To familiarize with technology of exploiting natural water resources and bringing water to a consumer. To understand the reticulation of water and wastewater in a building premise along with construction, laying, providing sanitary appliances, fixtures including rainwater and greenbelt systems. To appreciate a sanitation package in the context of excreta collection, conveyance, treatment and disposal into appropriate environment in an eco friendly manner. To provide house plumbing for different income groups and subsequently to maintain the system.
Course Contents:
Services, sanitation, and diseases: Requirement of services, fundamental knowledge of services, role of services in prevention of water borne disease.
Sources of water: Hydrologic water cycle, head water works, surface and sub surface exploitation of water.
Conveyance materials:
Appurtenances: Appurtenances for laying water distribution networks and sewerage reticulation w.r.t purpose, location, and optimization.
Layouts: Layouts of water distribution and sewerage networks including service reservoirs and sewage pumping stations, evolution of economic systems appropriate to standards, systems of supply - intermittent, continuous etc.
House plumbing: Service connections, design considerations, use of mass diagrams, fixture units, water demand, equitable distribution, sanitary fixtures and appliances, need for flushing, single stack and two stack systems of plumbing, testing of plumbing, plumbing for rain water collection and disposal, cross connection, safety aspects, chutes for collection of solid wastes.
Hot water supply: Boilers with solid fuels, oil and gas, electric water heaters, hot water needs, instant and storage type heaters, geysers, solar heating, hot and cold water mixing devices, systems of hot water supply in residence, public & institutional buildings.
On site options: Decentralized sanitation systems, suitability for peri urban houses and slums, macrophyte treatment for housing cooperatives, use of treatment by-products.
Water storage tanks: Over head & UG underground tanks, determination of storage, suitability of different tanks etc.
Reference Books:
1. Plumbing in Building - By Sydney Webster.
2. Drainage pipe work in dwellings - By Wise A.F.E. (HMSO Publication).
3. Sanitation, drainage & water - By Mitchell. G. Eric.
4. Water installation and drainage systems – By Hall F.A.
5. Plumbing - By F Hall. F.A.
6. Environment and services - By Burberry, Peter.
7. Manual on plumbing - By Babbitt Harold. E.
8. National Building Code 1983, Gr.V, Part IX, Plumbing services.
9. SP-35, Hand book on water supply and drainage (with special emphasis on plumbing).
10. IS: 1742 – 1983- Code of practice for Building Drainage.
11. Hydraulic tables and sewer flow tables - By D. B. Bhatt.
12. IS: 1172 - 1972, Basic requirements for water supply, drainage and sanitation.
13. IS: 2065 - 1983 - Code of practice for water supply in buildings.
14. IS: 2064 – 1983 - Code of practice for selection, installation & maintenance of sanitary appliances.
All relevant BIS codes pertaining to pipe materials, pipe fittings, fixtures,
appurtenances for water supply
and drainage including all sanitary appliances.
16. Plumbing – By S.K. Dwalalikar
Internal 60 %
(Class assignments/tutorials, Tests, Class interactions, and any laboratory work if required etc.)
Final 40 %
(Exam etc.)