The Objective of this course, is to introduce the students to various types of building materials. Students will have a basic knowledge of natural material, history and development of building material, advantages and disadvantages, their applications, properties and economy.
Course Contents:
General Introduction: Significance of building materials, properties, applications, source, quality control and economy. Future in building materials.
Stones: History, types, classification and identification, source, methods of quarrying, dressing, preservation, artificial stones. Stones in Gujarat and India. Cost aspect.
Lime: History, source, classification, process of manufacturing lime - fat & hydraulic, advantages and disadvantages. Cost aspects, future of lime and effect on environment.
Timber: History, sources, procurement process, properties, applications, defects in timber, preservation, seasoning veneers, plywood’s, particle boards and black boards. Cost aspects, future of timber and effect on environment.
Bricks: History, advantages, availability and grade according to region, raw material, harmful ingredients, manufacturing of bricks, classification of bricks, different types, shapes & sizes, tests, quality of bricks, cost aspect, and effects on environment.
The practical performed by students at our laboratory are as under: -
For Bricks
(i) Water Absorption (ii) Compressive Strength (iii) Efflorescence
(iv) Sizes & Tolerance
For Timber
(i) Water Absorption (ii) Compressive Strength (iii) Flexural Strength
For Stones
(i) Water Absorption (ii) Compressive Strength (iii) Split Tensile Strength
Reference Books:
1. Civil Engineering Materials- By Agarwal
2. Engineering Materials –By S. C. Rangwala
3. Building Construction Materials -By George Mitchell
4. Timber: its structure and properties- By H.E.Desch
5. Advances in building materials and construction technology - CBRI Publication
6. NBO publications
7. CBRI research notes, Building digests and other publications
8. Relevant IS codes.
Internal 60 %
assignments/tutorials, Class attendance, Tests, Class interactions, and any
laboratory work if required
Final 40 %