To impart the knowledge of related mathematics and essentials for solving engineering problems.
Course Contents:
Matrices: Rank of a matrix; consistency of system of algebraic liner equations; characteristic equations; eigen values and eigen vectors, cayley-hamilton theorem (without proof).
Analytic solid geometry: Coordinate of a point: distance between two points, section formula; direction cosines; angle between two lines, projection of the join of two points on a line. Equation of a plane, equations of a straight line, condition for two lines to be coplanar, shortest distance between two skew lines.
Vector calculus:
Complex numbers:
Lap lace transform:
Reference Books:
1. Engineering Mathematics - By Dr. B.S. Grewal
2. Text book on Engineering Mathematics (Vol-2-) By Wartikar & Wartikar
Internal 60%
assignments/tutorials, Class attendance, Tests, Class interactions, and any
laboratory work if required
External 40 %
(Final Written Exam)