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Paper -VI  Research Methods and Statistical Analysis


Unit - I

    1.    Meaning and nature of Social research.
    2.    Importance of Social research especially in a developing country like India.
    3.    Major Steps of Social research.
    4.    Hypothesis - Meaning, Function, Source.

Unit - II

    1.    Primary and Secondary data. 
    2.    Techniques  of data collection -
           1. Observation            :    Meaning, Types
           2. Questionnaire          :    Meaning, type, Mailed, Construction of Questionnaire

Unit - III

    1.    Interviewing :
           -    Meaning, Type    
        -    Interview Schedule, Interview gulde.
    2.    Case Study :
           -    Meaning, Type.
    3.    Analysis of data :
           -    Coding, Tabulation, Report writing.

Unit - IV

    1.    Sampling :
           -    Need of Sampling
           -    Census and Sample.
           -    Types of Sampling (Random - Non Random)

Unit - V

            -    Importance of Statistics in social research, Simple and Cumulative , Frequency.
           -    Central tendencies of measurement, Arithmetic mean, mode Median and Standard  deviation.

    Reference Book :

    1. Goode, William J. and Paul K. Hatt        :    Methods in Social Research. New York, McGraw-Hill 
                                                                 Book Company Inc,1952.
    2. Jahod and Jahoda                                   :    Research Methods in Social Relations.
    3. Sellite, Clare                                           :    Matte Johoda, Marion - Doukche and sturt
                          W. Book : Research - methods in social Relation, New York, Hott, Rinchard and  Winson,1962
    4. Young P.V                                               :    Social Survey and Social Research
    5. Dr. M.M. Lavania      :    Survey Methods in Social investigation,  Research Publications, Tripalla, Jaipur  -2

Paper - VII Sociology Thinkers

Unit - 1

         1.    Concept of Sociological Theory and its Characteristics.
        2.    Emile Durkheim.
               -    Social Facts.
               -    Collective Representations.
               -    Division of Lanour (Mechanical Solidarity and Organic Solidarity)
               -    Suicide.
               -    Study of Rellgion.
               -    Contribution of Durkheim.

Unit - 2.    Karl Marx

         1.    Historical Materialism.                           2.    Dlalectical Materialism.
        3.    Theory of surplus value.                        4.    Class Struggle.
        5.    Allienation of labour.                             6.    Contribution of Marx.

Unit - 3    Max Weber 

         1.    Social Action.                                      2     Ideal Types
        3.    Concept of authority                            4.    Bureaucracy.
        5.    Protestant Ethics and spirit of capitalism. 6.    Contribution of Max Weber
Unit -4    Robert Merton 

         1.    Middle range Theory                              2.    Function & Dys functions.
        3.    Reference Group                                   4.    Anomle
        5.    Contribution of Robert Merton.

Unit - 5    M.N. Srinivas

         1.    Caste and Varna                                   2.    Sanskritisation.
        3.    Dominant Caste                                    4.    Westernisation.
        5.    Contribution of M.N. Srinivas          

     Reference Book :

        1. Coser Lewis A.                :    'Master Of Sociological Thought'  Barcourt Brace,
                                                    Javanovichin. C. New York, 1971 P.P. 43-57.
       2. Timasheff Nicpls              :    'Sociological Theory' Random House 1967, Chapter 4, P.P. 48-57.
       3. Bogardus E.S.                 :    'Development of Social Thought' Vaklls Fegger and 
                                                                     simons Pvt. Ltd. Bombay 1969 Chapter 17, P.P  252-257.    

Paper - VIII Social change in Modern India


Unit -  1    Introduction of key concepts :

         1.    Social change.         2.    Cultural change.         3.    Technological Change.

Unit - 2

         1.    Social movement.     2.    Social revolution.        3.    Social Reform and Revivalism.

Unit - 3    Favoring factors of social change.

         1.    Freedom movement.  2.    Indian Constitution.    3.    Social Legislation.
        4.    Programme of planned development.

Unit - 4

         1.    Industrialization and Urbanization.         2.    Educational Opportunities.
        3.    Mass - Media.                                   4.    Voluntary Organizations.

Unit - 5

         1.   Social changes in the caste and family system in Independent India.

Reference Book :

        1.    Devis K.        :    Human Sociology.
        2.                        :    Sociology.
        3.    Moore           :    Social change.
        4.    Natrajan         :    A Century of Social reform in India.
        5.    Desai A. R.    :    Social Background of Indian Nationalism, Recent Trends in Indian Nationalism.
        6.    Srinivas          :    Caste in Modern India.
        7.    Srinivas          :    Social change in Modern India.
        8.    Ghuya            :    Caste, class and occupation.
        9.    Atul Yogesh     :    The changing frontiers of castes, National Publishing  House, Delhi..
        10.  Hatec               :    Changing Status of woman in Post-independence India  Allied Publishing 1969.
        11.  Kapadia R.M.    :    Marriage and Family in India, 1966.

Paper - IX Urban Sociology

Unit - 1

         A.    Need for the study of India's Urban Society.
        B.    Definition, Development and field (subject) of Urban Sociology.
        C.    Characteristics of Urban society.

Unit - 2.

         A.    Urbanism- its extent, Meaning and Nature.
        B.    Urbanization - Meaning, Nature and Characteristics.
        C.    Migration.
        D.    Favouring and hindering factors of the urbanization process in India..

Unit - 3.

        A.    (I)   India's Urban society in pre and post Independence period.
              (II)   Family change.
              (III)  Neighborhood.
        B.    Definition, Nature and Types of cities and towns in India.

Unit - 4.    India's Urban problems :

         1.    Environmental Pollution.         2.    Crime.         3.    Problems of housing and slums.

Unit - 5.

        1.    Density.         2.    Prostitution.         3.    Beggary.         4.    Urban planning.

Reference Book :

         1.    Urban sociology in India            :    M.E.A. fao.
        2.    Anderson nels                           :    Urban community.
        3.    Anderson                                  :    "Our Industrial urban Utillsation."
        4.    A.R. Desai                                :    "Slums and Urbanization."
        5.    A. Bose                                    :    "Trands in India's urbanization 1901-71"

Paper - IX Rural Sociology


Unit - 1

        A.    Meaning, Development and Subject matter of Rural Sociology. Importance of  Rural studies in India.
        B.    Characteristics of Rural community.

Unit - 2

        A.    Rural Family :
               1.    Characteristics of Family               2.    Familism  
               3.    Functions of Rural Family              4.    Change in Rural Family
        B.    Social stratification = Caste & Class relations in Rural Society.

Unit - 3

        A.    Economy :
               1.    Nature of rural economy.                    2.    Impact of British rule.
               3.    Rural Classes.                                   4.    Changes in rural economy.
               5.    Problem of land.                                6.    land reform, land legislation.
               7.    Rural poverty, Unemployment   and  Independence.
               8.    Economic life of rural  people jagmani system in India.

Unit - 4. 

       (A)    Education :
            1.    Meaning of education.                        2.    Need for education in rural society.
               3.    Problems of education.                       4.    Media for education in rural society.
      (B)     Leadership :
            1.    Meaning of rural Leadership.                2.    Determining factors for rural leadership.
               3.    Types of rural leadership.                    4.    Impact of leadership on rural Society.

Unit - 5

              1.    Rural development.             2.    Paanchyati Raj.             3.    Social change in Rural Gujarat.

Reference Book :

             1. Dube S.C                                        :    Indian Village.
            2. Desai A.R.                                      :    Rural society in India.
            3. Srinivas                                           :    India's Village.
            4. Srinivas                                           :    Caste in Modern India.

Paper - IX Women and Society

Unit - 1

         1.    Concept of status and role of women in India.        2.    Meaning of women studies.
        3.    Nature and objective of women studies.                4.    Importance of women studies.

Unit - 2    Women's movement in India.

        1.    Reform movement in 19th and early 20th century.    2.    Women's participation in freedom movement.
       3.    Role of Women's organization.

Unit - 3

        (A)    Feminism. :
        1.    Liberal feminism.                    2.    Redical feminism.                    3.    Social feminism.
        (B)    Present Role of women in India.
        1.    Women and Work.                    2.    Women and Education.

    Unit - 4    Problems of Women.

        1.    Dual role of women.          2.   Dowry.            3.    Divorce.                           

       4.   Sexual Harassment.           5.    Health            6.   Educational Problems of women

    Reference Book :

    1.    A. Suryakumari (ed).        :    women's studies - An emerging Academic Discipline.  (1993)
    2.    Dr. Neera Desai (ed.)       :    A dacade of women's movement in India. (1988).
    3.    Govt. of India.  :    Department of social welfare towards equaling Report of the committee on the 
                                                          status of women in India. (1974)
    4.    Devaki Jain            :    Publication Division ministry Information and Broad- casting Govt. of India. 1975.
    5.    Maria Mies                  :    Indian women and Partiachy Maria mies Concept Pub. New Delhi 1980.
    6.    Mahajan V.S. (ed.)          :    Women's contrubutiona in India's Economics and social Development.
    7.    Maitheryi Krishna Raj.     :    women's studies in India, some Perspective (1986)
    8.    Nanda B.R    :    Indian Women from puradha to moderuity New Delhi Vikas publication house 1976.
    9.    Kapur Promllia                :    Marriage and working women in India. vikas publication  Delhi 1970.
  10.    Desai Neera and Vibhuti patel.          :    Indian women Change and challenge.

Paper -IX Industrial Sociology


Unit - 1

         1.    Definition & Development of Industrial Sociology.   2.    Nature and scope of Industrial Sociology.
        3.    Importance of Industrial Sociology.

Unit - 2

         1.    Industrialization and Characteristics of Urban Industrial Sociology.
        2.    Development of Industrial society in West.         3.    Guild system of Production.
        4.    Putting out domestic system of Production.        5.    Factory system of Production.

Unit - 3

    (A)    Industrial Organization :
             1.    Bureaucracy.                                        2.    Type of Bureaucracy : 'Line of organization'.
            3.    Role of chief Excutive : Staff organization. 4.    Role of Plant Manager.
            5.    Role of Supervisor : Forman.

Unit - 4

        1.    Trade Union.            2.    Meaning - Structure - Type - Function and Problem of Trade Union.

Unit - 5

    (A)    Management - Labour Relations :
       1.    Industrial Conflicts and Industrial Peace. 
       2.    Grivence Redressal Machinery.
                   (a) Concillation        (b) Arbitration        (c) Adjudication.        (d) Collective bargaining.
                   (e) Worker's participation in management.
            3.    Recruitment of Industrial worker.

    Reference Book :

    1.    Miller and form.         :    'Industrial Sociology' Harper, New York (1961)
    2.    Moore W.E.         :    'Industrial Relation and the social order' MacMillan, New York (1951) P.P. 3-13.
    3.    Parker et al   :    The sociology of industry. George Allen and unwin Ltd., London (1957) P.P. 13-20
    4.    Whyte and miller  :   'Industrial Sociology in Joseph B. Decade Review of sociology, Analysis of a Decade.
                                         John Wiley & Sons, inc New York (1957).
    5.    Lambert R.D.  :    Factory Workers and Social changes in India, Asia. Publishing house (1963)
    6.    Giri V.V.                           :    Labour problems in India, industry. Asia publishing House (1958)
    7.    Gouldner A. W.               :    'Industrial Bureaucracy, Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. (1954).

Paper - IX Sociology of Criminal Behavior


Unit- 1    Criminology :

        1.    What is Criminology.            2.    Scope of Criminology.            3.    Importance of Criminology.
        4.    Relation with Sociology.

Unit - 2    Crime :

        1.    Concept of Crime.               2.    Characteristics of Crime.            3.    Classification of Crime.
        4.    Theories regarding Crime.    5.    Causes of Crime.

Unit - 3    Criminal :

        Criminal System Typology.
         1.    Female.             2.    White - Coller             3.    Professonal.    
         4.    Organized.         5.    Junnile Delinquency.

Unit - 4    Punishment :

         1.    Meaning, Nature & History.            2.    Objectives of Punishment.
        3.    Theories of Punishment.

    Unit - 5    Prison System :

         1.    Capital Punishment.            2.    Development of Prison in India.   
        3.    Indian Prison System. Inmate System.
               -    Prisomization.
               -    Open Prison.
               -    Ideal Jail.
        4.    Probation and Parol.           5.    Jain reform in Inida.

    Reference Book :

    1.    Walter C. Reckless                :    Problems of Crime.
    2.    Sowrther Land and Cressay   :    The Times of India. Press, Bombay, 1985.
    3.    Ahuja Ram                            :    Social Problems in India.
    4.    Ahuja Ram                            :    The Prison System, Sahitys Bhawan, Agra.1981.
    5.    Bloch, Horbert                      :    Man Crime and Sociology, Random Houses, New York,1956.
    6.    Clinard, Marshall                   :    Sociology of Devaint Behaviour Holf, Rinehart and
                                                                     winstron inc, New York 1957.
    7.    John Galliher and Mc.Cartnell :    Criminology 1997.
    8.    Barnes and Teeters               :    New, Horizon in Criminology.
