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Curriculum in force from June, 2004

S.Y.B.A. Psychology

Paper - III Psychology of Adjustment (Main & Subsidiary)


Objectives :

1.    Helping the students to understand how human being adjust and adapt in their lives.

2.    To make students well acquainted with the concept of adjustment and coping with problems of life in 
       its various demands. 


The Scheme of the Question Paper :

1.    The paper will consist of five units.

2.    There will be two chapters in each unit.

3.    Every chapter in the unit should be given equal weightage in the examination. 

4.    Question paper should be drawn with the "Internal Option" in such a way that students should not 
       omit any chapter. 


Marking Scheme :

1.    Total Marks : 100    70 Marks for External Examination

                                  30 Marks for Internal Assessment

2.    Each unit carry equal marks in the question paper

3.    Each chapter in the unit should have equal weightage of 7 marks


The Paper will consist of following Five units :


Unit - 1    Introduction :

Chapter : 1    Introduction to Adjustment

*    Definition & Process of Adjustment    *    Social Change        *    Challenge of Self Direction

Chapter : 2    Perspective on Personality

*    The Biological Perspective               *    The Psychodynamic Perspective

*    The Social-Cognitive Perspective      *    The Humanistic Perspective


Unit - 2    Emotion and Stress :

Chapter : 3    Emotions

*    Understanding Emotions                *    Expressing our Emotions

*    Managing our Emotion            

Chapter : 4    Stress      

*    Understanding Stress                *    Reactions to Stress        *    Managing Stress


Unit - 3    The Body & Health & Self Concept :

Chapter : 5    The Body and Health

*    Body Image                                            *    Psychological Factors and Physical Illness

*    Coping with Illness                                   *    Promoting Wellness

Chapter : 6    Self Concept      

*    What is the Self Concept ?            *    Core Characteristics of the Self Concept

*    The Self - Concept and Personal Growth


Unit - 4    Marriage and Sexuality :

Chapter : 7    Marriage & Intimate Relationship

*    Love, Intimacy and Marriage

      -    The Essential of Love              -    Love & Close Relationship          -    Cohabitation

      -    Getting Married

*    Marital Adjustment

*    Divorce & Remarriage       

Chapter : 8    Sexuality

*    Male and Female

     -    Changing views of Sexuality         -    Sexual Communication         -    Initiating and Refusing Sex

*    Human Sexual Response

*    Practical Issues and Problems

     -    Sexual dysfunction                     -    Sexually Transmitted Diseases          


Unit - 5    Work & Leisure & Adult Development

Chapter : 9    Work & Leisure

*    Choosing a Career                *    Getting Along on the Job        *    Career Outlook

*    Leisure 

Chapter : 10  Adult Development

*    Early Adulthood                   *    Middle Adulthood                   *    Late Adulthood


Books :

1.    Eastwood Atwater : "Psychology for Living - Adjustment, Growth & Behavior Today" Fifth Edition 
      1995, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

2.    Donald Meichnabaum, Richard Price and E Jerry Phrases "Exploring Choices : Psychology of 
      Adjustment" Foreman & Company.    

Paper - IV Health Psychology (Main & First Subsidiary)


Objectives :

*    Introduction to the concept and models of health in the socio-cultural contexts and the scope of Health 

*    Introduction to the health compromising and the health enhancing life styles/behaviors.

*    Introduction stress phenomena with health related consequence and its management.


The Scheme of the Question Paper :

1.    The paper will consist of five units.

2.    There will be two chapters in each unit.

3.    Every chapter in the unit should be given equal weightage in the examination.

4.    Question paper should be drawn with the "Internal Option" in such a way that students should not 
       omit any chapter.    


Marking Scheme :

*    Total Marks :  100    70 Marks for External Examination

                                  30 Marks for Internal Assessment

*    Each unit carry equal marks in the question paper

*    Each chapter in the unit should have equal weightage of 7 marks


Unit - 1    Introduction To Health Psychology :

Chapter : 1    What is Health Psychology ?

*    Definition of Health Psychology.                            *    Why is the Field of Health Psychology Needed ?

*    The Bio-Psychosocial Model in Health Psychology

Chapter : 2    The Systems of the Body (in brief)

*    The Nervous System            *    The Endocrine System        *    The Cardiovascular System

*    The Respiratory System        *    The Digestive System         *    The Renal System

*    The Reproductive System     *    The Immune System


Unit - 2    Health Behaviors :

Chapter : 3    Health Enhancing Behaviors

*    What are Health Behaviors ?                                *    Role of Behavioral Factors in Disease and Disorder

*    Health - Enhancing Behaviors :

     -    Exercise

     -    Maintaining a Healthy Diet

     -    Weight Control

Chapter : 4    Health Compromising Behaviors 

*    Characteristics of Health Compromising Behaviors    *    Alcoholism and Problem Drinking

*    Smoking


Unit - 3    Stress and Coping :

Chapter : 5    Stress

*    What is Stress ?                        *    Theoretical Contribution to Study of Stress    

*    What makes Events Stressful ?     *    Sources of Chronic Stress

Chapter : 6    Coping with Stress

*    What is Coping ?                 *    Social Support        *    The Management of Stress


Unit - 4    The Patient in the Treatment Setting :

Chapter : 7    Patient Provider Relations 

*    What is a Health care Provider ?                *    Nature of Patient-Provider Communication

*    Improving Patient-Provider Communication

Chapter : 8    Pain and its Management 

*    Nature of Pain                    *    Clinical issues in Pain Management    

*    Pain Control Techniques       *    Management of Chronic Pain


Unit - 5    Management of Illness :

Chapter : 9    Chronic Illness     

*    Emotional Response to Chronic Illness        *    Coping with Chronic Illness

*    Rehabilitation and Chronic Illness              *    Psychological Interventions and Chronic Illness

Chapter : 10  Health Disease, Hypertension, Stroke & Diabetes 

*    Coronary Heart Disease                        *    Hypertension

*    Stroke                                              *    Diabetes


Books :

1.    Shelley E. Taylor (Fifth Edition, 2003) "Health Psychology" International Edition - McGraw-Hill, New 

2.    David F. Marks, Michael Murray, Brian Evans, Carla Willing (2000) "Health Psychology : Theory, 
       Research and Practice" SAGE Publication, New Delhi.

3.    Fridman-DiMateo (1989) "Health Psychology" Prentice Hall, New York.

4.    Misra G (Edi., 1999) "Psychological Perspectives on Stress and Health" Concept, New Delhi.

5.    Pestonjee D.M. (1999) "Stress and Coping : The Indian Experience" SAGE Publications, New Delhi.

Paper - V Physiological, Psychology [Biological Base Of Behavior] (Main Optional)


Objectives :

*    Teaching a students the basics of Biological bases of behavior.

*    To acquaint students with basic constructs of physiological Psychology


The Scheme of the Question Paper :

1.    The paper will consist of five units

2.    There will be two chapters in each unit

3.    Every chapter in the should be given equal weightage in the examination.

4.    Question paper should be drawn with the "Internal Option" in such a way that students should not 
       omit any chapter.


Marking Scheme :

1.    Total Marks : 100    70 Marks for External Examination

                                  30 Marks for Internal Assessment

2.    Each unit carry equal marks in the question paper

3.    Each chapter in the unit should have equal weightage of 7 marks


Unit - 1    Nature & Research Methods of Physiological Psychology :

Chapter : 1    The Nature of Physiological Phychology 

*    Definition, Nature and Scope of Physiological Phychology

*    Approaches to Physiological Psychology

*    Importance of Studying Physiological Psychology

*    The Modern Era or Brain Imaging

Chapter : 2    Research Methods of Physiological Psychology  

*    Neuroanatomical            *    Neurophysiological        *    Neurochemical

*    Neuroelectrical


Unit - 2    The Neuron, Nervous System and Hormone :

Chapter : 3    The Neuron & Nervous System

*    The Anatomy of Neuron        *    What Neurons do ?

*    Peripheral Nervous system    *    Central Nervous system

Chapter : 4    Hormone and Behavior 

*    How Hormones Work ?                    *    Hormones for Cellular Functioning

*    Hormones of Stress                        *    Growth Hormone

*    Sex Hormone


Unit - 3    The Physiological Basis of Perception, Sensory and Motor Mechanism :

Chapter : 5    The Physiological Basis of Perception

*    Visual Perception        *    Auditory Perception

*    Olfactory Perception

Chapter : 6    The Physiological Basis of Sensory and Motor Mechanism 

*    Sensory Mechanism 

     -    Sensory Centers and Pathways         -    Reticular Activating System

     -    Topographical Arrangement              -    Sensory Experience

*    Motor Mechanism 

     -    Skilled Movement                            -    Motor Area

     -    Pre-Motor Area


Unit - 4    The Physiological Basis of Motivation and Emotionality :

Chapter : 7     The Physiological Basis of Motivation

*    Meaning of Motivation            *    Mechanisms for Eating    *    Mechanisms for Drinking

*    Arousal and Sleep

Chapter : 8    Emotionality 

*    Cognitive Factors in Human Emotionality    *    The Peripherals Signs of Emotionality

*    Conceptions of the Physiological Basis for Emotionality

     -    The James - Lange Theory

     -    The Cannon - Bard Theory

*    The Hypothalamus and Limbic System in Emotionality


Unit - 5    Mechanism for Learning, Remembering and the Physiological Bases of Intelligence and 
                 Personality :

Chapter : 9    Mechanism for Learning and Remembering

(A)    *    Physiological Changes during Learning

        *    The Anatomical Requirement for Learning

        *    The Role of Hippocampus in Learning

(B)    *    The Anatomy of Memory

        *    Physiological Mechanisms for memory in the brain

        *    Amnesia, Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease

Chapter : 10  The Physiological Bases of Intelligence and Personality 

*    Inheritance of Intelligence               *    Mental Retardation and Psychopathology in Humans

*    Drugs and Personality


Basic Books :

1.    Levinthal C.F. (1996) "Introduction to Physiological Psychology" 3rd Ed., Prentice Hall of India Pvt. 
       Ltd., New Delhi.

2.    Pinel J.P.J. (2000) "Bio Psychology" Allyn and Bacon

3.    Carlson N.R. (1999) "Foundation of Physiological Psychology" 4th Ed., Allyn and Bacon.

Paper - VI Systems In Psychology (Main Optional)


Objectives :

*    To Provide students a Perspective on the Schools of Psychology.

*    To acquaint the students with the Traditional Approach and Development in Psychology.


The Scheme of the Question Paper :

1.    The paper will consist of five units

2.    There will be two chapters in each unit

3.    Every chapter in the unit should be given equal weightage in the examination.

4.    Question paper should be drawn with the "Internal Option" in such a way that students should not 
       omit any chapter.


Marking Scheme :

1.    Total Marks : 100    70 Marks for External Examination

                                  30 Marks for Internal Assessment

2.    Each unit carry equal marks in the question paper

3.    Each chapter in the unit should have equal weightage of 7 marks


Unit - 1    The Development of School of Psychology and Structuralism :

Chapter : 1    The Development of School of Psychology

*    Systems and its Characteristics                *    Bases for various schools

*    The Development of school of Psychology   *    Prescientific Psychology

*    The Period of Scientific Psychology

Chapter : 2    Structuralism 

*    Main Principles of Structuralism                *    System of Structuralism

*    Wilhem Wundt, Edward Tichner    


Unit - 2    Functionalism and Assiciationism :

Chapter : 3    Functionalism 

*    Viewpoint of Functionalism                    *    John Dewey

*    James Angell                                      *    Harvey A. Carr

*    Criticism of Functionalism

Chapter : 4    Assiciationism 

*    Old Associationism                           *    New Associationism

*    Ebbinghaus                                     *    Morgan

*    Throndike                                       *    Pavlov


Unit - 3    Behaviorism and Neo-Behaviorism :

Chapter : 5    Behaviorism 

*    Principles of Behaviorism                *    John Watson

*    Karls Lashley

Chapter : 6    Neo-Behaviorism 

*    Edwin Guthrie                              *    Edward Toleman

*    Clark Hull                                    *    B.F. Skinner


Unit - 4    Gestaltism and Purposivism :

Chapter : 7    Gestaltism 

*    Principles of Gestaltism                    *    Max Wertheimer Kofka and Kohler

*    Kurt Lewin                                     *    Contribution and Criticism of Gestalism

Chapter : 8    Purposivism 

*    Various Theories of Motivation           *    Allport

*    Murray                                          *    Theory of McDougall

*    Evaluation of Purposivism


Unit - 5    Psychoanalysis and Other Branches of Phychoanalysis :

Chapter : 9    Psychoanalysis

*    Theories of Psychoanalysis            *    Freud

Chapter : 10  Other Braches of Psychoanalysis 

*    Adler                    *    Jung                        *    Neo-Freudians


Books :

1.    Dr. Kulinbhai Pandya and Dr. Jagdish C. Parikh "Manovignan Ni Vichardharao" 4th Edition (1993), 
       University Granth Nirman Board.

2.    Dr. B.A. Parikh "Manovignan Na Sampradayo Ane Siddhanto" 2nd Edition (1988), University Granth 
       Nirman Board.

3.    R.S. Woodwarth and Marg Sheehan "Contemporary Schools of Psychology" Mather & Co., London 
       Revised Edition. 

4.    Chaplin J.P. and Krawies T.S. "Systems and Theories of Psychology" 4th Edition (1979), Holt, Rinehart 
       and Winstion.

Paper - VII Applied Psychology (Second Subsidiary)


Objectives :

Helping the students to acquaint with the key concept, subject matter and application of psychology.


The Scheme of the Question Paper :

1.    The paper will consist of five units

2.    There will be two chapters in each unit

3.    Every chapter in the unit should be given equal weightage in the examination.

4.    Question paper should be drawn with the "Internal Option" in such a way that students should not 
       omit any chapter.


Marking Scheme :

1.    Total Marks : 100    70 Marks for External Examination

                                  30 Marks for Internal Assessment

2.    Each unit carry equal marks in the question paper

3.    Each chapter in the unit should have equal weightage of 7 marks


Unit - 1    Applied Psychology and Social Behavior :

Chapter : 1    Nature and Scope of Applied Psychology

*    Definition of Applied Psychology            *    Field of Applied Psychology

*    Science & Profession of Psychology       *    The Work of Applied Psychologist

Chapter : 2    Social Behavior 

*    Pro-social Behavior                             *    Prejudice and Discrimination

*    Aggression


Unit - 2    Health Psychology :

Chapter : 3    Health & Stress

*    What is Health Psychology ?               *    Sources of Stress

*    Health and Disease

     -    Responding to Illness

     -    Coronary Heart Disease

     -    Cancer

     -    The Immune System

*    The Personal Factors Reducing the Impact of Stress and Illness

Chapter : 4    Psychological Disorders 

*    Defining and Classifying Psychological Disorders

*    Anxiety Disorders

*    Somatoform and Dissociative Disorders

*    Mood Disorders


Unit - 3    Psychology and Married Life :

Chapter : 5    Marriage 

*    Fitness for Marriage                *    Marital Adjustment     *    Divorce and Remarriage

Chapter : 6    Sexuality

*    Human Sexual Response

*    Practical Issues and Problems

     -    Sexual dysfunctions

     -    Sexually Transmitted Diseases                


Unit - 4    World of Work :

Chapter : 7    Industrial / Organizational Psychology

*    Personnel Selection, Training and Appraisal    *    Work Motivation

*    Stress in the work place

Chapter : 8    Work & Leisure

*    Choosing a Career                                    *    Getting Along on the Job

*    Leisure


Unit - 5    The Field of Counseling :

Chapter : 9    Introduction to Counseling

*    What is Counseling ?                              *    Characteristics of Counseling

*    Counseling and Psychotherapy                 *    Goals of Counseling

Chapter : 10  The Need of Counseling

*    Why Counseling ?                                  *    Who Provides Counseling ?

*    The fields of counseling

*    Problems of Indian Students and the Need of Counseling


Books :

1.    Anastasi A : "Field of Applied Psychology" McGraw-Hill, New York. 2nd Edition (1979)

2.    Samuel E. Wood and Ellen Green Wood : "The World of Psychology" 2nd Ed., 1996 Allyn and Bacon
       (Ref. Ch. 7,11,12,13,14,16,17)

3.    Eastwood Atwater "Psychology for Living - Adjustment, Growth & Behavior Today" Fifth Edition,
       1995, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

4.    Dr. Stone & Stone "Marriage Manual" (Ref. Chapter 1 for Fitness for Marriage.

5.    Dr. Somabhai T. Patel "Salah Manovignan" 3rd Edition, 2001, University Granth Nirman Board.