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Paper - VI Abnormal Psychology


Unit - I 

        (1)    Introduction to Abnormal Psychology :
              Definition of abnormal Psychology The meaning of Normal and Abnormal Criteria  for Distingulshin Normal and Abnormal Experts working in the fields of Abnormal Psychology Problems of Abnormal Psychology. The concept of DSM.
        (2)    Causal Factors in Abnormal Behavior :
              Pridisposing and precipating factors organic and Functional factors Biological causal factors. Psychology causal factors. Sociocutural causal factors.

Unit - II    Anxiety Disorders, Somtoform and Dissociative Disorders :

        (1)    The Anxiety Disorders :
             Panic Disorders Generalizes Anxiety Disorders, Phobic Disorders, Obessive - Compulasive Disorders Posttraumatic stress Disorders.
        (2)    Sometoform Disorders and Dissociative Disordes :
             Somatform Disorders :
                -    Hyphochondriasis,                    -    Somatization Disorders.
                -    Conversion Disorders.              -    Dissociative Disorders         
                -    Psychogenic Amnesia.               -    Multiple personality.
                -    Depersonalization Disorders.

Unit - III    The addictive disorders and psychosomatic Disorders :

        (1)    The Addictive Disorders :
            Alcoholism., Nicotin Dependence, Other Psychoactive Drugs, 
                 -    Depressants                            -    Stimulants
                 -    Hallucinogens                          -    Marijuna and Hashish.
        (2)    Psychological Factors and Physical Symptoms :
            Physicial Disorders associated with Psychological Factors :
                 -    Ulcer                                   -    Essential Hypertension
                 -    Migraine Headche                   -    Asthma
                 -    Insomnia                                 -    Cancer   

Unit - IV    Schizophrenia, Mood Disorders and Paranoia :

        (1)    Schizophrenia :
             The Symptoms of Schizophrenia, The Subtypes of Schizophrenia, Etiology of - Schizophrenia.
        (2)    Mood Disorders and Paranoia :
            Characteristics of Depressive and M Anic Episodes Mood Disorder Syndromes Suicide, Paranoia.

    Unit - V    Therapies :

        (1)    Meaning and goals of Psychotherapy :
             Approaches to Psychotherapies :
                -    The Psyschodymic Approach.             -    The Humansitic Approach.
                -    The Behavior Approach                       -    The Cognitive Approach.
                -    Group Theray.
        (2)    Biological Therapy :
              Drugs , Electroconvulsive Therapy Psychosurgery.


Basic Books :

    (1)    "Abnormal Psychology - current perspectives" by Richard R. Bootzin, Joan Ross Acocella, Larven B. Alloy,

            Sixth Ed. International Ed. 1993 McGraw-Hill. Inc.
    (2)    "Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life" by R.C. Carson & J.N. Butecher 10th Ed. 1996 Harper Collins
             publishers. (Ref. Ch. 4 for "Causal Factors in Abnormal Behavior).

    Reference Book :

    (1)    "Abnormal Psychology : The problem of Maladapive Behavior" by  Irwin G. Sarason Barbara R. Sarason Seventh Ed. 1993 Prentice Hall.

Paper - VII Research Methods in Psychology


Unit - I    Introduction : Importance of Research Methods :

  1.  The Scientific Method : Psychology as a science, Scientific and tific, Non-scientific Approach Knowledge Goals of the Scientific Method.

  2. Importance of Research Methods : 
    What is Research ? -----> The function of Research Some uses of social Research, The value of understanding the research process, Major steps in Research, Selecting a topic for Research,- Determining feasibility of the Research Project.

Unit - II    Descriptive Method : observation and Sampling Techniques :

  1. Observation : Naturalistic observation, Participant observation, Structured observation, Field -experiments, Recording Baheviour, observer  Bias.

  2. Sampling Techniques : Basic terminology of sampling, Approaches to sampling : Types of non probability Samples Types of probability samples.

Unit - III   Survey and Questionnaires Methods :

            1.    Survey Methods :
               Use and Characteristics of survey General survey Methods :  Mail Surveys, personal interviews and

                      Telephone, Interviews. 
               Survey Research Designs :    One shot or cross-sectional study, Panel or Ondependent samples

                       study, Questionnaire construction.
               Analysis of Survey :    Descriptive Measure, Correlation studies.
          2.    Questionnaire Methods :
               Steps in preparing a questionnaire, Guidelines for effective wording of questions, Guideline for general

                   format of the questionnaire.

Unit - IV    Physical Traces case studies and Interview Methods :

            1.    Physical Traces and  Case study Method :
              Physical Traces :    Ratonale, Type of Physical Traces and products, Problems and limitation.
            The case study Methods :    Characteristics, advantages and Disadvantages of the case study Method. 
          2.    Interview Methods :
               Types of Interviewing, Selection and Training of interviewers, Qualities of an inter- viewers, Defects and Advantages of interview Techniques.    

    Unit - V    Experimental Methods and Research Reports :

            1.    Experimental Methods :
               Characteristics of sound Experiment :     Variables and its types manipulation and control., Difference between laboratory experiment and experiments in nature settings, Obstacles to conducting experiment in Natural setting Threat to Internal-validity controlled by experiments.
            2.    Research Reports :
               Guideline for Effective writing, Structure of a Research Report.


Basic Book :

     1.    "Research Methods in Psychology" second edition 1990  by John J. Shaughnessy and E. B. Zechmeister.  
            Ref. Ch. 1,2,3,4,5, 9 and Appendic 'C'.

Reference Book :

    1.    Research Methods in social sciences - 1988  Ed. by Ram Dutt Sharma National Book Organization.   
          Ref. ch. 1,2,3,9, to 12.
    2.    Research Method in Psychology : 1988 by Philip J. Dunham Harper, Row Publishers  N. Y.    
    3.    Research Methods in social Relation 3rd Ed. 1976 by selltqz. Wrightman L. S. & Cook : Holt Rinehart
           winston N. Y. Ref. Ch. 1,3,15 Appendix - B.
    4.    Research Methods in Psychology 3rd Ed. -1989 by Elms Kantowitz Rowidlserwest  publishers Co. , N. Y.
    5.    Method in Behavioural Research : 4th Ed. 1939. by pail C. Cozby Mayfield, publishers  Co. California.

Paper - VIII Experimental Psychology


Unit - I    Frequency Distribution and Measures of Central Tendency :

         1.    Need of Statistics in Psychology.
        2.    Tabulation of Data and frequency Distribution.
        3.    Graphic representation of data-polygon and Histogram
        4.    Measures of central Tendency - Mean, Median, Mode and their specific uses.

Unit - II    Measures of Variability correlation :

    (1) 1.    Measures of variability Range, Mean deviation Quartile deviation and standard degiation and their
                specific use.
         2.    Quartiles, Deailes, perecentiles and precentile Ranks.
         3.    Concept of correlation and application of Rank-order correlation. 
    (2)       Garrett H. E. "Elementary Statistics", Longmans green & Co. New York.

Reference Book :

  1. Postman law & Egan, James P. "Experimental Psychology" An introduction Harper  and row New York 1949.

  2. Wood worth Roberts S, & Shlosberg Harold, "Experimental Psychology" Oxford and I. B. H. Publishing Co. 1971.

  3. Experimetal Psychology - A systemethic introduction kothurkar and Vornarese.- (Wiley Eastern lemited-1985).

  4. "Experiments in Psychology" 2nd Ed. 1985 S. M. Mohsin, Motilal Banaridas, Delhi.

Paper - IX Experimental Psychology Theory


Unit - I    The experimental and the psychological Methods :

        1.    The scope of Experimental Psychology :
             Experimental Psychology as Methods variables :     Concepts and types : Msnipulation and control Experimental and control group.
        2.    The Psychological Methods :
             The Basic concepts of Psychological Method for measuring the absolute and  Uifferential Threshold :
                -    The Method of Minimal Changes.
                -    The Method of Constant stimuli.
                -    The Method of Average Error.
                -    The Judgement of Intervals.

Unit - II    Vision ; Hearing, Smell and Taste Sense :
               The Vision Visual stimulus, The Dimensions of Colour, color mixture, Dark Adaptation , light Adaptation.
          1.    Hearing small and tests Audition :
               The Auditory stimulus :    Dimensions of Heating : Attributes of Auditory Experience pitch and louness
                                                 Beats and Tones.
               Smell :    Nature and Techniques of Olfactory stimulus Qualities of order.
               Taste :    Nature and Techniques of the Gustatory stinulus qualities of Tasta.

    Unit - III    Attention, Reaction time and Association :

            1.    Attention :
               Determiners of Attention, Shift and Fluctuation of Attention., Determiners of Attention Span of 

                   Attention, Division of Attention (Doing two things at once).
            2.    Reaction Time and Association :
                  Reaction Time :    Reaction Time, Judgments time and latency, The determiners of Reaction Time 
                                        (in brief).
               Association :    The concept of Association Types of verbal Association Experiments Classification of
                                     Association, Clinical and Diagnostic use of Associations.

Unit - IV    Learning :

        1.    Measurement of Learning :
             Definition of Basic Terms, Types of  Learning, Measurement of Learning, learning curves .
        2.    Conditioning :
            The main concepts of conditioning Types of Conditioning Experiments :    Classification and Instrument conditioning : Conditioning an instrumental Repose Quantitative Methods in conditioning.

Unit - V    Verbal learning and Retention :

        1.    Verbal learning :
            Methods of Practise, Basic variables in learning experiments, performance as a function of what is learning., performance as a function of how learning proceeds, Individual Difference among learning.
        2.    Retention :    
           The Measurement of Retention , Retention as a function of the conditions of learning.
           Retroactive Inhibition  :    The concept and determiners of  Retroactive Inhaibition.
           Transfer of Training    :    Types of Transfer what is Transfored  in transfer of Training.


Basic Book :

    1.    "Experimental Psychology" An Introduction postman and Egan J.P. Harper & Brothers Publication 
           New York Indian Edition.
    2.    Wood worth and scholoberg "Experimental psychology" Revised Ed. Methue & Co.. Indian Edition.

Reference Book :

    1.    Kotharkar V. K. Vararse S.D "Experimental Psychology" 1985 Wiley Eastern, New  Delhi.
    2.    Moguigan F.J ."Experimental Psychology " . Method of Research 4th Ed. 1983, engle  Wood clift N. J.
    3.    L.B. Christensen " Experimental Methodology" 4th Ed. 1988, Allyn and Bacan, Boston
    4.    Kantowitz, Reodiger and Elems " Experimental psychology" 3rd Ed. 1988 Hall N. J.

Paper  IX Community Psychology


Unit - I    Nature and scope of community Psychology and as a Specialty :

  1. Nature and scope of community Psychology : Community Psychology - Definition - Narure-scope-Orientation-its development-Histori#