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1HU01 Mathematics-I


To impart the knowledge of related mathematics and essential for solving engineering problems.


Course Contents:

  1. Differential calculus and applications:

  1. Integral calculus and its applications:

  1. Ordinary linear differential equations:

Ordinary differential equations of first order and first degree, variable separable, homogeneous, linear, exact and equations reducible to these forms. Applications to orthogonal trajectories, Linear differential equations with constant coefficients rulers for finding complimentary function and particular integrals. Applications to practical problems.


Reference books:

    1 Elementary Engineering Mathematics. - By B. S. Grewal.

    2 Textbook on Engineering Maths Vol-1. - By Wartikar & Wartikar.

    3. Engineering Mathematics I - By G.V. Kumbhojkar.



Internal 60 %

    Class assignments/tutorials, Class attendance, Tests, Class interactions, and any laboratory work if required

Final 40 %

    (Written Exam)