Objective :
1. To create an awareness among the students about the management at the family levels as well as at
micro levels.
2. To develop understanding regarding basic human value goal and standards.
3. To recognize the importance of the use of resources to active family goals.
4. To recognize the importance of wise use of resources.
5. To develop competence in efficient use of time & energy.
6. To make the students aware of different techniques of work simplification.
Unit - 1
1. Introduction of family Resources Management
(a) Meaning & derivation of family resource management
(b) Purpose of family resources management
2. Roles, responsibilities and qualities of a good home maker.
3. Stages of family life cycle & effect on management.
Unit - 2
1. Management Process
(a) Function of management, Planning, Organizing, Controlling, Directing, Guiding, Co-ordinating.
(b) Supervising & evaluating
2. Factor motivating management
(a) Value : Importance, classification, changing, value & their courses, sources & value.
(b) Goals : Definition, types of goal, importance of goals in human life.
(c) Standards, Definition, & classification. Crieries to judge ones standard of living.
(d) Decision making : decision making in management, types of decision.
Unit - 3
1. Resources :
(a) Importance of resources
(b) Characteristics of resources
(c) Classification of resources.
2. Man agent process applied to various resources.
(a) Money as a resources to family and its importance.
(b) Types of income, money income, real income, psyching income.
(c) Banking as an aid in financial management types of accounts procedures in volved in.
3. (a) Opening as account
(b) Depositing money
(c) Withdrawing money
(d) Writing a cheque
4. Family budget as guide to good financial management
(a) Importance of budget
(b) Steps involved in budget making
Unit - 4
1. Time & energy management
(a) Its importance
(b) Making time plans
(c) Wise use of leisure time
2. Energy as a resources
(a) Its importance to the students and homemaker
(b) Types of fatigue, reasons and method of avoiding fatigue.
Unit - 5
Work simplification & principles of body - mechanics
1. Management process applied of energy
2. Storage & Principles of good storage
3. Method to study work
(a) Panthway chart
(b) Process chart
(c) Micromotion chart
1. Make a soft toy. Practical : 1.
2. Different type of table setting. Formal - Indian, Western, Infomd, Buffay, Birthday party. Prac. : 2.
3. Different types of napakin fold. Practical :1.
4. Floor decoration
- Different types of Rangoli. Practical : 4. - Rangoli (Under water)
- Rangoli on water
5. Flower arrangement. Practical : 1.
- Line - Mass
- Combination of line & mass - Miniature
6. Make a sample best out of west (any two)
7. Banking
- Opening an account, depositing money, withdrawing money, writing cheque of different types.
- Filling of important documents for money transaction such as demand draft, money order,
Traveller's cheque. Practical :1
8. Preparing a typical time plan for.
- Students in college
- Home maker who is employee out side
- Full time home maker with different income. Prac.:4.
Studying various home making tasks. (Sweeping, mopping, bed making, flower
arrangement, chopping
vegetable) through various paper and pen -
techniques. Prac.:4.
Reference Book :
1. Deacon R.E. & Fire Bhaug F.M. Family Resources management principal and resource management
- Principles and application allyh & Bacon Boster - 1981.
2. Gross, cradall & knoll management for modern families 4th edition appleton century crofts Inc, 1972.
3. management in family living Niekell and Doreesey
4. Swahson betty, Introduction to Home Management Macmillan & Co. 1981.
5. U'lC6L VG[ U'CjIJ:YF < XL,F GF6FJ8L
8. U'CjIJ:YF < DW]A[G 9FSZ < ZFHSF[8
Objectives :
1. To learn the principles of meal planning.
2. To be able to plan and prepare meals for different age groups and special groups.
3. Plan menu for different income levels.
4. To gain knowledge regarding modifications of diet for various diseases.
Unit - 1
1. Recommended daily allowances in human life.
2. Importance of meal planning.
- Factors affecting on meal planning.
- Its definition.
3. Balance diet its definition and its importance.
Diet for Infants, Breast feeding and Artificial feeding, Advantage,
Contradiction, Comparison and
5. Menu planning for different age groups like.
- 4 to 5 years
- 6 to 12 years
- For adolescent development
Unit - 2
1. Menu planning for adult - man & woman acceding to their occupation & income.
2. Factors affecting while menu planning and its importance.
- Pregnant and lactating woman.
- Old age person.
- Over weight and under weight person.
Unit - 3
1. Definition and principle of Diet Therapy.
- Diet modification - Normal diet, soft diet, liquid diet, Clear liquid diet, full fluid diet fiber diet.
2. Duties and responsibilities of Dietitians.
Unit - 4
1. Causes, signs & symptoms, Care and dietary modification for following diseases.
- Peptic unclear
- Tuberculosis Bacilli (T.B.)
- Kidney diseases.
Unit - 5
1. Cause, Sings & Symptoms, Care and dietary modification for following diseases.
- Diabetes.
- Liver diseases. (Jaundice)
- Heart diseases.
- Anemia
For Meal Management
1. Study the concept of various weights and measures like, cup, glass, spoon, ozc etc.
2. To study the weight of raw & cooked food.
3. Preparation of supplementary food.
4. Diet plan for 1 to 5 years old child.
5. Diet plan for 6 to 12 years old child.
6. Diet plan for Adolescent boys & Girls.
7. Diet plan for Adult man and woman according to occupation and income.
8. Diet plan for pregnant & lactating woman.
9. Diet plan for old age person.
10. Diet plan for overweight and under weight person.
For Diet Therapy
11. Dietary modification - planning and preparation of diet.
- Normal diet.
- Soft diet.
- Liquid diet - clear liquid diet
- Liquid diet - full fluid diet.
- Fiber diet.
- Bland diet.
12. Planning & Preparation & diet for following diseases.
- Anemia.
- Peptic ulcer.
- T.B.
- Diabetes.
- Heart diseases.
- Kidney diseases.
- Nephritis
- Kidney stone
- Jaundice.
References :
1. Dietitics - B. Laxmi.
2. Normal & Therapeutic diet - B. Robbinson.
3. Clinical Nutrition and Dietitics - F.P. Antia.
5. V5}ZT]\ 5F[Q6 V[H DCFZF[U < 0F"P H[P0LP 5F9S
Objectives :
1. The students will understand their role as a member of society.
2. They will develop various quality to play the roal as a member of society.
3. They will develop quality and attitudes to achieve happiness in marriage.
4. They will understand their responsibilities towards children as would be an ideal parents.
Unit - 1
1. Preparation for marriage selection of mate family background, educational, cultural and religious
harmony, economical and emotional stability, physical fitness.
2. Western system for the choice of a male, dating.
- Types of dating.
- Problems of dating.
What is an engagement, its importance, factors that lead to breaking of
engagement, importance of
engagement period.
Unit - 2
Concept of Marriage :
1. Meaning, definition, aims of marriage.
2. Proper marriage and marriage maturity.
3. Hindu marriage as a religious culture.
4. Changes of aims in modern time.
5. Achieving adjustment in marriage life.
- Marital adjustment in various filed of life.
6. Successful Marriage.
- Factors affecting of traditional and modern successful marriage.
Unit - 3
1. Problems of Indian marriage.
- Dowary system.
- Child marriage.
- Widow remarriage.
2. Divorce manning - causes of divorce, necessity of divorce, opposite thinking of divorce.
Unit - 4
1. Social act and marriage.
- Sati regulation act.
- Dowary prohibition act.
- Indian widow remarriage act.
- Indian nominate act.
- Child marriage prohibition act.
- Special marriage act.
- Indian marriage and divorce act.
2. The impression of latest social act for Indian marriage.
3. The effect of Indian marriage and divorce act.
4. Family - meaning - definition - function of family.
- Types of family.
- Joint family - characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.
- Nuclear family - characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.
- Determinates factors affecting on joint family.
- Changes of family in modern time.
Unit - 5
Old age :
1. Problems and adjustment.
2. Status of old age in Indian society.
3. Physical and mental changes in old age.
4. Psychology of old age.
5. Status of old age in family.
6. Changes in altitudes for old age in modern family.
7. Old age and their problems.
8. Psychological & Economical adjustment with old age.
Reference :
2. NFd5tI HLJGG]\ VG]S},G < ,L,LA[G XFCP
3. ,uG VG[ SF{8]\lAS ;\A\W < ,L,FA[G XFCP
4. DlC,F4 AF/ S(IF6 < ;\5FNS < AL5LGR\N| J{q6JP
Objectives :
1. To study the students about chemistry and its use in home science fields.
2. To aware the students about chemistry & chemical reaction.
3. To provide knowledge about micro organism and their advantages and disadvantages in relation with
human life.
Unit - 1
Explanation of : element, mixture and compound structure of atom (Ruther ford
model) Atomic weight,
molecular weight, equivalent weight valiancy,
symbol, chemical formula, equation.
2. Physical and chemical change types of chemical reaction, factors affecting on chemical reactions.
3. Acids - definition, strength - properties, useful acids. Base - Definition, strong ad weak base,
properties, useful bases, PH - Scale, Explanation, measurement of PH, importance of PH, neutralization
4. Solutions - types, of diseases preparing for solution.
Unit - 2
1. Water - Drinking water, impurities in water and their effects on health, Hard water its disadvantages,
types of hard water, method of removing hardness of water.
- Introduction to drugs.
- Antibiotics, Tranquilizer.
- Analgesic.
Unit - 3
1. Fuels - Type of fuels, proper combination of gases, fuels composition and use of L.P.G. coal gas,
producer gas water gas, gobur gas.
2. Pollutions - Causes of air pollution - sources and effects, pollution of water, sources and effects.
3. Insecticides - Classification. D.D.T.B.H.C. prevention of insects, proper care in use of insecticides.
Unit - 4
1. Methods of laboratory preparation, properties and use of the following -
H2, O2, CO2, SO2, CL2
Metals - Their physical properties selection of metals for various purposes
properties and uses of the
following metals.
Cu, Zn, Ag, Al, Fe.
3. Classification of organic compounds with examples practical groups.
Unit - 4
1. Microbiology of water. Milk & food.
- Useful micro - organism in food industry.
- Fermentation of milk, cheese, alcoholic beverages.
- Vitamins & Antibiotics.
1. Acidimetric and Alklimetry titration. (involving one acid and one base).
2. Inorganic qualitative Analysis of compounds containing the following ons :
Fe+2, Fe+3, Al+3, Zn+2, NH4+, Cl-, So4-2, Co3-2
Cu+2, Cd+2, Ni+2, Mg+2, Pb+2,
3. Organic qualitative analysis of the following compounds. Salicyclic and urea, Glucose, actic acid, anilin,
nitrobenzen, benzoic acid, nepthalin.
4. Colour reaction of proteins.
5. PH - reading.
6. Use of microscope.
7. Study of pathogenic becteria by microscope.
References :
1. Arthur - 1 vegal text book of practical organic chemistry and English language book society London,
2. Sandevsons R.T. chemical periodically affiliated East, weast, press (P) Ltd., New York, 1969.
3. Btair J.E. Manual of clinical microbiology the williams and wilkins company baltionare, 1971.
Objectives :
1. The students will understand the importance of clothes for decent human life.
2. They will develop skills of cutting and sewing of different garments.
3. The students will get knowledge about readymade garments.
4. The student will get knowledge about fabric of house hold textile.
5. They will get practical knowledge of crocheting, Tatting and Knitting.
Unit - 1
1. Needs and importance of body measurements.
2. Procedure of body measurement.
3. Equipments used during measurements, cutting, stitching and finishing.
4. Preparation for Paper cutting & its principles.
5. Preparation of fabric for cutting and principles of stitching.
6. Calculating the amount of fabric.
7. Drafting and its importance.
Unit - 2
1. The Socio - psychological effects of clothing. factars affecting while selection of clothes.
2. Planning the ward - rob for the family.
3. Family clothing - Factors affecting on planning of word rob like..
Budget, Occasion, season, climate, occupation, Individual interest, Numbers of family member, age,
figure, fashion.
Unit - 3
1. Selection and buying of ready made garments for different age members.
- Factors affecting them.
- 8 to 9 months old child.
- 9 to 1 years old child.
- 1 to 2 years old child.
- 2 to 4 years old child.
- 5 to 11 years old.
- 12 to 15 years old.
- 15 to 20 years old.
- Far Adults.
Unit - 4
1. Selection of fabric for house hold textiles care and classification of its.
2. Towels - Bed sheet - Pillow covers - Blankets.
3. Bed spreads - Curtains - Draperies and Upholstery.
Unit - 5
1. Consumer problems in buying clothes.
2. How to solve the problems and agencies helps in solving problems.
3. Care and storage of clothing.
1. To prepare birth to 1 years old baby articles like.
- Fancy Jacket and panty.
- Towel with head cover.
- Cylindrical pillow.
- Comforter. (Gadi)
- Bib
- Booties
2. Drafting, Cutting and Stitching of baby frock.
3. Make out one sample of knitting cap.
References :
1. Fundamental of textile - S. Dantyagi.
2. A[lhS S,F[lY\U V[g0 8[18F., < VlDTF 58[,4 EFG] 58[,
3. J:+ lJ7FG V[J\ 5lZWFG < 5|[lD,F JDF"
4. ;LJ6 DFU"NXL"SF < lGD"/F lD:+L
5. J:+ lJ7FG V[J\ 5lZWFG < lGZHF IFNJ
6. J:+ lJ7FG V[J\ 5lZWFG < 0F"PA'gNFl;\C
7. ;F[l;IF[,F[HLS, VG[ ;FISF[,F[HLS, V;5[S8; VF[O S,F[lY\U < EFG] 58[,4 DW] XZGP
8. Make a gift for baby - CARTER HOUCK
9. House hold textile and laundry work - Durga Develkar.
Objectives :
1. To teach various systems of the body and their functions.
2. To understand the before treatment and procedures of sick person.
3. Students will get knowledge about Hygine and sanitation.
Unit - 1
1. Digestive system - Brief study of the, function and process of digestion.
2. Circulatory system heart-structure, function and composition of blood.
Respiratory system - Basic anatomy of the respiratory system process of respiration
transport and
exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Unit - 2
1. Excretory system - Excretory organs structure and function of organs, formation of urine.
2. Reproductive