help in application of knowledge to problems in hydrostatics, floating bodies and their stability in conveying equipment as materials, water supply, sanitary engineering including plumbing services, sewerage and storm water drainage.


Course Contents:-

  1. Properties of fluids

  2. Hydrostatics including pressures, pressure diagrams and pressure measurements. Application to hydraulic structures. Buoyant thrusts and stability of floating bodies like barges.

  3. Principles of fluid flow, types of flow, continuity equation, energy equation, momentum equation and their applications.

  4. Flow measurements such as in orifices, notches and weirs, flow measurements in pipes venturi and orifice meters, pitot tubes.

  5. Flow in pipelines, Hazen– Williams’ formula, loss of head in pipes and appurtenances , siphonage.

  6. Steady flow in open channels, Chezy’s formula, Manning’s formula flow in sewers and storm water drains.

Reference Books:

    1. Understanding Hydraulics- By Les Ham ill (Second Edition)

    2. Fluid Mechanics- By Shaum’s series.

    3. Civil Engineering Hydraulics- By R.E. Featherstone and C. Nalluri.

    4. Hydraulics- By Chadwick & Morfett.

    5. Practical Hydraulics – By Melvyn Kay.



Internal 60 %

    (Class assignments/tutorials, Class attendance, Tests[at least two], Class interactions, and any laboratory
    work if required etc.)

Final 40 %

    (Written exam.)