Main Objective :
To provide students the knowledge of medieval India from thirteenth century to mid-eighteenth century; Political, economic, social, technological, cultural changes.
To provide critical understanding of Indian society, economy and policy.
To improve and update the academic content of the curriculum by ensuring that new research is reflected in them.
The Scheme of Question Paper :
The paper will consist of five units.
Every unit should be given equal weightage in the examination.
Question paper should be drawn with the internal option in such a way that students should not omit any unit.
Marking Scheme :
Total Marks = 100
70 marks for external examinations
30 marks for internal examination
Each unit carry equal marks in the question paper. Each unit should have equal weightage.
Unit - 1
Survey of sources of Medieval Indian History
Foundation and consolidation of the sultanate, causes of the success of the Turks, Iltutmish, Razia, Bulban.
Expansion :- Alauddin Khalji - conquests and reforms. Mohmmad bin - Taghlaq and Feroz Shali Tughlaq.
Unit - 2
Fragmentation of the Sultanate - rise of provincial Kingdoms - Gujarat, Bengal, Jaunpur and Mewar - Timur's invasion.
Economic and technological developments, agriculture, industry, trade, commerce and urban center.
Society, Religion and culture :- Bhakti and Sufi movements; art, architecture and literature.
Latter Medieval Period [A.D. 1526-1761]
Unit - 3
(1) Advent of the Mughals and the second Afghan Empire - Reforms of Sher Shah.
(2) Mughal Empire - 1707 - relation with Rajputs, Sikhs, Deccan Kingdom, Persia and Central Asia.
(3) Akbar and his achievements - Mughal administration.
Unit - 4
(1) Aurangzeb - Religions policy - cause of the downfall of the Mughal Empire
(2) Social, Economical and Cultural condition of India during the Mughal region.
(3) Advent of European Powers : Portuguese, French, English - Lord Cornwallis and Lord Wellesley.
Penisular India
Unit - 5
(1) Social, Economical and Cultural condition of Bahmani, Vijaynagar and Tamil Kingdom.
(2) Rise of the Marathas - Shivaji and his achievements - The Pashwas - Baji Rao-I - Third Battle of Panipat causes of the
defeat of the Marathas.
(3) Emergence of modern India languages and literature.
Suggested Readings :
(1) Razvi, S.A.A., The Wonder that was India, vol-2.
(2) Satish chandra, Medieval India from sultanate to the Mughals.
(3) Stein, Burton, Peasant, State and Society in Medieval South India.
(4) Shrivastav, A.L. Delhi Sultanate.
(5) Ishvari Prasad, Medieval India
(6) Sharma, S.R. The Crescent in India
(7) Tripathi, R.P. Rise and fall of the Mughal Empire
(8) Mahajan V.D. India Sine 1526
(9) Sardesa, G.S. TheNew History of Marathas vol-I&II.
(10) Robert, P.E. History of British India (Relevant Chapters)
(11) Majumdar, R.C. The Delhi Sultanate (Bhartiya Vidhya Bhavan)
(12) Majumdar, R.C. The Mughal Empire
(13) Majumdar, R.C. The Maratha Supremacy.
(16) 58[,4 HX]EF. ALP EFZTGF[ .lTCF; s.P;P !5Z^ YL !&)&f
(17) X]S,4 H[PVFZ ;(TGT4 D]3, TYF DZF9F ;DIGF ZFHSLI l;wwFF\TF[ VG[ ;\:YFVF[
Main Objectives :
To provide students the knowledge of mid-eighteenth century India, expansion and consolidation of British Power, economic, and social changes and popular resistance to it.
To provide critical understanding of Indian society, economy and policy.
To improve and update academic content of the curriculum by ensuring that new research is reflected in them.
The Scheme of Question Paper :
The paper will consist of five units
Every unit should be given equal weightage in the examination.
Question paper should be given drawn with the internal option in such a way that students should not omit any unit.
Marking Scheme :
Total Marks = 100
70 marks for external examination
30 marks for internal examination
Each unit carry equal marks in the question paper. Each unit should have equal weightage.
Unit - 1
Understanding the mid-eighteenth century : Political, economic, social and cultural trends.
Expansion and consolidation of British Empire :- War and diplomacy - Bengal, Mysore, Marathas, Awadh and Sindh.
Pashwas Madhav Rao-I, his achievement. Lord William Bentik-Colonial Patriotism - reforms - Rajnitsinh - his achievements.
Unit - 2
Lord Dalhousie's policy of Annexation, his reforms - upheaval of 1857 - causes, consequences and nature
Growth of Colonial administrative apparatus, ideological influences, central provincial, district and judicial administration.
Social, Religion and economic condition of India during the company's rule.
Unit - 3
Lord Litton - his Domestic policy - Administration of Lord Ripon - Emergence of organized nationalization.
Domestic policy of Lord Curzon - political associations and the Indian national congress, Moderates and Extremists, Emerging communal trends.
Rise of Gandhi and the nature of Gandhian movements - Revolutionary Left Wing movements, peasant's and workers movements, depressed class movements.
Unit - 4
Morley-Mint's Reform of 1909, Monford Reform of 1919, Government of India Act 1935 and Provincial autonomy.
Indian Policy (1939-45) and the quit India Movement Subhashchandra Bose and the Indian National Army.
Communal politics and partition - Princely States.
Unit - 5
Sardar Patel and Integration of the Indian States.
The making of constitution - salient feature of the constitution.
Foreign policy - society Economy culture, problems and Issues.
Suggested Reading :
Bipinchandra., India's struggle of Independence (1857-1947)
Mahajan, V.D. India since 1526.
Majumdar, R.C. (Edi)., Struggle for Freedom (Bhartiya Vidhya Bhavan, Mumbai)
Majumdar, R.C. (Edi)., British Paramouncy and Indian Renaissance, Part-I and Part-II. (Bhartiya Vidhya Bhavan, Mumbai)
Majumdar, Raichaudhari and Dutt., An Advanced History of India, Part-II
Rao, M.S.A. Social Movements in India Vol-I and Vol-II.
Robert, P.E. History of India (Hindi Edition also available)
Sarkar, Sunit Modern India (1885-1947)
Sharma, M.L. History of India
5ZLB VFZPHLP EFZTGF[ .lTCF; s.P;P !*!*<!**5f
Main Objectives :
To Provides students an understanding of historical developments from mid-nineteenth century to mid-twelfth century of Chine and Japan and impact of imperialism and resistance against it of both the countries.
To provide critical understanding of nature of imperialism
To provide and update the academic content of the curriculum by ensuring that new research is reflected in them.
The Scheme of Question Paper :
The paper will consist of five units
Every unit should be given equal weightage in the examination.
Question paper should be drawn with the internal option in such a way that students should not omit any unit.
Marking Scheme :
Total Marks = 100
70 marks for external examination
30 marks for internal examination
Each unit carry equal marks in the question paper. Each unit should have equal weightage.
Unit - 1
Condition of China when the Western powers arrive in China - their imperialist activities in China. The Opium Wars.
The Sino - Japanese War of 1894-95, its importance, causes and consequences. The battle of concessions in China among European powers, the open door policy advocated by the USA.
The Tai Ping movement - its origins, its nature, its causes and consequences. The Hundred Days Reforms and the Boxer Rebellion, the part by Empress Dowager Tzu-Hsi.
Unit - 2
Reform of 1901-08 Boxer rebellion and its consequence. The Russo-Japanese war of 1905, its importance, cause and consequences.
Revolution of 1911 - role of social classes; Sun Yat Sen - principles and Politics, emergence of the republic.
Yuan-Shi-Kai- the part he played during the Manchu and the republic period. New intellectual ideas and may Fourth movement - its nature and significance.
Unit - 3
The period of Ching-Kai-Shek's dominance over Kuomunatang the rift Kuominatang - China under Ching-Kai-Shek-Ching's reactionary policy and its effects on the condition of the people.
The Japanese invasion - China during the second World War, Nature of industrialization and changing social structure Kuomintang and the first united front.
Communist movement, 1928 to 1949, rise of Mao-Tse-Tung, making of the Red army, the second united front civil War Chinese revolution - ideology, causes and significance.
Unit - 4
The opening of Japanese for the West by Perry - the condition of Japan at the time of Perry's arrival Meiji Restoration; Tokugawa Baku-han system - nature and crisis, encounter with the west, Meiji restoration; and processes of modernization - social, Military political and economic.
The movement towards constitutional Government, the background to the Japanese constitution of 1889, its main provision and salient features.
Emergence of Japan as an imperial power, Sino-Japanese relations, Anglo-Japanese alliance; Russo-Japanese War.
Unit - 5
Japan and first World War, its consequence - Far East at the Peris Peace Conference. The Washington conference, 1921-22, Japan's domestic affairs, internal events from 1894 to 1931.
Democracy and Militarism : rise of political parties and failure of the democratic system; rise of militarism and second Sino-Japanese; War. Japanese invasion of Munchuria 1932, its causes and consequences, the significance of the event.
The coming of the second World War, its repercussions in the Far East and S.E. Asia, Japan and the second World War, economic and political development in Japan.
Suggested Reading :
(1) Buchanan and Crofts; A History of the Far East.
(2) Harold Hinton;, Communist China in world Politics.
(3) Latourotte., The Chinese, their History and Culture
(4) Latourotte., A short History of the Far East.
(5) Lea, E. Williams., South East Asia : A History
(6) Nanda, S.P., History of Modern World (1919-1980)
(7) Norman., Japan's Emergence as a Modern State
(8) Panikkar., Asia under Western Dominance
(9) Paul, H. Clud., The Far East
(10) Thompson Rise of Asia
(11) Vinacke History of the Far East in Modern Times
(12) Yanaga Japan since Perry
(13) N[;F. DC[gN| ALP RLGGL ;F\:S'lTS S|F\lT
(14) 3FZ{IF VFZPS[P 5}J" V[lXIFGF[ .lTCF;
(16) SF[ZF8 5LPHLP 5}J" V[lXIFGF[ .lTCF;
(17) X[9 VG[ XFC VF3]lGS HF5FGGF[ .lTCF;
(18) XDF" ClZX\SZ VF3]lGS lJ`J
(19) JH[gN|l;\C Nl16 5}J" V[lXIF
Main Objectives :
To sensitize students of main historical currents and provide comprehensive understanding of Indian history and culture
To provide critical understanding of Indian society, economy and policy.
The Scheme of Question Paper :
The paper will consist of five units
Every unit should be given equal weightage in the examination.
Question paper should be drawn with the internal option in such a way that students should not omit any unit.
Marking Scheme :
Total Marks = 100
70 marks for external examination
30 marks for internal examination
Each unit carry equal marks in the question paper. Each unit should have equal weightage.
Unit - 1
(1) The Indus Valley civilization
(2) Life in Vedic Age.
(3) Buddhism and Jainism
Unit - 2
(1) Ashok and his greatness
(2) Achievements of the Gupta Age
(3) The Greater India
Unit - 3
(1) Characteristics of the Rajput Age
(2) Achievements of Vijaynagar Empire
(3) The Bhakti Movements and their impact.
Unit - 4
(1) Akbar and his greatness
(2) Society and culture during Mugal period
(3) Shivaji, career and achievements.
Unit - 5
(1) Social-religions reform movements in India during 19th century.
(2) Rise and growth of Indian Nationalism during 19th century
(3) Gandhi and his contribution to Indian National Movement.
Suggested Reading :
(1) Allchin, B. and Allchin F.R. Rise of civilization in India and Pakistan
(2) Majumdar an others., An Advanced History of India
(3) Nikanta Shastri, K.A. Vijjo A History of South India from Pre-historic times to the fall of Vijaynagar.
(4) Satish Chandra., Medieval India
(5) Sharan, S.R. The Crescent in India
(6) Shrivasta, A.L. The Sultnate of Delhi
(7) Tarachand, R.P. History of Freedom Movement in India Vol-I and IV
(8) Tripathi, R.P. Rise and Fall of Mughal Empire
(10) 58[, V\AF,F, JLP EFZTLI 5|FRLG ;\:S'lT
(11) 5\RF[,L DG]EF. sNX"Sf VF56F[ J{EJ VG[ JFZ;F[