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: S. Y. B. Sc. Bio-Technology :


Students of S Y B Sc. Biotechnology will study papers III, IV, V and Practicals based on these papers.

The total theory periods per week are 9 and there are 9 periods per week of Practicals.

The university examination of each paper is of 3 hours duration. The total marks of 3 papers are 210(70+70+70) for university examination and 90 marks are reserved for internal examination, presence and assignment work. The university practical examination is of 105 marks and 45 marks for internal evaluation. The annual practical examination is of 21 hours, distributed over a period of 3 days.

The students must record the Practical in the journal as well as in laboratory record book and get it signed by the concerned faculty member. The journal and laboratory record book certified by the head of the department must be produced at the time of university examination for assigning the marks.






Theory Practical Theory Practical Theory Practical



IV 3 30
V 3 30
  1. Theory examination: For university and internal examinations  all five units of all three papers will carry equal marks weight age.
  2.  Practical examination: For university and internal practical examination all three papers will carry equal marks weight age.


Paper-III Basic Aspect of Cellular Metabolism

Unit-1 Bioenergetics


1.1   Bioenergetics: - Laws of thermodynamics,Definition of system, universe, state function, internal energy, enthalpy, entropy, endothermic and

       exothermic reactions,  free energy, equilibrium constant & its biological signifiance.

1.2   Relationship between standard free energy change, free energy change and equilibrium constant, co -relationship between free energy

       change and direction of biological reaction, use of exergonic reaction to drive endergonic reaction.

1.3   ATP as a universal energy currency of biological systems, role of other phosphorylated and thioesters compounds.

1.4   Enzymes: Enzyme as a biocatalyst, coenzyme, cofactor, nomenclature of enzyme, classes of enzymes, transition state theory,

       mode of action of enzyme, role of weak interaction and binding energy in enzyme catalyze reaction, factor affecting enzyme catalyze reaction

1.5   Catalytic mechanisms of enzyme: acid base catalysis, covalent catalysis, metal ion catalysis, proximity and orientation effect

1.6   Catalytic mechanisms :chymotrpsin, ribonuclease A, Restriction enzymes.

1.7   Enzyme kinetics: Derivation of M-M equation, linear transformation of M-M equation, significance of Km and Vmax values

1.8   Enzyme inhibition: reversible and irreversible inhibitors and their effect on enzyme kinetics, use of enzyme inhibitors as drugs


Unit-2 Regulation of catalysis and protein function


2.1   Regulatory statuaries: Allosteric control, covalent modification, isozymes,proteolytic activation

2.2   Tertiary and quaternary structure of proteins : Hemoglobin and myoglobin

2.3   Protein interactions mediated by chemical energy: Actin, myosin

2.4   Folding and unfolding of proteins: Role of molecular chaperones  in folding of proteins.

2.5   Degradation of proteins by proteosome


Unit-3 Cellular Metabolism-I


3.1   Concept metabolism: Catabolic (Converging) pathways, Anabolic (diverging) , Cyclic pathways

3.2   Carbohydrate metabolism:Glycolysis and its regulation, fate of pyruvate under anaerobic condition, PDH complex and TCA cycle, Pentose

       phosphate pathway, gluconeogenesis and its regulation.

3.3   Lipid metabolism.: Lipid oxidation(Beta Oxidation) and lipid biosynthesis

3.4   Nucleotide metabolism: Biosynthesis of nucleotides

3.5   Amino acid metabolism: Biosynthesis and oxidation of amino acids, transamination and assimilation of amino acids.


Unit-4 oxidative phosphorylation and Photosynthesis


4.1   Biological oxidation: Redox reactions and Reduction potential,standard reduction potential

4.2   Oxidative phosphorylation: ETC of mitochondria, electron carriers, complexes of ETC, ATP generation coupled to electron transport, inhibitors

       of ETC.

4.3   Photophosphorylation in plants and bacteria

4.4   Carbohydrate biosynthesis coupled to photophosphorylation

4.5   Glycoxylate cycle

4.6   Photorespiration.


Unit-5 Membrane transport, Biosignaling


5.1   Membrane structure and mechanisms of transport: Passive transport-osomosis, Simple diffusion, facilated diffusion, ion channels, Active

       transport- primary and secondary active transport, group translocations                                            

5.2   Introduction to signal transduction pathways, signaling molecules

5.3   Signal transduction pathways: types of signaling receptors and secondary messengers and overview regulation of signaling pathways

5.4   Signaling pathways: epinephrine, insulin, JAK-STAT, Ras, nitrous oxide

5.5   Signaling in microorganisms and plants




EXP1.     To demonstrate working operations of spectrophotometer

EXP2.     Quantitation of protein using

                A). Biuret test

                B.) Lowary assay.

                C) Dye binding (Bradford) method

EXP 3     Estimation of Reducing Sugar by Nelson- Somogyi method/DNSA method

EXP 4     Estimation of Chlorophyll.

EXP 5     Assaying of various enzymes (any three):

                a) Amylases by KI-I2 method.

                b) Phenol oxidase (Potato).

                c) Phosphatases

                d) Urease.

                e) Invertase by GOD/POD and DNSA method.

                f) Proteolytic enzymes (Trypsin or Pepsin).

                g) Lipases (Germinating castor seeds).

EXP 6     Enzyme Kinetics:

                a) Effect of Substrate concentration (Determination of Km and Vmax).

                b) Determine temperature optima of the enzyme.

                c) Effect of pH on enzyme activity.

                d)  Effect of enzyme concentration

EXP 7     Effect of Enzyme Inhibitors on Enzyme Activity




  1. Boyer. 1999. Concepts in biochemistry. Thomson

  2. Pagano. 2000. Principle of biostatistics. Thomson

  3. Harmes. Biochemistry 2nd Ed. Viva Book

  4. Fisher Chemistry for biologists. Viva Books

  5. Turner. Molecular Biology. Viva Books

  6. Iganaclmatha. Basic biotechnology.

  7. Mitechell. Introduction to Genetic Algorithms. Prentice-Hall

  8. Das and Mookerjee. Outline of biology.

  9. Roy and De. Cell biology.

  10. Biotechnology, Demystifying the concepts. By David Bourgaize. Alp 2000

  11. Enger. Concepts in biology, Tata Mcgraw-Hill

  12. Peaceniks & Lamb. 1994. How to write about biology, Longman

  13. Eric. S. Grace. Biotechnology unzipped : :Promises and realities.

  14. William Bains. Biotechnology from A to Z

  15. Barnum. Biotechnology : An Introduction. 1999 Broks Cole Pub. Comp.

  16. Weaver. Molecular Biology. WCB / McGraw-Hill. 1999

  17. Wilson, & Walker, 1995. Principles and techniques of practical Biochemistry.

  18. Ambridge Univ. Press.

  19. Davidson V.L. & Sittman, 1993. Biochemistry.

  20. Boyer 2001. Modern Experimental bioch. 3/e. Addison.

  21. Becker. 1996. Biotechnology. A laboratory course. Alp

  22. Lenhiger. Principles of biochemistry

  23. Stryer - Biochemistry. W.H. Freeman & Co.

  24. Plumner. An Introduction to practical Biochemistry

  25. J.Jayraman. Lab Manual in Biochemistry

  26. Cohn and Stumph. Outline of Biochemistry. Wiley eastern.

  27. Zube's Biochemistry, Macmillan

  28. Blel & Odian. 1999. Organic and Biochemistry

  29. Tinoco. land others. 1995. Physical chemistry Principles and applications in biological Sciences. Prentice-Hall. 

  30. Paul H. Teesdale & others. 2001. Essentials of Biological chemistry. J/W.

  31. Switzer and Gauity, 1995. Experimental Biochemistry WH Freeman.

  32. Voet Donald. 1999. Fundamentals of Biochemistry, J/W.

  33. Hames and Hooper. 2000. Instant notes in Biochemistry. BIOS Sciences Pub.

  34. Smith G. 1996, Biotechnology, Cambridge Univ. Press.

  35. Geoffrey looper.2000. The call with CD-Rom. Sinauer Asso. Incorp.

  36. Athel Cornish - Bowder. 1999. Basic mathematics for biochemists. OUP.

  37. Elliott & Elliott. 2001. Biochemistry and molecular biology, OUP.

  38. Milla. Thomas. (ED) 2000. Biochemistry explained : A practical guide to learning Biochemistry, Hardwood Pub.       

  39. Haynle, D.T. 2001. Biological thermodynamics Cambridge Univ. Press.

  40. Hargreaves and Thmpson (Ed.) 1999. Biochemistry of Exercises X. Human Kinetics Publ.

  41. Aldridge, Susan. 1994. Biochemistry : a textbook for A - level biology.

  42. Seidman and Moore. 2000. Basic laboratory methods for biotechnology. Lovgman.




Paper - IV Fundamentals of Immunology and Genetics


Unit - 1 Immunity and Immunorespomse:


1.1    Introduction and Historical perspective: History of Immunology and Immunity,Immuno Response and its Characteristics, Nature of Immuno

        response,Primarry and Secondary Immuno Response,Adjuvants,Importance of Immune System and Immunology.

1.2    Cells, Tissue and Organs of immune system :Anatomy of Immune System, Peripheral and Central Lymphoid System, Hematopoesis, Lymphoid

        and Myeloid Cells, Primary and Secondary Lymphoid Organs, Lymphatic System, Blood and Its Components, Blood Coagulation and


 1.3   Immunity: Overview, Types, Innate and Acquired Immunity, Active and Passive Immunity, Natural and Artificial Immunity, Herd Immunity,

        Interrelationship between Innate and Acquired immunity, Physiological Importance of inflammation and fever, Cytokine and their role in


1.4    Antigen and Immunogen: Nature, Types of Antigen, Characteristics of Antigen, Antigenicity and Immunogeniciity, Epitopes, Epitopes

        recognized by B- Cells and T-cells, Super antigens and CDs, Haptens

1.5    Antibody: Historical consequence of determination of antibody structure, Basic structure, Classes, Biological Properties and Functions,

        Immunoglobulin super family, Generation of antibody diversity,Clonal Selection Theory, Monoclonal and Polyclonal antibodies and applications


Unit - 2 Immunoreactions and immunization


2.1     Antigen-antibody Interactions : -Types and Mechanism, Lattice Hypothesis, Cross Reactivity

         In vivo and In vitro Ag-Ab Interactions: In vivo Immunocomplex formation, Viruse neutralization, Opsonization, Complement Fixation –

         Classical and Alternative Pathway,

         In Vitro Precipitation reactions, Flocculation and Agglutination Reactions, Coomb’s test, ELISA, RIA, Immunofluorescence, Micro plate readers

         and their application.

2.2     Prophylactic Immunization: Principles of vaccination, Types of Vaccines, Edible Vaccine, Schedule of Vaccination, Hazards of Vaccination

2.3     Major Histocompatibility Complex: Structure of MHC class I, II & III antigens, Mouse H-2 complex, Human HLA complex, Role of Antigen
         Presenting Cells

2.4     T-Cell generation:-Maturation, Activation, Proliferation and differentiation

2.5     B-Cell generation:- Maturation, Activation, Proliferation and differentiation


Unit - 3 Disfunctional Immunity :


3.1     Tumour Immunity 

3.2     Transplantation Immunity, Host Vs graft, Graft Vs host Reaction, Immuno Suppression

3.3     Hypersensitivity :Immediate and delayed hypersensitivity.

3.4     Autoimmune diseases

3.5     Immunodeficiency diseases


Unit - 4 Classical Genetics


4.1     History of Genetics: Concepts and definition, Elements of heredity and variation, Mendel’s work, laws of heredity, Test cross, Complete and

         Incomplete dominance

4.2     Extension of Mendelism: Deviation from Mendel’s Dihybrid phenotype, Linkage, Sutton’s view on linkage, Morgan’s view on linkage, Bateson &

         Punnet’s Coupling & Repulsion hypothesis.

4.3     Linkage & Crossing over: Chromosome theory of Linkage, kinds of linkage, linkage groups, types of Crossing over, mechanism of Meiotic

         Crossing over, kinds of Crossing over, theories about the mechanism of Crossing over, cytological detection of Crossing over, significance of

         Crossing over.

4.4     Allelic Variation & Gene function: Multiple allele, Genetic interaction, Epiststic interactions,Non-Epistatic inter-allelic genetic interactions,

         Expressivity, Pleiotropism, Modifier/Modifying genes

4.5     Sex linkage-X Linkage in Drosophila, Nonreciprocity, Sex-Limited and Sex-Influenced Traits


Unit - 5 Extrachrmosomal inheritance, Mutation and Human Genetics


5.1     Non-Mendelian inheritance: Cytoplasmic inheritance, extra nuclear inheritance (mitochondrial, chloroplast), non-chromosomal inheritance,
         maternal inheritance, uniparental inheritance.

5.2     Mutations: Types-Spontaneous and Induce, Mutagen-Physical and Chemical, Mutation at Molecular level, Mutation in Plants, Animals and

         Microbes for economic benefit of human being

5.3     Chromosomal variation in Number & Structure: Euploidy, Aneuploidy, Polyploidy, Deletion, Duplication, Inversion, Translocation, Position

         Effect, Centromeric & Non-centromeric breaks in chromosomes, Chromosomal Mosaics

5.4     Human cyto genetics: Human karyotype, Banding techniques, classification, use of Human Cyto-genetics in Medical science, inherited

         disorders- Allosomal (Klinfelters syndrome and Turners Syndrome), Autosomal (Down syndrome and Cri-Du chat Syndrome)

5.5     Gene mapping and genome analysis: Pedigree analysis, Linkage Analysis





1.      Preparation and Identification of different cell types in peripheral blood :

             Total count of  WBC

             Total count of  RBC

             Differential Count of WBC

2.      Estimation of Blood Glucose by Glucose Oxidase method.

3.      Estimation of Blood Urea by DAM method.

4.      Estimation Haemoglobin by Sahli’s Method.

5.      Determination of Clotting, Bleeding, Prothombin time of Blood.

6.      Agglutination and Precipitation.
                -    Blood grouping
                -    Widal test (Slide Test)

                -   VDRL Test
                -   SRID test
                -   Ouchterlony Double Diffusion test
                -   HIV detection rapid test
                -    Pregnancy detection rapid test.


7.      Demostration:Isolation of Ig from serum

8.      Demostration :Detection of Antigen or Antibody by ELISA test

9.      Problem solving of Mendalian Principles. 

10.    Chrmosomal Banding-Gimsa stain 




1.     Immunology : by IM Roitt, J. Brostoff and DK Male (1993) BMP, London.
2.     J Kuby (1991). Immunology freeman and company
3.     A.K. Abbas, A.H. Uchtman, J.S. Pober (1994). Cellular Molecular immunology - W.B. Saundes Co. Philadelphia.
4.     V.R. Muthukkaruppan, S. Baskar and F. Sinigaglia (1986) Hybridome techniques : A Laboratory Course - Macmillan India Limited.
5.     V.E. Cells (1994) Cell Biology Vol-I Immunology to III - Academic Press.
6.     Basic Immunology by Jacqueline Sharon
7.     Jan Kay. Introduction to Animal physiology, BMP Lond.
8.     Jurd. Animal Biology, Viva books.
9.     Roitt, Brostoff and Mal. 1993. Immunology, BMP Lond.
10.   Abbas and other. 1990. Cellular and molecular immunology. W.B. Saunders Co.
11.   Coleman, Lombard & Sicard. 1993, Fundamental of immunology. WCB
12.   Janeway etal. 1999. Immunobiology.
13.   Todd R.F. 2001. Lecture notes on immunology.
14.   David Wilid. 2001. Immunoassay Handbook, Macmillan.
15.   Fairbanks and Andersen : Genetics, the continuity of life.
16.   Hertwell et.al : Genetics - From Genes to Genomes.
17.   Karvita Ahluwalia : Genetics, New Age International Pvt. Ltd.
18.   Griffith et.al : An Introduction to Genetic Analysis.
19.   Weaver Hedrik : Genetics.


Paper - V Fundamentals of Microbiology


Unit-1 Introduction to Microorganisms


1.1     Virus: Classification of viruses including Baltimore classification scheme. Virus morphology, cultivation and one step growth curve.

1.2     Fungi: Classification and importance of fungi.

1.3     Bacteria: Classification of Bacteria based on habitat, Characteristics and adaptive mechanisms of Archaebacteria.

1.4     Algae: Biological and economical importance of Algae.

1.5     Protozoa: Morphology and importance of protozoa.


Unit-2 Microbial physiology


2.1     Types of bacteria based on their nutritional requirement.

2.2     Bacterial growth curve.

2.3     Selection methods of pure culture: 1. Chemical 2. Biological 3. Physical.

2.4     Methods of isolation of pure culture.

2.5     Methods of maintenance and preservation of pure culture and culture collection centre.

2.6     Control of microbial growth: Physical and chemical methods.


Unit-3 Antibiotics and Chemotherapeutic agent:


3.1     History of chemotherapy.

3.2     Various groups of antibiotics and their mode of action.

3.3     Antifungal and antiviral antibiotics with their mode of action. Drawback of antiviral drugs.

3.4     Mechanisms of development of drug resistant.

3.5     Definitions: Antiseptic, disinfectant, biostatic, biocidal, prophylaxis, chemotherapy.


Unit-4 Microbial Diseases and prevention


4.1     Host parasite relationships: Definitions of the following terms: infection, invasion,pathogen, pathogenicity, toxigenicity, virulence, carrier,

         types of carriers, nosocomial infections, opportunistic infections, sepsis, septicaemia, septic shock, transmission of infection, infectious

         process, bacterial virulence factors.

4.2     Microbial pathogenesis: Diseases caused by major groups of microorganisms to bediscussed under the following heads: causative agent,

         pathogenesis, salient clinical symptoms, chemotherapy, transmission, control measures, epidemiology and diagnosis.

         Bacteria: Representative diseases to be studied in detail are - tetanus, diphtheria, cholera, typhoid, tuberculosis, leprosy, plague, and


         Viruses: Representative diseases to be studied in detail are - viral hepatitis, influenza,  rabies, polio and AIDS.

         Fungi:  superficial, subcutaneous, systemic and opportunistic mycoses.

         Protozoa:  amoebiasis, toxoplasmosis, trichomoniasis & leishmaniasis.


Unit-5 Microbial Genetics


5.1     Modes of gene transfer




5.2     Plasmid

         Types of Natural plasmid, Copy number regulation, Biological role of plasmid, Host compibility.

5.3     Transposable element


List of Exercise


1.     Isolation of Bacteriophage and study of plaque formation.

2.     Isolation and identification of fungi. (Yeast and moulds).

3.     Isolation of different groups of bacteria and their biochemical characterization. (E.coli, Enterobacter, Bacillus spp.)

4.     Study of different culture media: simple media, complex media, defined media, selective media. Differential media, synthetic media, enriched


5.     Methods for the isolation of pure culture: Direct streaking, four flame method and pour plate method.

6.     Study of motility of bacteria: hanging drop method.

7.     Study of effectiveness of antimicrobial compound by phenol co efficient method.

8.     Study of antimicrobial properties of different chemicals.

9.     Study of effect of different antibiotics on the growth of different groups of microorganisms.

10.    Effect of heavy metals on the growth of microorganisms.

11.    Enumeration of microbial growth by aerobic plate count or simple plate count.

12.    Measurement of bacterial cell by ocular and stage micrometers.

13.    Isolation of Actinomycetes

14.    Effect of physiological factors (physical and chemical) on growth of micro-organisms pH, temperature, nitrogen and carbon sources.


 List of Reference books


1)    General microbiology-Stanier

2)    Introduction to microbiology-Ingraham

3)    Brock biology of microorganisms-Madigan etal

4)    Fundamentals of microbiology-Frobisher

5)    Microbiology-Pelczar

6)    General microbiology -Pawar&Daginawala

7)    Text book of microbiology-Ananthanarayan

8)    Microbiology by- Prescott

9)    General Microbiology by Ronald Atlas

10)  Microbiology Introduction by Tortora