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S. Y. B. A. 
Text English Today (Prose Only)

Rusk Publishers Published by S.J. Desai

(1)    General Descriptive Question (Any one out of three)  10 Marks

(2)    Short Questions (Any five out of eight)                   15 Marks

(3)    Vocabulary -

        (a)    Matching words with their meanings                05 Marks

        (b)    Using words in sentences                              05 Marks

(4)    Grammar -

        (1)    Reported Speech                                         04 Marks

        (2)    Revision of Tenses                                       04 Marks

        (3)    Prepositions of time, place, state, motion etc.  04 Marks     

        (4)    Complex Sentence                                       04 Marks

        (5)    Making sentences from given words                04 Marks

(5)    Social Latter 


        Application Writing                                              07 Marks

(6)    Report-writing on the subjects like natural calamities and festivals, speeches of important person etc.


        Short-essay                                                      08 Marks


Books recommended for language work :

(1)    Contemporary English Grammar and Composition by David Green

(2)    A Practical English Grammar by Thomson and Martinet 


Paper - III    Nineteenth Century Prose

            The following are the prescribed texts in keeping with the structure specified in the framework section earlier.
            1)    Sir. Walter Scott.     Kenilworth
            2)    George Eliot             Silas Marner
            3)    Ed. S.K.Sinha           English Essayists, o.u.p., Bombay. Only the following essays are to besudied:
                                                      a)    Charles Lamb 'Dream Children ! A Reverie'
                                                      b)    Charles Lamb 'The Two Races of Men'
                                                      c)    William Hazlitt ' On the Feeling of Immortal ity in Youth'
                                                      d)    R.L. Stevenson 'Waliking Tours'
                                                      e)    G.K. Chesterton 'On the Pleasures of No Longer Being very young.'

Paper - IV Poetry & Drama

     The following are the prescribed texts in keeping twits the structure specified in the framework section earlier.
            1)    Oliber Goldsmith         The Stoops to Conquer
            2)    R. B. Sheridan            The Rivals
            3)    Ed. David Green         The Winged Word. Macmillan India. Only the following poems are prescribed :
1.    Sir Thomas Whatt 'I Find No Peace               2.    Edmund Spencer ' The Amoretti'
3.    Sir Philip Sidney 'The Nightingale'                  4.    W. Shakespeare Sonnet No.116.
5.    W. Shakespeare No. 130.                            6.    J. Donne 'Lover's Infiniteness'
7.    G. Herbert 'The Pullery'                               8.    W. Cowper  'The Castaway'
9.    W. Wordsworth 'The Years She Grew'          10.    S. T. Coleridge 'Kubla Khan'
11.    Lord Byron 'When We Two Parted'             12.    P. B. Shelly 'Ode to the West Wind'
13.    John keates 'Ode to  a Nightingale'            14.    R. Browning 'A Grammarian's Funeral'
15.    Acnold 'Shakespeare'

Paper VII (Second Subsidiary) 

1.    Use of  Dictionary and understanding of idiomatic phrases and expressions. A list of such phrases and expressions shall be provided separately.
2.    Rapid Reading (advanced) One abridged prose text-book shall be prescribed for the purpose of teaching Rapid reading comprehension Shall be tested by an unseen passage of descriptive prose of about 400 words. There shall also be question of a general nature on the comprehension of either of the text-books.
3.    Writing of applications, letters to the editor and official letters and business letters of moderate length placing orders.
4.    Conversational English for various situations.
5.    Translation of a paragraph of about 100 words from. Gujarati or Hindi into English and Vice-versa or or paraphrasing a short perm.

Note :     (1)    All the topics listed above shall carry equal marks.
             (2)    Conversational English listed at 4 above shall carry 14 marks but shall be tested through questions on dialogue.

List of Idiomatic Phrases and Expressions for English as  Second subsidiary Paper VII at S.Y.B.A.

1.    To turn out to be                            26.    To do without        
2.    To be on duty                                27.    To die  of
3.    To be down with                             28.    To pass by
4.    To be go it                                    29.    To care for
5.    To be somebody's pardon                30.    To travel by
6.    To care to do somebody's                31.    To suffer from
7.    To have a look at                           32.    To think of
8.    To feel like doing something             33.    To think over
9.    To make a  joke                             34.    Come on
10.   To make abs effort                        35.    All right
11.    To make up one's mind                  36.    I'm afraid
12.    To put on                                   37.    There's no
13.    To give up                                  38.    I wouldn't
14.    To get on                                   39.    I see
15.    To look for                                  40.    A lot of
16.    To hold on                                  41.   Now that
17.    To go on                                    42.   Not at all
18.    To send for                                 43.    So long as
19.    To keep on                                 44.    Of course
20.    To Leave for                               45.    By any chance
21.    To leave out                               46.    Later on
22.    To leave behind                           47.    After all
23.    To get off                                   48.    By the time
24.    To grow up                                 49.    Would better do
25.    To start with                               50.    A practical joke.

Text :       
Adam Bede by George Eliot (Macmillan's Stories to remember)

PAPER - III LITERATURE IN ENGLISH 1550-1750 [Special English]

Part - I (History)

Following topics must be taught : The Renaissance; humanism; the Reformation; the Civil War and Protectorate;
the Restoration; drama; the rise of the periodical essay and the novel.

Part - II (Texts) :

1. Poetry : Following poems are prescribed :

(1) Sidney, Farewell World.
(2) Raleigh, Farewell to the Court.
(3) Shakespeare, The Phoenix and Turtle.
(4) Drayton, Last Verses.
(5) Wyatt, The Lover Sheweth How He is Forsaken of such as he sometime enjoyed.
(6) Donne, Song sweetest love. I do not go.
(7) Herbert, Vertue
(8) Kerrick, To Daffadills
(9) Vaughan, The Retreate.
(10) Marvel, Bermudas.

Note : A short History of English Poetry by Birjadish Prasad (Macmillan India Ltd.) is recommended for
background reading.

2. Shakespear, Julius Caesar
3. Pope, The Rape of the Lock
4. Bacon : (1) Of Marriage & Single Life, (2) Of Travel (3) Of Friendship (4) Of Ambition (5) Of Studies,
(6) Of Superstition (7) Of Death (8) Of Advertising (9) Of Envy, (10) Of youth & Age.

Format of the Questions - paper :

All Questions carry equal marks :

Q-1 It is questions on the history topics listed in Part-1 with an internal option from the same part.
Q-2 Critical appreciation of a poem from the Unit-I (Poetry) of the Part-II with an internal option from the same unit.
Q-3 An essay-type question on the Unit-2 (Julius Caesar) by Shakespeare) with an internal option from the same unit.
Q-3 An essay-type question on the Unit-3 (The Rape of the Lock by Pope) with an internal option from the same unit.
Q-3 An essay-type question on the Unit-4 (Bacon's essays) with an internal option from the same unit.

PAPER - IV  LITERATURE IN ENGLISH : 1750-1900 [Special English]

Part - I (History)

Following topics must be taught : the French Revolution : the American War of Independence; the Reform Acts; the impact of industrialization; scientific thought and discoveries; faith and doubt; classical and Romantic; Victorian poetry; the Victorian novel; Victorian prose; aestheticism.

Part - II (Texts)

1. Romantic poetry : Following poems are prescribed.
(1)    Burns, A Red, Red Rose
(2) Blake, The School Boy
(3) Coleridge, Kubla Khan
(4) Wordsworth, Afterthought
(5) Byron, The Eve of Waterloo
(6) Shelley Ozymandias
(7) Keats, Old on a Grecianum
(8) Scott, Love
(9) Hunt, Abou Ben Adhem
(10) Hood, The Bridge of Sighs

Note : A short History of English Poetry by Birjadish Prasad (Macmillan India Ltd.) is recommended for
background reading.

2. Dickens, Oliver Twist :

3. Five Short stories from Poe, Hawthome, Melville, O. Henry :
O' Henry : (1)  Cop and the Anthems
(2)  The Last Leaf
Poe : (3)  The Purloined Letter
(4)  Ligeria
Melville : (5)  I and My Chimney

4. Five essays from Lamb, Hazlits, Emerson and other of the same age. Lamb, (1) Dream Children : a reverie (2) New
Years Eve (3) Hazlitt : The Indian Juggler (4) On Reading Old Books (5) Emerson : Self-Reliance.

Note : (The same as notes to Paper - III)

Format  of the Questions-paper :

All Questions carry equal marks

Q-1 It is questions on the history topics listed in Part-I with an internal option from the same part.
Q-2 Critical appreciation of a poem from the Unit-1 (Poetry) of the Part-II with an internal option from the same unit.
Q-3 An essay-type question on the Unit-2 (Oliver Twist by Dickens) with an internal option from the same unit.
Q-4 An essay-type question on the short stories of the Unit-3 with an internal option from the same unit.
Q-5 An essay-type question on the essays of the Unit-4 with an internal option from the same unit.


All Questions carry equal marks :

Prescribed Text Book :

R.J. Rees, English Literature : an Introduction for foreign Readers, Macmillan India, 1982.

Format of the Question Paper :

All questions carry equal marks :

Q- 1 It should be on nature, structure, function, definition and characteristics of imaginative literature in general.
Q- 2to5 : These four questions will test the student's knowledge of various from of literature.
