To impart the knowledge of levelling equipments and to use them with required accuracy. The courage will enable students to survey given areas and setting out works.
Course Contents:
Levelling: Definition, level line, horizontal line, datum, types of bench marks, types of levels, equipments, adjustments, principles of leveling, booking of level book, reduction of levels, classification of leveling & details, errors and difficulties in leveling, contouring.
Curve setting: Types of curves, simples and composite curves, components of simple curve, methods of setting out curves, chord method, tangent method, method of deflection angles, thoedolite method.
Computation of volumes: Straight & curve volumes, formula for area of cross-sections, level section, two level section, multi-level section, earth work calculations, formula for volumes.
Engineering survey: Types building layouts - setting out of buildings, survey grid systems, setting out of sewers and city surveys.
The Practical performed by students are as under:-
(a) Study of instruments
i) To study different components, parts of the Instruments.
ii) To study the operational methods for the instruments.
iii) To study the use of the instruments in representative survey.
(b) Instruments studied in the above context are:-
i) Level instrument particularly dumpy level as well as tilting level, and also theodolite to use as level..
ii) Level Staff particularly, self reading level staff.
On the basis of theoretical study and study of the instruments following exercises are conducted:-
a) Levelling for profile leveling, cross sectioning and contouring.
A small scale project is conducted for contouring by taking all the spot level preparation of level book, as well as contour plan.
To interpretate the details from survey map as well as contour map for the civil engg. Projects.
Reference Books:
1. Surveying and leveling - By T. P. Kanitkar.
2. Surveying and leveling - By J.P. Khakhar.
3. Surveying – By A.Bannister.
4. Surveying: Theory & Practice –By Davis Raymond.
5. Surveying - By Norman Thomas
Internal 60 %
assignments/tutorials, Class attendance, Tests, Class interactions, and any
laboratory work if required
External 40 %
(Final Written Exam)