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S. Y. B. A.  [Economics] June-2004

Paper - III Micro Economics  [Principles & First Subsidiary]


Unit - 1    Introduction :  10%

                Concept of basic : Role of prize mechanism; Demand and Supply; Basic framework-applications; Market equilibrium.  


Unit - 2    Theory of Demand : 20%

                Derivation of law demand on the basic of utility analysis - Law of Diminishing utility limitations of Utility analysis - Indifference curves concept and characteristics-Budget line-depicting consumer's and budget line change in the price of a commodity and its impact on demand - price effect, its division into substitution effect and income effect - concepts of consumer's surplus on the basic of cardinal and ordinal approach.


Unit - 3    Theory of cost and Revenue : 10%

  1. Various concepts of cost - Fixed and variable costs - Marginal cost - Average cost and Total cost.            

  2. Concepts of Revenue - Concepts and nature of marginal revenue - Average revenue and total revenue in perfect competition and other forms of market.           

Unit - 4    Market Structure : 30%

  1. Perfect competition : Meaning-equilibrium of the Firm in the short run and in the long run-Equilibrium of the industry in the short run and in the long run.   

  2. Monopoly : Meaning - Forms - Types - Price determination - Possibility and profitability - price discrimination and social Welfare - effects of Monopoly and monopoly power.

  3. Monopolistic Competition : Meaning and characteristics price determination - selling cost - impact on demand - price competition v/s non-price competition - meaning of oligopoly and Duopoly.

Unit - 5    Factor pricing (Distribution) : 20%

                Marginal productivity theory as a general theory of distribution - modern theory of rent - collective bargaining theory of wages - effects of minimum wages-risk, Uncertainty, innovation theory of profit.     


Unit - 6    Welfare Economic : 10%

                Problems in measuring welfare; classical welfare economics; pereto's criteria; Value judgments; concept of a social welfare function; compensation principle-kaldor, Hicks.  


Reference Books :

1.        Bach, G.L. (1977), Economics, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.

2.        Gauld, J.P. and Edward P.L. (1996), Microeconomic Theory, Richard, Irwin. Homewood.

3.        Henderson J. and R.E. Qundt (1980), Microeconomic Theory : A Mathematical Approach McGraw-Hill, 
           New Delhi.

4.        Heathfield and Wibe (1987), An Introduction to Cost and Production Functions, Macmillan, London.

5.        Koutsoyiannis, A. (1990), Modern Microeconomics, Macmillan.

6.        Lipsey, R.G. and K.A. Chrystal (1999), Principles of Economics (9th Edition), Oxford University Press,

7.        Mansfield, E. (1997), Microeconomics (9th Edition), W.W. Norton and Company, New York..

8.        Ray, N.C.(1975), An Introduction to Microeconomics, Macmillan Company of India Ltd., Delhi.

9.        Ryan, W.J.L. (1962), Prince Theory, Macmillan and CO. Limited, London.

10.      Samuelson, P.A. and W.D. Nordhaus (1998), Economics, Tata Mc-Graw-Hill, New Delhi.

11.      Stoniew, A.W. and D.C. Hauge (1972), A Text Book of Economics Theory, ELBS & Longman Group,

12.      Varian, H.R. (2000), Intermediate Microeconomics : A Modern Approach (5th Edition), East-West Press,
          New Delhi.

Paper - IV Indian Economics [Principal & First Subsidiary]


Unit - 1    Underdeveloped country and Population Problems : 15%

  1. Underde voloped Economy : Meaning of Underdeveloped Economy - Basic characteristics of Underdeveloped countries, India as on Underdeveloped country. 

  2. Population problems : Its equses and effects on Economy - Trends of population Importance of population control.

Unit - 2    Poverty and Unemployment : 15%

  1. Poverty : Relative and Absolute poverty Indicators of poverty-its causes and measure of remove it.

  2. Unemployment : Nature of Unemployment in India, its. Causes and effects, Unemployment policy.

Unit - 3    Structure of the Indian Economy : 15%

                Basic features; Natural resources - Land, Water and Forest resources; Broad demographic features - population size and growth rates, sex composition, rural-Urban migration occupational distribution; problem of overpopulation policy; infrastructure development; National income.


Unit - 4    Planning in India : 15%

                Objectives; Strategy; Broad achievements and failures; current Five year plan objectives, allocation and targets; New economic reforms - Liberalization, privatization and globalization; Rationale behind economic reforms; progress of privatization and globalization.        


Unit - 5    Agriculture : 15%

                Nature and importance; Trends in agricultural production and productivity; Factors determining productivity; Land Reforms; New agricultural strategy and green revolution; Rural credit, Agricultural marketing.


Unit - 6    Industry : 15%

                Industrial development during the planning period; industrial policy of 1948, 1956, 1977, and 1991; industrial licensing polocy - MRTP Act, FERA and FEMA; Growth and problems of small scale industries; Role of public sector enter prices in India's industrialization.


Unit - 7    External sector : 10%

                Role of foreign trade; Trends in exports and imports; composition and direction of India's foreign trade; Balance of payments crisis and the new economic reforms - Export promotion measures and then new trade policies Foreign capital-FDI aid; Multinational corporations. (MNCS).     


Reference Books :

  1. Datt, R. and K.P.M. Sundharam (2001), Indian Economy, S.Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi.

  2. Dhingra, I.C. (2001), The Indian economy : Environment and Policy, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.

  3. Dutt, R.C. (1950), The Economic History of India Under Early British Rule, Low Prince Publications, Delhi.

  4. Kumar, D. (Ed.) (1982), The Cambridge Economic History of India, Volume-II, 1757-1970, Orient Longman Ltd., Hyderabad.

  5. Misra, S.K. and V.K. Puri (2001), Indian Economy - Its Development Experience, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.

Additional Reading List :

  1. Gadgil, D.R. (1971), The Industrial Evolution in India in Recent Times, 1860-1939, Oxford University Press, Bombai.

  2. Government of India, Economic Survey (Annual), Economic Division, Ministry of Finance, New Delhi.

  3. Naoroji, D. (1962), Poverty and Un-British Rule in India, Low Prince Publications, Delhi.

  4. Planning Commission (1999), Ninth Five Year Plan, Government of India, New Delhi.

  5. Singh, V.B. (Ed.) (1965), Economic History of India, 1857-1956, Allied Publishers Private Ltd., Bombai.

  6. Ahluwalia, I.J. and I.M.D. Little (Eds.) (1999), India's Economic Reforms and Development (Essays in honour of  Manmohan Singh), Oxford University Press, New Delhi. 

  7. Jalan, B. (1992), The Indian Economy : Problems and Prospects, Viking, New Delhi.

  8. Jalan, B. (1996), India's Economic Policy - Preparing for the Twenty-first Century, Viking, New Delhi.

  9. Parikh, K.S. (1999), India Development Report - 1999-2000, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.

  10. Datt, R. (Ed.) (2001), Second Generation Economic Reforms in India, Deep & Deep Publications, New Delhi.  

Paper - V Economic System  [Optional]


Unit - 1    Systems and Gandhism : 20%

  1. Economic Systems : Economic systems Meaning characteristics functions nature criteria of success and Limitations.

  2. Gandhism : Detail study of gandhian economic thought.                  

Unit - 2    Capitalism : 20%

  1. Meaning types and characteristics.         

  2. Economic Institutions of capitalism : Economic freedom competitor aim of profit private property, inheritance sovereignty of consumer. 

  3. Achievements & Limitations of Capitalism.

Unit - 3    Communism : 20%

  1. An analysis of capitalism of Karl Marks. Meaning characteristics and nature of communism.

  2. Communism is Russia and china.   

Unit - 4    Socialism : 20%

  1. Socialism Meaning types and systems.

  2. Lang and Tailer's model of market Socialism socialism systems with reference to yugoslavekia.

Unit - 5    Mixed Economy : 20%  

  1. Mixed economy Meaning characteristics, objectives advantages and disadvantages Policy of nationalities -  Arguments in favour and against of nationalization Experience of India.  

  2. Place of public and private sector in Mixed Economy planning and price mechanism in mixed economy in India.

Paper - V Rural Economy of India An Introduction Economics [Optional]


Unit - 1    Rural Economy : 20%

                Salient features-agrarian economy, low per capital income Poverty Underemployment; lack of basic facilities of life education, health, potable water etc; need for development. 


Unit - 2    20%

  1. Rural Sociological Structure :  Social structure in India the importance and role of (joint) family the village community its features; Rural Urban Life-salient features.

  2. The Rural Development : Concepts, Objectives, its relevance in India Economic Development Role of Institution is an Rural development. 

Unit - 3    20%

  1. Rural Population : Size and Growth, Age-sex composition, marital status, Birth rates and death rates in Rural sector; Migration of rural labour causes and consequences, Family planning and Rural population its relation ship with rural development.   

  2. Rural Development Programmes :  Pre-Independence era post Independence Era; Rural development strategy in the eighth five year plan. 

Unit - 4    20%

  1. Structure of Economic Activities in Rural India :  Agriculture - characteristic - Production and cropping pattern productivity trends in Agriculture Agriculture planning in India. Use of Inputs irringationfertilizrs pesticides, credit etc.

  2. Agriculture Allid Activities in Rural India : 

    1. Animal husbandry General features; Dairying rural Industries Village and cottage industries fisheries, Horticulture etc. 

    2. General Information on time seves emphasized. 

    3. Rural Labour Market : Basic characteristics; rural employment concepts; rural labour force size and composition; Rural employment policy.   

Unit - 5    20%

  1. Rural Poverty : Concepts of poverty; Measures of Poverty magnitude of rural poverty Determinates of rural poverty Poverty amelioration programmes in India. 

  2. Strategy of Rural Development : Under planning non planning conditions; Gandhian alternatives; Role of NGO's in Rural development. (It is expected to provide a general Understanding of the subject to students)  

Reference Books :

1.        Rural Development in India - S.R. Maheshwari.

2.        Rural Development Principles Policies & Management - Katar Singh

3.        Rural Industrialization in India - Behri Bepin

4.        Bharatiya gram Arthat antra vikasna Pariprek shyama - Dilip R. Shah.    

Paper - V Quantitative Techniques [Optional]


Unit - 1    Basic Concepts : 10%

                Variables, Sets, Functions, Equations, Identities, systems of equations, Application of straggling system, slope of the line, Homogeneous functions. 


Unit - 2    Calculus : 15%

                Different ion of a function : Maxima and Minima, Elasticity's; Equilibrium of a firm and consumer; inter-relationships among total, marginal and average cost and revenues; constrained optimization problem; integration of a function, consumer's and producer's surplus.  


Unit - 3    Matrix and Determinants : 15%

                Various types of matrices, Determinants, inverse of a matrix, crammer's rule input-output analysis; simple static model, Linkages, concept of linear programming - Graphics Method. 


Unit - 4    Introduction to Statistics : 15%        

                Basic concepts : Population, sample, parameter, Frequency Distribution, Cumulative frequency: Graphics and diagrammatic representation of data, Techniques of data collection; sampling vs. population, primary and secondary data.


Unit - 5    Central Tendency and Dispersion : 15%

                Measures of central tendency; Mean Median Mode Geometric mean and Harmonic mean. Measures of dispersion; Range, Mean Deviation, Standard deviation, coefficient of variation, Quartile. Deviation, skew ness and kurtosis.


Unit - 6    Correlation and Regression : 15%

                Correlation : simple, coefficient of correlation-Karl Pearson and Rank correlation partial and Multiple correlation Analysis, Regression analysis Estimation of regression line in a bivariate distribution-Least squares method, interpretation of regression coefficients.


Unit - 7    Time Series and index Numbers : 15%

                Time series analysis-concept and components Determination of regular, trend and seasonal indices; index number's - concept, price relative, quantity relative, value relative; Lapeer's paasche's and Fisher, Family budget method; problems in the construction and limitations of index numbers Tests for ideal index number. 


Reference Books :

1.    Allen, R.G.D. (1974), Mathematical Analysis for Economics, Macmillan Press, London.

2.    Black, J. and J.F. Bradley (1973), Essential Mathematics for Economics, John Wiley and Sons.

3.    Chiang, A.C. (1986), Fundamental Method of Mathematical Economics (3rd Edition), McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.

4.    Croxton, F.E., D.J. Cowden and S. Klein (1973), Apllied General Statistics, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.

5.    Gupta, S.C. and V.K. Kapoor (1993), Fundamentals of Applied Statistics, S.Chand and Sons, New Delhi.

6.    Speigal, M.R. (1992), Theory and Problems of Statistics, McGraw-Hill Book, London.        

Paper - V Economics Investigation - I [Optional]


Eligibility : These students who have offered statistics at F.Y.B.A. a level as subsidiary of second subsidiary subject can not this subjects.

  1. (A)       Statistics-definitions importance - Limitations use mis-use of statistics.
    (B)       Sample and census inquiry SRS strafied systematic sampling Multistage and multiphase, sampling with applications.    [20%]

  2. (A)       Data collection - primary & secondary Datt-Design questionnaires - survey method - A study of socio economic survey. 
    (B)       Classification and tabulation of Diagrammatical representation of data Diagrams Pie diagrams etc. Drawing of histograms origincentre frequency, polygons and frequency curves.    [20%]

  3. (A)       Measures of Central tendency Measures of disoersion skewness - Kurtosis
    (B)       Correlation and regression in two variables scatter diagram.  [20%]

  4. (A)       Elementary study of binomials position and Normal distribution properties of Normal curve study of normal are a and ordinate tables fitting of normal Distribution. 
    (B)       Standard Error of Stating like mean, median and standard deviations - probable error. [20%]

  5. (A)       Time series analysis-separating the given time series into trend. Seasonal and random components.
    (B)       Index Numbers - Tests of index numbers - Fisher's Ideal index number. Spelling definition of index number.[20%]     

Reference Books :

1.        Pundamentals of statistics - D.N. Elhance

2.        Mathematics and statistics - G.S. Monga

3.        An introduction to maths for students of Economics - J.P. Lewis

4.        Mathematics for Economics - Taro - Yamane

5.        Introduction to operations Research - Sasienie Yaspan and Friendman.

Paper - V Computer And Its Applications  (Optional)
(Basic of Computers and use of computers for office automation)



[A] Objectives : The first and foremost objective of the course is to familiarize students with the innovations in IT and how it can be used in research work of social science.

[B] Course Input :

(1) Unit 1 : Introduction to computes

(2) Unit 2 : Introduction to windows 98

(3) Unit 3 : Introduction to Word - 2000

(4) Unit 4 : Advance Features of Word 2000

(5) Unit 5 : MS Power Point 2000 :

[C] Basic Textbooks :

[D] Structure of question paper (theory) (35 Marks Time : Three Hours)

Question No. Unit Marks Note
1 1 7 Two short notes out of three
2(a) 2 3 Two short notes out of three
2(b) 2 4 Four procedures out of six
3(a) 3 3 Two short notes out of three
3(b) 3 4 Four procedures out of six
4(a) 4 3 Two short notes out of three
4(b) 4 4 Four procedures out of six
5(a) 5 3 Two short notes out of three
5(b) 5 4 Four procedures out of six

Note : questions should be based on basic textbook only


[E] Scheme of practical examination :

Time : 3 Hours        Total Marks : 35

Note : Practical should be asked form the list prepared by university

Paper - VII Indian Economy [S.S.]


Unit - 1    Underdeveloped economy and Population : 20%

  1. Meaning of Underdeveloped economy - Basic characteristics of underdeveloped countries. India as an under- developed country. 

  2. Population problems - its causes and effects on economy - Trends of population Importance of population control.

Unit - 2    Poverty and Unemployment : 20%

  1. Poverty - Relative and Absolute poverty. Indicators of poverty - its causes and measure to remove it

  2. Nature of unemployment in India its causes and effects.

Unit - 3    Inflation and Inequality of Income : 20%

  1. Inflation - Meaning and causes of it with reference to India.

  2. Inequality of income and Wealth - its cause and Wealth - its cause and measures to remove it.

Unit - 4    Agriculture and Industrial Economics : 20%

  1. Agriculture sector - A role of agriculture in Indian economy - low productivity of Agriculture and New Techniques of Agriculture.               

  2. Industrial sector : Importance of industrial sector in Indian economy - importance of small and cottage industries. 

Unit - 5    Public sector, Private Sector & Foreign Aid in India : 20%

  1. Role of public in India's Economy - Role of Private sector Indian Economy Evaluation of their performances.

  2. Role of foreign capital in India Economic Development and Govt's policy.  

Reference Books :

1.        Indian Economy - Alagh Ghosh

2.        Indian Economy - Datt & Sundharam

3.        Indian Economy - A.N.Agrawal

4.        Indian Economy - Dewott & Varma

5.        Indian Economics Review

6.        Indian Economics Journal