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1HU02 English Communication -I


To enable students to write better and speak better especially in English as a foreign language, a library language and a language to carry on day-to-day requirements.


Course Contents:

  1. How to write better: Good writing : Secrets of good letter writing, personal correspondence, social notes and invitations, how to write for information, how to complain writing to newspapers, writing about your school/college and career.

  2. Tools: Word power- vocabulary, grammar and usage, spelling and punctuations

  3. How to speak better: Good conversation : The art of being a successful host, meeting a famous person, how you come across on the telephone, how to handle an interview and how to run a meeting.

Reference book:

    1. Write Better Speak Better: Reader’s Digest

    2. English Grammar and Composition- By Martin.

    3. English Grammar and Composition-By C. Francis

    4. English Grammar- By Oliver (Macmillan)

    5. The Book of Virtues- By William J Bennett (Simon & Schuster)

    6. Selected Reading From- World’s Literatures.

    7. A guide to good English- By God Frey Howard.

    8. Newfield’s English Grammar, Composition and Usage- By N.K. Agarwal and F.T. Wood.



Internal 60 %

    (Class assignments/tutorials, Class attendance, Tests, Class interactions, and any laboratory work if required

Final 40 %

    (Term Paper etc.)