The Objective of this course is to introduce the students to types of buildings for various requirements of mankind. To enable the students to understand various building elements, components and building materials through visits to various construction sites and manufacturing units. It will help the students to understand various construction tools and equipments through site visits.
Note: Students are supposed to conduct market survey on various types of material and visit exhibitions held in city.Time Period: 10-14 visits
Day of visit: Saturday
Duration: 4-6 hrs
No of students: Entire class
* Faculty in charge along with students conducts all visits in and around city.
Reference books:
1. Technical Literature of various manufactures and dealers.
2. Magazines and Trade Journals.
Internal 60 %
assignments/tutorials, Class attendance, Tests, Class interactions, and any
laboratory work if required
Final 40 %
(Exam, Jury, Term Paper etc.)