To introduce the concepts of environment and development with special emphasis on sustainable development. The course is framed to impart general awareness and implications of resources, ecology and physical environment and linkages with development actions. The course in aimed fundamentally to orient the student towards issues of environment and development.
Course Contents:
Part I: Environment and Resources
Definition of environment
Types of environment: biotic and a biotic
Population, resources, environmental degradation and pollution
Pollutants & their effects and control
Resource usage, population distribution and development
Laws of thermodynamics
Part II: Ecosystem
Types and components of ecosystem
Energy flow in ecosystems
Matter recycling
Interactions in ecosystem
Part III: Air Environment
Air resources
Atmospheric systems. Climate
Air Pollution, indoor air pollution
Air Pollutants
Control mechanisms of air pollution
Emission standards
Air pollution issues: Green house effect, global warning, and ozone
depletion, photochemical smog, nuclear wars: problems
Part IV: Water Environment
Water Resources- types
Water Resources- renewal, use
Drinking water standards, health aspects
Water pollution
Sanitation systems
Collection, conveyance and disposal
Standards of treated wastewater: Recycling and Reuse
Part V: Energy
of Energy Sources- renewable, non- Renewable, conventional and non- conventional
energy quality
efficient systems, energy saving mechanisms
Part VI: Sustainable Development
Definition of sustainable development
Sustainable development capacity
Sustainable development concepts
Sustainable development indices
Principles of Evaluation and building of sustainable development capacity
Sustainability of urban ecological environment method of Evaluation with case study
Factors effecting sustainable development of cities.
Human settlement environment issues: Hard and Soft.
Urban human settlement environment index
Constructing human settlement environment and optimization principles: with case study
Reference Books:
1. Environmental Biology-By K.C. Agarwal,
2. Renetaoubos, Only the Earth- By Barbara Ward.
3. Ecology and Quality of our Environment- By Charles H Southwick.
4. South Asian Region Workshop on Science and Climate Change- By CSE, 1995 (Proc)
5. Ecology- By David B Sutter & N. Paul Harman,
6. Energy and Ecology- By David M Gates.
7. Ecology and Environmental Planning- By Edington John.
8. Concepts of Ecology- By Edward J Kormondy.
9. Environmental issues, Scope report No: 10, - By Gilbert F White
10. Essential Learning’s in Environment- By CEE Publications Ahmedabad.
11. Ecological Systems and Environment- By Faur Theodore.C.
12. Green Reader - By Meena Raghunathan, Mamta Pandya, CEE Publications.
Global Warming, Colloborative Study on Strategies to limit CO2 Emissions
in Asia and Brazil- By Asian
Energy Institute.
14 Ecology 2000: Changing Face of Earth- By Hillary Edmond
15 The Environment, Public Health and Human Ecology consideration for Economic Development-By James Lee.
16 Earth Scape, A Manual of Environmental Planning- By John O. Simon’s.
17 Ecology Science of Survival – By Lawrence Pringle
18. Environment Science, Sustaining the Earth – By Miller Tyler
19. The Global Environmental Movement- By McCormick. J.
20. Ecological Context- By Me hale John.
21. The Nature and Properties of Soils- By Nylec C Brady
22. We the Nation The Lost Decades- By N.A. Palkivala
23. Urbanization and Urban Systems in India- By R. Ramchandran.
24. Air Pollution- By M. N. Rao
25. Ecology- By Robert R Rick leys.
26. Environmental Planning Policies and Programs in India. – By K.D. Saksena.
27. Ecosystem Management Selected Readings- By F.B. Samson & F.L. Knopf
28. Ecology of Natural Resources- By I. G. Simmons.
29. Poverty and shelter- By R. Skinner & M. J. Rodale.
30. World Environmental Reports- By UNDP
31. Ecology Impact Assessment and Environmental Planning- By West man Walter.
32. Environment, Industry, Agriculture, 92-97- Volumes of the Hindu Survey.
33. The Green Reader (Green School Series) - By CEE Publications
Attendance : 10%
Assignment : 15%
Interim Mid Exams (3) : 35%
Final Exam (Written Examination) : 40%