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2ST02 Structure-II



To impart the knowledge as well as understanding of basic principles of static and its applications in solving simple statically determinate systems. The course also aims at developing an understanding of material and its properties related to structural design.


Course Contents:

  1. Introduction, concept of force, law of parallelogram. Theorem of three forces.

  2. Conditions of equilibrium of concurrent co-planar forces, methods of projection.

  3. Funicular, polygon, graphical method of determining the resultant of a given system of forces.

  4. Method of moments, theorem of varignon resultant of a system of parallel forces, conditions of equilibrium.

  5. Center of gravity, centroid, determining centroid of simple forces.

  6. Moment of inertia, its application to sections subjected to bending.

  7. Types of trusses, their uses, suitability and limitations, method of analyzing truss. (Graphical and Analytical).

  8. Friction: Law of friction, static & sliding friction.

  9. Simple Machines: velocity ratio, mechanical advantages, efficiency, simple machines such as levels, pulleys and pulley blocks, screw jacks, etc.

  10. Hydrostatics: Equilibrium of floating bodies, Pascal’s law, Archimedes principles, and buoyancy.

  11. Dynamics: Newton's law of motion, relative velocity, projectiles, combined motion of rotation & translation, simple harmonic motion, work power and energy.

Reference Books:

    1. Engineering Mechanics- By Stephen Timoshenko and D.H.Young.

    2 Elements of strength of materials –By Bassin Milton & Sanley Brodsky.

    3 Mechanics of structures –By S. B. Junnarkar.

    4 Static and Strength of Materials - By Jenson.



Internal 60 %

    (Class assignments/tutorials, Class attendance, Tests, Class interactions, and any laboratory work if required

External 40%

    (Final Written Exam)