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2HU03 Mathematics – II



To impart the knowledge of related mathematics and essentials for solving engineering problems.


Course Contents:

  1. Matrices: Rank of a matrix; consistency of system of algebraic liner equations; characteristic equations; eigen values and eigen vectors, cayley-hamilton theorem (without proof).

  2. Analytic solid geometry: Coordinate of a point: distance between two points, section formula; direction cosines; angle between two lines, projection of the join of two points on a line. Equation of a plane, equations of a straight line, condition for two lines to be coplanar, shortest distance between two skew lines.

  3. Vector calculus: Differentiation of vectors, curve in space, velocity and acceleration, scalar and vector point functions, vector operator del, gradient, divergence and curl. Line integral, statement of Green’s theorem, Stroke’s theorem and Divergence theorem.

  4. Complex numbers: Definition, Armanda’s diagram, De Moiré’s theorem, roots of a complex number, exponential function, circular function, hyperbolic functions, inverse hyperbolic functions, logarithmic functions of a complex variable. Real and imaginary parts of these functions.

  5. Lap lace transform: Definition, Lap lace transform of standard functions, Inverse Lap lace transform, Lap lace transform of derivative, Lap lace transform of integral. Solution of ordinary differential equations by Lap lace transforms.

Reference Books:

    1. Engineering Mathematics - By Dr. B.S. Grewal

    2. Text book on Engineering Mathematics (Vol-2-) By Wartikar & Wartikar



Internal 60%

    (Class assignments/tutorials, Class attendance, Tests, Class interactions, and any laboratory work if required

External 40 %

    (Final Written Exam)