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T. Y. B. A.
English (Compulsory)

Text : One text will be prescribed. The text to be selected should have interesting reading in simple language so that the students may not develop apathy towards. it question on the text will carry 25 Marks.

General question of paragraph type. 10 Marks.
Short question. 15 Marks.

Grammar : The following topics shall be prescribed.
    Unit - 1 Gerund / Participles / Infinitives 5
    Unit - 2 The Reported speech 5
    Unit - 3 Modals 5
    Unit - 4 Conjunctions 5
    Unit - 5 Transformation 5
        -  Modes of Expressing conditions
        -  Modes of expressing a confessional or contrasting clause.
The questions on grammar will carry 25 marks.

Comprehension : Comprehension of an unseen passage 10 Marks.
Essay Writing   : An essay 10 Marks.


Translation        : A question of translation of an unseen passage from English into Gujarati. 10 Marks.
N.B.                 : The work book assignment is compulsory for the student and 5 Marks of internal evolution are
reserved for it.
Text                 : Pleasant prose selections oxford university's press.

Paper - VI 20th Century Literature In English

Part - I (History) :

    Two Would Wars; Russian Revolutions; the Indian National Movement and Independence; drama, fiction : poetry the rise of new literatures in English, with special reference to Indian Writing in English.


Part - II (Texts) :

Unit - 1 Poetry :

(a)  W.B. Yeats
      1.  Easter, 1961                2.  Lapis Lazuli
(b)  T.S. Eliot
      3.  Whispers of Immortality   4.  Ash Wednesday VI
(c)  Siegfried Sassoon
      5.  Counter - Attack          6.  Glory of Women
(d)  Wilfred Owen
      7.  Strange Meeting           8.  Anthem for Doomed Youth
(e)  W.H. Auden
      9.  The Unknown Citizen     10. 1st September, 1939 

Unit - 2 Poetry :

(a)  Robert Frost
      1.  Tree at my Window        2.  Stopping by Woods
(b)  Rabindranath Tagore
      3.  Heaven of Freedom        4.  The Child
(c)  Sri Aurobindo
      5.  Thought the Paraclete     6.  Rose of God.
(d)  Nissim Ezekiel 
      7.  Marriage          8.  Night of the Scorpion
(e)  Dylan Thomas
      9.  A Refusal to Mourn the Death by Fire, of a Child in London.      10. Fern Hill.

Note : A Short History of English Poetry by Birjadish Prasad (Macmillan India Ltd.) is recommended for  
          background reading.   

A. Sanders, The Short Oxford History of English Literature. (rev. edn. Oxford OUP, 1996)

Reference Books :

1. D. Daiches, A Critical History of English Literature (M. Secker & Warburge, London, 1960)
2. H. Craig (Ed.), A History of English Literature (Oxford, OUP, 1950)
3. A.C. Baugh, A Literature History of England (2nd Edn., Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1967)

Format of the questions Paper :

All questions carry equal marks :

Q-1 It is question on the history topics listed in Part-I with an internal option from the same part.
Q-2 Critical appreciation of a poem from the Unit-1 (Poetry) of the Part-II with an internal option from the same
Q-3 Critical appreciation of a poem from the Unit-2 (Poetry) of the Part-II with an internal option from the same
Q-4 An essay-type question on the Unit-3 (A Passage to India by E.M. Forster) with an internal option from the
       same unit.
Q-5 An essay-type question on the Unit-4 (Cry, the Peacock by Amita Desai) with an internal option from the 
      same unit.

Paper - VII Indian Writing In English

Part - I (Poetry) :

    Sri Aurobindo, Savitre Part-I (Book-I)

Part-II (Fiction)

    R.K. Narayan, The Bachelor of Arts

Part - II (Drama) :

    Mahesh Dattani, Final Solutions

Part - IV (Non Fictional Prose)

    Gandhi, The Story of My Experiments with Truth.


Format of the questions Paper :

All Questions carry equal marks :

Q-1 On Part-I (Sri Aurobindo's Savitri Part-I (Book-1) with an internal option from the same part.
Q-2 On Part-II (Narayan's The Bachelor of Arts) with an internal option from the same part.
Q-3 On Part-III (Dattani's Final Solutions) with an internal option from the same part.
Q-4 On Part-IV (Gandhi's The Story of My Experiments with Truth) with an internal option from the same part.
Q-5 Short Notes (Two out of four) from all the Parts.

Paper - VIII Classics Of Poetry In English Translations

(1) Kalidas, Meghdoot.
(2) Solomon, Song of Songs (Old Statement)
(3) Edward Fitzgerald's , The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (Fitzgerald's translation)
(4) Virgil, Eclogues 2 (Alexis) and 4 (Pollio)


Format o the questions Paper :

All Questions carry equal marks :

Q-1 On the Unit-1 (Kalidas, Megdoot) with an internal option from the same unit.
Q-2 On the Unit-2 (Soloman, Song of Songs) with an internal option from the same unit.
Q-3 On the Unit-3 (Edward Fitzgerald's, The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam) with an internal option from the same
Q-4 On the Unit-4 (Virgil, Ecologues-2 (Alexis) and 4 (Pollio) with an internal option from the same unit.
Q-5 Short Notes (2 out of 4) from all the four units.

Paper - IX Classics Of Fiction & Drama In English Translation


(1) Albert Camus, The Outsider
(2) Herman Hesse, Siddhartha
(3) Luigi Pirandello, Six Characters in Search of an Author
(4) Bhavabhuti, Uttar Ramcharitam.


Format of the question Paper :

Q-1 On the Unit-1 (Albert Camus, The Out Sider) with an internal option from the same unit.
Q-2 On the Unit-2 (Herman Hesse, Siddhartha) with an internal option from the same unit.
Q-3 On the Unit-3 (Luigi Pirandello, Six Character in Search of an Author) with an internal option from the same
Q-4 On the Unit-4 (Bhavabhuti, Uttar Ramcharitam) with an internal option from the same unit.
Q-5 Short Notes (2 out of 4) from all the four units.

Paper - X Literary Criticism

Topics :

(1) Nature of Literature                            (2) The Function of Literature
(3) Romanticism                                      (4) Classicism
(5) Literature and Biography                      (6) Literature and Psychology
(7) Literature and Society                        
(8) The Language of Poetry : Pseudo-statement, irony, paradox, ambiguity
(9) Expressionism                                   (10) Art and Morality
(11) Modernism                                      (12) Aestheticism
(13) Post Modernism                               (14) Feminism

Books :

(1) R.A. Scott James, The Making of Literature
(2) David Daiches, Critical Approaches to literature.
(3) Rene Welleck, Theory of Literature.
(4) W.L. Guerin et al, A Handbook of critical approaches to literature (OUP), 1999.

Format of the questions Paper :

Five Straight questions of equal marks :

Paper - XI The English Language

Part - I History of the English Language :

    (a)  F.T. Wood, An outline history of the English Language Macmillan, London 1941-20 marks.

Part - II Grammar :

Topics of Studies :
(1)  Parts of Speech                        (2)  Noun
(3)  Pronoun                                    (4)  Forms & Functions of Verbs
(5)  Forms & Functions of Adverb        (6)  Forms & Functions of Adjective
(7)  Model Auxiliaries                         (8)  Non-finite verbs.

(1) Geoffery Leech & Svartvik, A Communicative grammar of English
(2) Thomson & Martinet, A Practical English Grammar.

Part - III Phonetics :

    J.D. O'Conor, Better English Pronunciation, - 15 Marks.

Part - IV Rhetoric (Only Figures of Speech - 10 Marks)

    Elements of English Rechtoric and prosody Chuckerverthy, Chatterjee, Calcutta, 1981.

Part - VConversation - 5 Marks : (From the questions listed in the question Bank)


Format of the questions Paper :

Q-1 One essay type question on the history of language with an internal option from the same (10 marks)
Q-2 Short notes on the history of language (2 out of 4) (10 marks)
Q-3 Essay-type question on the grammar-topics with an internal option from the same (10 marks)
Q-4 Essay-type question on the grammar-topics with an internal option from the same (10 marks)
Q-5 (A)  Essay-type question on the Phonetics with an internal option from the same (10 marks)
     (B)  Phonetically transcription of five words out eight. (5 marks) (The words must be chosen from the text)
Q-6 (A)  Short notes on the figures of speech with illustrations (two out of four) (10 marks)
     (B)  Questions from the listed conversations; five questions, each with one marks (5 marks)

Text Contemporary English


(1)    General Descriptive Question (Any one out of three)  10 Marks

(2)    Short Questions (Any five out of eight)                   15 Marks

(3)    Grammar -

        (1)    Analysis of Modal Auxiliaries                          05 Marks

        (2)    Synthesis                                                  05 Marks

        (3)    Transformation of Sentences                         05 Marks

        (4)    Non-finite verbs                                          05 Marks

        (5)    Correction of Sentences (with errors of concord, tenses, prepositions, articles etc.) 05 Marks        

(4)    (a)    An essay of about 300 words on any one of the five topics        05 Marks

        (b)    Translation of an unseen English passage into Gujarati or Hindi    05 Marks

(5)    (a)    Comprehension of an unseen passage                                     05 Marks

        (b)    Precis writing of the passage giving suitable title                      05 Marks


Books recommended for language work :

(1)    Contemporary English Grammar and Composition by David Green

(2)    A Practical English Grammar by Thomson and Martinet