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T. Y. B. A. 
Paper - 6 Macro Economics


Unit - 1    National income and social Accounts : 15%

                Definitions of National - income - various thoughts (aspects) of national income (1) Gross Domestic products (2)  Gross National products (3) Net National products - Measurement of national income (Methods) - Problems related with national income.

Unit - 2    Classical Economics : 15%

                Say's Law of markets-Wages prices flexibility and full employment - Keynes criticism of classical economics.

Unit - 3    Keynesian Economics : 20%

                Keynesian theory of income determination - keyne's consumption function theory of Multiplier and acceleration.  Marginal efficiency of capital and factor affecting it.   

Unit - 4    Rate of interest : 10%

                Classical, Neo-classical and Keynesian theory of interest.

Unit - 5    Trade Cycles : 20%

                Nature and characteristics; Hawtrey's monetary theory; Hayek's over-investment theory; keynes' view on trade cycle; The concept of accelerator; samuelson and Hicks Multiplier accelerator interaction model; control of trade cycle.


Reference Books :

1.   Ackely G. (1976), Macroeconomics : Theory and Policy, Macmillan Publishing Company, New York.

2.   Day, A.C.L. (1960), Outling of Monetary Economics, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

3.   Gupta, S.B. (1994), Monetary Economics, S. Chand and Co., Delhi.

4.   Heijdra, B.J. and F.V. Ploeg (2001), Foundation of Modern Macroeconomics, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

5.   Lewis, M.K. and P.D. Mizan (2000), Monetary Economics, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.

6.   Shapiro, E. (1996), Macroeconomics Analysis, Galgotia Publications, New Delhi.

7.   Dilard, D. (1960), The Economics of John Maynard Keynes, Crossby Lockwood and Sons, London.

8.   Hanson, A.H. (1953), A Guide to Keynes, McGraw-Hill, New York.

9.   Haggins, B. (1963), A Economics Development : Principles Problems and Policies, Central Book Depot, Allahbad.

10. Keynes, J.M. (1936), The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money Macmillan, London.

11. Kindleberger, G.P. (1958), Economic Development, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York.

12. Lucas, R. (1981), Studies in Business Cycle Thoery, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

13. Mier, G.M. and R.E. Baldwin (1975), Economic Development : Theory, History and Policy, Wiley & Sons Inc., 
     New York.  

14. Powelson, J.P.C. (1960), National Income and Flow of Funds Analysis, McGraw-Hill, New York.

Paper - 7 International Economics


Unit - 1    Importance of Trade and Trade Theories : 20% 

                Importance of the study of international economics; inter-regional and international trade; Theories of absolute advantage, comparative advantage and opportunity cost; Heckscherohlin theory of trade-its main features, assumptions and limitations.

Unit - 2    Gains from Trade : 20%

                Gains from - their measurement and distribution; trade as an engine of economic growth; concepts of terms of trade; Doctrine of  reciprocal demand its importance and limitations in the theory of tade.

Unit - 3    Tariffs and Quotas : 20%

                Types of tariffs and Quotas; Their impact in partial equilibrium analysis; Free trade and policy of tariffs in relation to economic growth policy of tariffs in relation to economic growth with special reference to India; concept of optimum tariffs. 

Unit - 4    Balance of Trade and Balance of Payment : 20%

                Concepts and components of balance of trade and balance of payments; consequences of disequilibria in balance of payments. Various measures to correct deficit in the balance of payments; Relative merits, demerits and limitations of devaluation; concept and implications of foreign trade multiplier; Functions of IMF world Bank and GATT/WTO; Reform of the international monetary system and india.

Unit - 5    Foreign Trade in India : 20%

                Recent changes in the composition and direction of foreign trade; causes and effects of persistent deficit in the balance of payments; Measures adopted by the government to correct the deficit before and after 1991; Need for and rational of trade reforms in india (including partial and full convertibility of rupee); instruments of export promotion and recent export and import and export policies of india; Role of multinational corporations in india. 


Reference Books :

1.        Kenan, P.B. (1994), The International Economy, Cambridge University Press, London.

2.        Kindlberger, C.P. (1973), International Economics, R.D. Irwin, Homewood.

3.        Krugman, P.R. and M. Obstageld (1994), International Economics : Theory and Policy Glenview,


4.        Salvatore, D.L. (1997), International Economics, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, N.J.

5.        Sodersten, Bo (1991), International Economics, Macmillan Press Ltd., London.


Additional Reading List :

1.        Aggarwal, M.R. (1979), Regional Economic Co-operation in South Asia, S. Chand and Co., New Delhi.

2.        Bhagwati, J. (Ed.) (1981), International Trade, Selected Readings, Cambridge University Press, Mass.

3.        Crockett, A. (1982), International Money; Issue and Analysis, ELBS and Nelson, London.

4.        Greenaway, D. (1983), International Trade Policy, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., London.

5.        Heller, H.R. (1968), International Monetary Economics, Prentice Hall, India.

6.        Joshi V. and I.M.D. Little (1998), India's Economics Reforms, 1999-2001, Oxford University Press, Delhi.

7.        Nayyar, D. (1976), India's Exports and Export Policies in the 1960s, Cambridge University Press,


8.        Panchmukhi, V.R. (1978), Trade Policies of India : A Quantitative Analysis, Concept Publishing Co., New


9.        Patel, S.J. (1995), Indian Economy Towards the 21st Century, University Press Ltd., India.

10.      Singh, M. (1964), India Export Trends and the Prospects for Self-sustained Growth, Oxford University

          Press, Oxford.

Paper - 8 Public Economics


Unit - 1    Fiscal Federalism : 10%

                Theory of Fiscal federalism and practice of Fiscal federalism with special reference to indian case.

Unit - 2    Nature and scope of public Finance : 15%

                Meaning and scope of public finance; Distinction between private and public finance; public goods vs. private goods; The principles of maximum social advantages; Market failure; Role of the government.

Unit - 3    Fiscal Policy :

(A)           Objectives and basic Limitations of fiscal policy-especially with reference to developing countries.

(B)           Objectives of tax policy-optional tax-structured-tax policy and economic development Agriculture

               taxation and economic development difficult Financing as a tool of resource Mobilization.

Unit - 4    Public Expenditure : 15%

                Meaning, classification and principle expenditure; cannons and effects of public expenditure; Trade in public expenditure and causes of growth of public expenditure and causes of growth of public expenditure in India.

Unit - 5    Taxation : 20%

                Sources of public revenue; Taxation-Meaning, canons and classification of taxes; Division of tax-burden. The benefit and ability - to pay approaches; impact and incidence of taxes; Taxable capacity; Effects of taxation; characteristics of a good tax system; Major trends in tax revenue of the central and state government in India.

Unit - 6    Public Debt and Financial Administration :

                Sources of public borrowing; Effects of public debt; Methods of debt redemption; Growth of india's public debt; The budget-kinds of bedget; Economic and functional classification of the budget; preparation and passing of budget in india.   


Reference Books :

1.        Ackley, G. (1978), Microeconomics : Theory and Policy, Macmillan Publishing Co., New York.

2.        Bhargava, R.N. (1971), The Theory and Working of Union Finance in India, Chaitanya Publishing House,


3.        Gupta, S.B. (1974), Monetary Economics, S. Chand & Company, New Delhi.

4.        Houghton, E.W. (Ed.) (1988), Public Finance, Penguin, Baltimore.

5.        Jha, R. (1998), Modern Public Economics, Routledge, London.

6.        Mithani, D.M. (1981), Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy, Oxford & IBH, New Delhi.

7.        Mithani, D.M. (1998), Modern Public Finance, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.

8.        Musgrave, R.A. and P.B. Musgrave (1976), Public Finance in Theory and Practice, McGraw-Hill,

           Kogakusha, Tokyo.

9.        Shapiro, E. (1996), Macroeconomic Analysis, Galgotia Publications, New Delhi.


Additional Reading List :

1.        Day, A.C.L. (1960), Outline of Monetary Economics, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

2.        De Kock, M.H. (1960), Central Banking, Staples Press, London.

3.        Due, J.F. (1963), Government Finance Inwin, Homewood.

4.        Government of India, Economic Survey (Annual), New Delhi.

5.        Halm, G.N. (1955), Monetary Theory, Asia Publishing House, New Delhi.

6.        Harris, C.L. (1961), Money and Banking, Allyn and Bacon, London.

7.        Harber B.P. (1976), Modern Public Finance, Richard D. Irwin, Homewood.

8.        Laliwala, J.I. (1984), The Theory of Inflation, Vani Educational Book, New Delhi.

9.        Mishra, S.S. (1981), Money, Inflation and Economic Growth, Oxford & IBH Publishing Company, New Delhi.

10.      Musgrave, R.A. (1959), The Theory of Public Finance, McGraw-Hill, Kogakusha, Tokyo.

11.      Reserve Bank of India (1983), The Reserve Bank of India : Functions and Working, Bombay.

12.      Reserve Bank of India, Report on Trend and Progress of Banking in India, (various years), Mumbai.

13.      Reserve Bank of India, Report on Currency and Finance (Annual), Mumbai.

14.      Sayers, R.S. (1978), Modern Banking, (7th Edition), Oxford University Press, Delhi.

Paper - 9 Development and Environmental Economics [Optional]


Unit - 1    Development and Economic Growth : 10%

                Economic growth development : Growth Model-Nature, Scope and Limitation of Growth Models. Some important growth Models : (Keynes-Harrod-Domar)    

Unit - 2    Economic Development & Population : 20%

                Concepts of Growth development and under development - Indicators and measurement of development minimum needs P.Q.L.T. Population problems and growth pattern of population, theory of demographic transition : population Trap-population policy in developing countries. 

Unit - 3    Theories of Economic Development : 10%

                Theories of Development - Classical theory of development; karl in the theory of Development - theory of social change; immutable laws of capitalist development - crisis in capitalism; schumpeter and capitalistic development.

Unit - 4    Approaches to Economic Development : 10%

                Growth Theory for under - developed countries big push theory and critical minimum effort theses - Rostow's staes of Economic Growth.

Unit - 5    Sectoral View of Development : 20%

                Role of agriculture in economic development importance of land reforms; Efficiency and productivity in agriculture; Globalization and agriculture growth; Rationale and pattern of industrialization in developing countries; The choice of techniques and appropriate technology and employment; efficiency of small-scale vs. large-scale production; Terms of trade between agriculture and industry; infrastructure and its importance; Labour markets and their functioning in developing countries.  

Unit - 6    Choice and pattern of investment : 10%

                Types of planning techniques of planning Investment criteria-choice of techniques. Co benefit analysis.

Unit - 7    Environment and Ecology :  20%

                Environment - economy linkage; Environment as a necessity and luxury; Population-environment linkage; Environmental and environmental disruption as an allocation problems; Market failure for environmental goods; Environment as a public good; The commons Problem; property right approach to environmental problem; valuation of environmental damages; Land water, air and forest. 


Reference Books :

1.        Adelman, I. (1961), Theories of Economic Growth and Development, Stanford University Press, Stanford.

2.        Behrman, S. and T.N. Srinivasan (1995), Handbook of Development Economics, Vol. 1 to 3, Elsevire,


3.        Ghatak, S. (1986), An Introduction to Development Economics, Allen and Unwin, London.

4.        Hayami, Y. (1997), Development Economics, Oxford University Press, New York.

5.        Higgins, B. (1959), Economics Development, Norton, New York.

6.        Kindleberger, C.P. (1977), Economic Development, 3e, McGraw-Hill, New York.

7.        Meier, G.M. (1995), Leading Issues in Economic Development, 6e, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.

8.        Myint, Hla (1971), Economic Theory and Under Development Countries, Oxford University Press, New


9.        Thirlwal, A.P. (1999), (6th Edition), Growth and Development, Macmillan, London.


Additional Reading List :

1.        Arestis, P. (Ed.) (1993), Employment, Economic Growth and the Tyranny of the Market, Edward Elgar,


2.        Bhagwati, J. and P. Desai (1970), India : Planning for Industrialization, Oxford University Press, London.

3.        Boserup, E. (1991), Population and Technological Change : A study of Long Term change, Chicago

           University Press, Delhi.

4.        Brahmananda, P.R. and C.N. Vakil (1956), Planning for an Expanding Economy, Vora and Co., Bombay.

5.        Chakravarti, S. (1982), Alternative Approaches to the Theory of Economic Growth, Oxford University

           Press, Delhi.

6.        Chenery, H.B. et. al. (Eds.) (1974), Redistribution with Growth, Oxford University Press, New York.

7.        Dasgupta P., A.K. Sen and S. Marglin (1972), Guidelines for Project Evaluation, UNIDO, Vienna.

8.        Ehrlich, P.A. Ehrlich and J. Holden (1997), Economics Population, Resources, Environment, W.H. Freeman,

           San Francisco.

9.        Government of India (2000), India 2000, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, New Delhi.

10.      Hemple, Lamont C. (1998), Environmental Economics : The Global Challenge, First East West Press,


11.      Kahkonon, S. and M. Olson (2000), A New Institutional Approach to Economic Development, Vistaar.

12.      Kuik, O.J. et. al. (Eds). (1997), Environment Policy, Pollution Control in the South & North : A

          Comprehensive Assessment of Approach in India and Netheriands, Indo-Dutch Studies on Development

          Alternatives, Sage Publications, New Delhi.

13.      Little, I.M.D. (1982), Economic Development : Theory and International Relations, Basic Books, New York.

14.      Lopez, R.E. (1997), Where Development Can Go Or Can Not Go, The Role of Poverty - Environmental

          Linkages, Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics, World Bank, Washington D.C.

15.      Maler, K.G. (1997), Environment, Poverty in Economic Growth, Annual World Bank Conference on

          Development Economics, World Bank, Washington D.C. 

16.      Mehrotra, S. and J. Richard (1998), Development with a Human Face, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.

17.      Mishan, E.J. (1975), Cost - Benefit Analysis, (2nd Edition), Allen and Unwin, London.

18.      Sen, A.K. (Ed.) (1990), Growth Economics, Penguin, Harmondsworth.

19.      Therberge, J.D. (Ed.) (1968), Economics of Trade and Development, John Wiley, New York.

20.      Thirwal, A.P. (1974), Inflation, Savings and Growth in Developing Economics, Macmillan, London.

21.      Todaro, M.P. (1971), Development Planning : Models and Methods, Oxford University Press, Oxford.    

Paper - 9 Economics of Developing Countries [Optional]


Unit - 1    Under Development : 15%

                Concepts of Growth, development and Under development - Indicators and Measurement of development - minimum needs-Physical quality of life index.

Unit - 2    Population, unemployment and poverty : 20%

  1. Inter-relationship between population and development - demographic transition, population Trap-population policy in developing countries. 

  2. Nature and problem of unemployment and underemployment in developing countries - Employment policies.

  3. Concept of poverty Line-Indicators and poverty - dimenation of poverty in third would poetry policies and programmes-Inter-relationship between population, poverty, and unemployment.

Unit - 3    Agriculture and Industrializing : 20%

  1. Technological changes in agriculture their inpact on productivity institutional changes - impact of institutional changes on productivity - role of credit in agriculture development.                     

  2. Agriculture v/s industries in economics development strategies of industrialization and their impact on growth choice of technology - critical view of industrialization experience in developing countries.  

Unit - 4    Monetary and fiscal policies : 15%

                Role of Monetary fiscal policies in economic development - Tax structure and policies in developing countries - Taxation, borrowing and deficit financing as a Methods of financing public expenditure and their effects.


Unit - 5    Foreign trade and development : 15%

                Inward looking and out ward looking trade policy and development custom union in developing countries-Foreign capital, foreign aid and burden of repayment of debt Transfer of technology-Multinational corporations.


Unit - 6    International Monetary System : 15%

                Working of International Monetary system - Exchange rate policies problem of International monetary systemreforms in the present monetary system with reference to developing countries - New world economics order.


Reference Books :

1.        The Future to Underdeveloped Countries - Eugene Staley

2.        The Economics at Development - Jacob Viner.

3.        Problems at capital formation in underdevelopment countries - Nurkse.

4.        Economic at development - D. Brightsingh

5.        Economic Development - Higgins.

Paper - 10 History of Economic Thought [Optional]


Unit - 1    Early period : 20%

                Economic thought of Plato and Aristotle-Doctrines of just cost and just Price-Mercantilism : main characteristics; Thomas Mun-physiocracy : natural order, primary of agriculture, social classes, Tableau Economic, taxation, Turgot - Economic ideas of petty, Locke and Hume. 

Unit - 2    Classical Period : 20%

                Adam smith-division of labour, theory of value capital accumulation, distribution, view on trade, economic progress; David ricardo-value, theory of rent, distribution, ideas on economic development and international trade : 
                Thomas R. Malthus-theory of population, theory of gluts; German romantics and socialists-sismondi, Karl Marx-dynamics of social change, theory of value, surplus value, profit, and crisis of capitalism; Economics ideas of J.B. say, J.S. Mill; Historical school- senior, List.

Unit - 3    Marginalizes : 20%

                The precursors of marginalism-cournot, Thunen Gossen - The margienalist revolution : Jevons walras and Menger  - Bohm - Bawark, Wicksell and Fisher; the rate of interest - wicksteed and weiser : Distribution - Marshall as a great synthesizer : role of time in price determination, economic methods, ideas on consumer's Surplus, elasticities, prime and supplementary costs, representative firem external and internal economics, quasi-rent, organization as a factor of production, nature of profits; pigou; welfare economics; schumpeter : role of entrepreneur and innovations.

Unit - 4    Keynesian ideas : 20%

                The aggregate economy, Liquidity preference Theory and Liquidity trap, Marginal Efficiency of capital and Marginal Efficiency of investment, wage regidities, Underemployment equilibrium, role of fiscal policy; deficit spending and public works, multiplier principle, cyclical behaviour of the economy, Uncertainty and role of expectations, impetus to economics modelling.

Unit - 5    Indian Economic Thought : 20%

                Early economic ideas : Kautilya, Valluvar; Modern economic ideas; Naoroji, Ranade, R.C. Dutt and M.M. Roy; Economic ideas of Gandhi; Village swadeshi, place of machine and labour, cottage industries, trusteeship; Early approaches to planning (The national planning committee); Gadgil Co-operation as a way life and strategy of development; J.K. Mehta : Wantlessness.


Reference Books :

1.        Blockhouse, R. (1985), A History of Modern Economic Analysis, Basil Blackwell, Oxford.

2.        Ganguli, B.N. (1977), Indian Economic Thought : A 19th Century Perspective, Tata McGraw-Hill, New


3.        Gide, C. and G. Rist (1956), A History of Economic Doctrines, (2nd Edition), George Harrop & Co., London.

4.        Grey, A. and A.E. Thomson (1980), The Development of Economic Doctrine, (2nd Edition), Longman

           Group, London. 

5.        Kautilya (1992), The Arthashastra, Edited, Rearranged, Translated and Introduced by L.N. Rangaranjan,

           Penguin Books, New Delhi.

6.        Roll, E. (1973), A History of Economic Thought, Faber, London.

7.        Schumpeter, J.A. (1954), History of Economic Analysis, Oxford University Press, New York.

8.        Seshadri G.B. (1997), Economic Doctrines, B.R. Publishing Corporation, Delhi.


Additional Reading List :

1.        Blaug, M. (1997), Economic Theory in Retrospect : A History of Economic Thought from Adam Smith to

           J.M. Keynes, (5th Edition), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

2.        Dasgupta, A.K. (1985), Epochs of Economic Theory, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.

3.        Gandhi, M.K. (1947), India of My Dreams, Navajivan Publishing House, Ahmedabad.

4.        Koot, G.M. (1988), English Historical Economics : 1850-1926, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

5.        Rao, M.N. (1964), Memoirs, Allied Publishing House, Bombay.

6.        Schumpeter, J.A. (1951), Ten Great Economics, Oxford University Press, New York.

7.        Shionya, Y. (1997), Schumpeter and the Idea of Social Science, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.


Paper - 10 Mathematical Economics [Optional]


Unit - 1    Quantitative Methods :  20%

                Variable, constants and parameters, simple functional relationship and their graphs; Elementary ideas of differential and integral calculus; Matrix and determinants; Solution of simultaneous equations; Quadratic equations; Difference and differential equations.

Unit - 2    Consumer Theory : 20%

                Utility function; budget line; constrained optimization; consumer's equilibrium; Income effect; substitution effect and price effect; Slutsky equation; Derivation of demand curve; Elasticity of demand; Consumer's surplus.

Unit - 3    Theory of Production : 20%

                Properties of production function - Homogeneous and non-homogeneous; Cobb-Douglas, CES, Returns to scale; Technology progress and production function; Choice of optimal combination off factors of production; Cost and revenue functions; Derivation of cost curves; Relation between total, average and marginal cost and revenue; Producer's Surplus; Production possibility curve; Adding up theorem.

Unit - 4    Market Structure / Pricing : 20%

                Concept of equilibrium; Equilibrium of the firm under perfect competition monopoly, price discrimination, monopolistic competition; Subsidies and taxes; Economies of scale; Market equilibrium; Economic interpretation of time lag in function; Cobweb model.

Unit - 5    Input-Output Analysis, Linear Programming : 10%

                Input-Output analysis; The simple closed and open model; Linkages, concepts and measurement; Dynamic input - output model; Linear programming - Basic Concepts, primal and dual; Basic theorem of linear programming; Graphic and simplex method.

Unit - 6    Game Theory : 10%

                Introduction and concepts-simple and mixed strategy; saddle point solution; Prisoner's dilemma; Payoff matrix of a game-two-person-two-commodity and zero-sum game.


Reference Books :

1.        Allen, R.G.D. (1974), Mathematical Analysis for Economics, Macmillan Press, London.

2.        Chiang, A.C. (1986), Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics (3rd Edition), McGraw-Hill, New


3.        Colell, A. Mas et. al. (1991), Microeconomic Theory, Harvard University Press, Ambridge Mass.

4.        Hands, D.W. (1991), Introductory Mathematical Economics, D.C. Health.

5.        Henderson, J. and R.E. Quandt (1980), Microeconomic Theory : A Mathematical Approach, McGraw-Hill,

          New Delhi.

6.        Hany, S.T. (1997); Operations Research, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi.

7.        Mukherji, B. and V. Pandit (1982), Mathematical Method of Economic Analysis, Alled Publishers, New


Paper-10 Computer And Its Applications [Optional]
(Data analysis and trend forecasting)

[A] Objectives :  

        The first and foremost objective of the course is to familiarize students with the innovations in IT and how it can be used in research work of social science.

[B] Course input :

(1) Unit 1 : Introduction to Access 2000

        Data base and database management system            Salient features of Access 2000

        Screen of Access 2000                                          Understanding of following database objects

        Tables, queries, forms and reports                           Creating a table in design view

        Creating a data entry form using form wizards            Queries using design view

        Creating report using wizards

(2) Unit 2 : Introduction to Excel 2000

What is an electronic worksheet and its advantages

Doing and undoing actions

Starting excel and the excel screen

Inserting and deleting columns and rows

Entering value, text and formula

Formatting worksheet

Advantage of using formula

Changing column width

Concepts of cell, range, worksheet and workbook

Printing the worksheet

Saving, closing, opening a workbook

Setting up pages and margins

Creating a new worksheet

Defining header and footer

Moving and coping data

(3) Unit : 3 Advanced features of excel 2000

(4) Unit : 4 SPSS

(5) Unit : 5 Introduction to internet

[C] Basic Textbooks :-

[D] Structure of question paper (theory) (35 Marks  Time : Three Hours)


Question No. Unit Marks Note
1 5 7 Two short notes out of three
2(a) 1 3 Two short notes out of three
2(b) 1 4 Two procedures out of three
3(a) 2 3 Two short notes out of three
3(b) 2 4 Four procedures out of six
4(a) 3 2 One short notes out of two
4(b) 3 4 Five functions out of six
5(a) 4 4 Interpretation of output of SPSS
5(b) 4 3 Two procedures out of four

Note : questions should be based on basic textbook only


[E] Scheme of practical examination :

    Time : 3 Hours

    Total Marks : 35

Note : Practical should be asked form the list prepared by university.

Paper - 10 Co-Operation and Banking  [Optional]


Unit - 1    Introduction : 20%

                Meaning and definitions of co-operation-principles of co-operation-Meaning objectives and Types of co-operative societies origin and Development of Co-operation Achievement and limitations of co-operation.

Unit - 2    Organization of co-operative societies : 20%

                Registration process of society-General body-Responsibilities and Liabilities of authorities. Inspection and Audit - Arbitra for and Arbitration. Management of cash balances of corporative societies - Accounts of co-operatives.

Unit - 3    Co-operation and Development : 20%

                Role of Co-operative movement in the development of Rural and Agriculture co-operation in panchayati Raj - Co-operative  farming Meaning, advantages and disadvantages - co-operative education, Training, goals and organization Position of co-operation in developing economy - Recommendation of All India Rural credit Inspection and Evaluation committee - problems of co-operative development.   

Unit - 4    Banking : 20%

                Introduction - Definition, Banker-customer relations - Rights and non traditional functions of commercial Bank - central Bank : Introduction and functions - functions of Rural Banks.

Unit - 5    Cheque of functional methods : 20%

                Importance of cheque-crossing and selling shares-Types of crossing and selling shares; also holder in due course Important changes in chequepayment of cheque, Rights and responsibilities of bank issuing payment of cheque - Recovery of cheque right and responsibilities of Bankier making payment Method of clearing Importance and function of clearing house. 


Reference Books :

1.        Law and Principals of Co-operation - H. Calvert.

2.        Banking Law & Practice - Tenlan

3.        Practice and Law of Banking - H.P. Shedon

Paper - 10 Economics Investigation-II [Optional]


Unit - 1    Set Theory and Probability : 20%

                Concepts of sets-union, intersection, difference and product of two sets Venn diagram Diagrammatic representation of three sets illustrative example. Classical definition and statistical definition of probability-Addition and Multiplication theorems on probability (with proofs based upon venn diagram) simple illustrative examples.

Unit - 2    Mathematical Requisites for Economics : 30%

(A)           Concept of limit-Rules - simple example

(B)           Differentiation for two variables - Rules of differentiation - Applications to Economic problems.

(C)           Maxima and Minima for functions of two variables illustrative examples for economic application in monopoly and duo poly problems.                       

Unit - 3    Economic Investigation and Forecasting : 20%

                Idea of interpolation and extrapolation Methods of interpolation - Binomial Expansion, Newton's and Lage.

Unit - 4    Elements of Operations Research : 30%

  1. Linear programming applications in Economic problems Graphical simple illustrative examples only.

  2. Assignment problem Hugarian Method of solving the assignment problem.

  3. Formulation of Transportation problem cost minimization and profit maximization problems North west corner Rule - finding basic - feasible solution for a simple transportation problem only (LOQ model of inventory control with simple example as applicable to the theory of a firm (use of formulas only with out proof).    


Reference Books :

1.        Fundamentals of Statistics - D.N. Elhance

2.        Mathematics and Statistics - G.S. Monga

3.        An Introduction to maths for students of Economics - J.P. Lewis.

4.        Mathematics for Economics - Taro Yammane

5.        Introduction to operations research - Sasienie, Yaspan Frieman.


Paper - 11 Demography [Optional]


Unit - 1    Introduction : 20%

                Population study and demography : its relation with other disciplines : Theories of population Malthus, Optimum  theory of population, and theory of demographic transition; Historical evidence of Population growth in developed and developing countries.

Unit - 2    Sources of Demographic Data in India : 20%

                Sources of Demographic data in india : Censuscivil registration system and demographic Surveys; National Family Health survey 1 and 2 their relative merits and demerits.


Unit - 3    Techniques of Analysis : 20%

                Crude birth and death rates, age specific birth and death rates, standardized birth and death rates-study of Fertility: Total fertility rate gross reproduction rate, and net reproduction rate-study of mertial status-Life table : meaning of its columns and its uses-Reproductive and child health in India - Temporal and spatial variation in sex ratios. 

Unit - 4    Population projection : 20%

                Techniques of population projection - concept of stationary, stable and quasi-stationary population-Aging of population in india-changes in family structure and old age security.

Unit - 5    Population Policy : 20%

                Salient features of population censuses of 1971, 1981, 1991 and 2001; Evolution of population policy in india shift in policy focus from population control to family welfare and to women empowerment : Demographic statue and  household behaviour - Edition, women's autonomy and fertility population, health, poverty and environment linkage  in india; The new population policy.


Reference Books :

1.        Agarwala, S.N. (1995), India's Population Problem, Tata McGraw-Hill, Bombay.

2.        Agarwal, U.D. (1999), Population Projections and Their Accuracy, B.R. Publishing Corporation, New Delhi.

3.        Bhende, A.A. and T.R. Kanitkar (1982), Principles of Population Studies, Himalaya Publishing House,


4.        Bogue, D.J. (1971), Principles of Demography, John Wiley, New York.

5.        Bose A. (1996), India's Basic Demographic Statistics, B.R. Publishing Corporation, New Delhi.

6.        Census of India, Government of India, Various Reports, New Delhi.

7.        Choubey, P.K. (2000), Population Policy in India, Kanishka Publications, New Delhi.

8.        Misra, B.D. (1980), An Introduction to the Study of Population, South Asian Publishers, New Delhi.

9.        Srinicasn, K. (Ed.), (1999), Population Policy and Reproductive Health, Hindustan Publishing Corporation,

           New Delhi.


Additional Reading List :

1.        Buvinic M. and M.A. Lycette, (1989), "Women, Poverty and Development in the Third World." in Lewis,

           J.P. (Ed.) Strengthening the Poor; What Have We Learnt, OECD, Paris.

2.        Government of India (1974), 'Towards Equality-Report of the Committee on the Status of Women in

           India, Government of India, Department of Social Welfare, Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, 

           New Delhi.

3.        Gulati, S.C. (1988), Fertility in India : An Economic Analysis of a Metropolis, Sage Publications, New Delhi.

4.        Gupta, J.A. (2000), New Reproductive Technologies : Women's Health and Autonomy, Indo-Dutch Studies

            on Development Alternatives, Sage Publications, New Delhi. 

5.        Krishnaji M., R.M. Sudarshan and A. Shariff (1999), Gender Population and Development, 

           Oxford University Press, New Delhi.

6.        Srinivasan, K. (1998), Basic Demography Techniques and Applications, Sage Publication, New Delhi.

Paper - 11 Regional Economics [Optional]


Unit - 1    Concepts : 10%    

                Why Regional Economics ? What is a region ? Different types of regions; Regional income; Problems of estimation; indicators of Regional development.

Unit - 2    Location of Firms : 10%

                One market one input case; More generalized versions; Vocational interdependence; Hotelling. Phenomena; General equilibrium; Uncertainty; Maximising vs. satisficing.

Unit - 3    Spatial price Theory : 15%

                Price equilibrium in geographically separated and interlinked markets; Market area boundaries Reilly's law, Models of pricing under free entry; spatial monopoly and price discrimination; spatial monopolistic competition.

Unit - 4    Spatial Macro Economics : 15%

                Inter-regional in come models; inter-regional business cycles, inter-regional  trade and factor movements; Regional balance of payments; Export base models; Demand growth models; Regional Multiplier.

Unit - 5    Regional Growth : 10%

                Neo-classical growth models-cumulative causation model; center-periphery model; Growth pole analysis convergence and divergence of disparities in per capita regional income.

Unit - 6    Techniques of Regional Analysis : 10%

                Regional and inter-regional input-output analysis; attraction model; grative model; shift share analysis; impact studies.

Unit - 7    Regional policy : 10%

                People prosperity versus place prosperity; Formulation of inter-regional objectives; Consistency between national and regional objectives; Alternate regional policy measures; Historical evidence.

Unit - 8    Inter-regional Differentials in India's Development : 10%

                Agriculture, Industry, physical infrastructure, social sector.

Unit - 9    Regional policy in India : 10%

                The pre-1970 era identification of backward regions; concerted policy measures; Liberalization and regional policy.


Reference Books :

1.        Chand, M. and V.K. Puri (1983), Regional Planning in India, Allied Publishers, New Delhi.

2.        Hoover, E.M. (1974), An Introduction to Regional Economics, Alfred A. Knopf, New York.

3.        Isard, W. (1960), Methods of Regional Analysis, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.

4.        Nair, K.R.G. (1982), Regional Experience in a Developing Economy, Wiley Eastern, New Delhi.

5.        Richardson, H.W. (1969), Regional Economics, Weidenfield and Nicolson, London.

6.        Brahmananda, P.R. and V.R. Panchmukhi (Eds.) (2001), Development Experience in the India Economy :

           Inter - State Perspectives, Bookwell, Delhi.


Additional Reading List :

Beckman, M. (1968), Location Theory, Random House, London.

Bhalla, G.S. and Y.K. Alagh (1979), Performance of India Agriculture : A District-wise Study, Sterling, New Delhi.

Dholakia, R.H. (1985), Regional Disparity in Economic Growth in India, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay.

Friedman, J. and W. Alonso (Eds.) (1975), Regional Policy, Readings in Theory and Application, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. 

Glasson, J. (1974), An Introduction to Regional Planning : Concepts, Theory and Practice, Hutchison, London.

Hansen; N.M. (1974), Public Policy and Regional Economic Development; the Experience in Nine Western Countries, Ballinger, Massachusetts.

Lefeber, L. (1968), Allocation in Space, North Holland, New York.

National Bureau of Economic Research (1975), Regional Income, Princeton University Press, Princeton.

Rao, H. (1984), Regional Disparities and Development in India, Ashish Publishing House, New Delhi.

Richardson, H.W. (1972), Input-Output and Regional Economics, Weidenfield and Nicolson, London.

Richardson, H.W. (1973), Regional Growth Theory, John Wiley, New York.

Seth, V.K. (1987), Industrialization in India : A Spatial Perspective, Commonwealth Publishers, New Delhi.

Siebert, H. (1969), Regional Economic Growth : Theory and Policy, International Textbook Company, Scranton.

Williamson, J.G. (1985), "Regional Inequality and the Process of National Development, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol.13, No. 4, part-II, July. 

Paper - 11 Economic Essay  [Optional]


Section - I    50%

(1)        Population Explosion in India

(2)        Monetary policy of R.B.I.

(3)        Poverty in India

(4)        Unemployment in India

(5)        Unaccounted Money. (Black Money) in India

(6)        Industrial policy of India

(7)        Price rise in India after 1970

(8)        Green revolution and Agricultural progress in India.


Section - II    50%

(1)        Post Keynesian Macro Economics

(2)        Relevance of Gandhian Economic Thought

(3)        Public Sector and Privatization in India

(4)        Pollution and Environment policy of India

(5)        Mixed Economy of India

(6)        A role of I.M.F. & I.B.R.D. in developing countries.

(7)        Strategies of Indian planning

(8)        International Trade Policy of developing countries.


Reference Books :

1.        Indian Economy  - A Lagh Ghosh

2.        Reserve Banks Bulletin

3.        Economic Time's

4.        IF[HGF

5.        VY";\S,G

6.        VFlY"S lJ`,[Q6

7.        DF3]SZL