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F.Y.B.A. [Psychology]

Paper-I (Main & Subsidiary)

Reference Books :
(1)  Delouse,  Anthony.            -    Happiness in marriage, New Delhi-sterling 1975.
    (2)  Goode, William J.               -   World Revolution and Family Partners, The frecpress of Glencoc,1963.
    (3)  Good William J.                 -    The Family, New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India(Pvt.) Ltd.1965.
    (4)  Kapur, Promila                   -    The changing status of women in India Vikas,1974
    (5)  Mandolbaum, David Co.      -    Society in India, Bombay, popular prakashan 1972
    (6)  The Family life center          -    The Indian Family in the change and challange of New Delhi.
                                                      The  seventies, New Delhi, Sterling 1972.
    (7)  Family planning Association -    Tecnagers Ask, the Doctor Answers, Bombay of India

                                                    Family Planning Association of India,1977.
    (8)  Sur, A. K.                            -    Sex & Marriage in India, Allied, 1973.

Objective : 
(1) To give the students a board and general idea about psychology.
    (2) To acquaint the  students with the key concepts vocabulary, methods and application of psychology as a science.
    (3) Helping the students to identify and explain the factors that determine behavior.

Unit 1 
    (1)   Introduction to Psychology :
Definition of Psychology,  

          The Goals of Psychology, 

          The Schools of Psychology.
        - Structuralism                                     - Functionalism
        - Behaviorism                                       - Psychoanalysis
        - Gestalt Psychology.                           - Humanistic Psychology
        - Cognitive Psychology.           
         Field of Psychology (in brief) :
        Clinical, Counseling Psychological, Experimental, Developmental, Educational, Social, Industrial, Environmental, Sports, Consumer and community Psychology.
    (2) Biology and Behavior :
The Neurons and the Neurotransmitters.
          The Central Nervous System
          The Peripheral Nervous System
          The Cerebral Hemispheres.
          Discovering the Brain's Mysteries.
              -    The EEG and the micro electrode.
              -    The CT Sean and Magnetic resonance Imaging.
              -    The P E T Scan.
                  The Effects of Endocrine Glands on behavior.

Unit 2    Motivation and Emotion :
    (3)    Motivation :
The orgies of Motivation :
            -    Drive reduction Theory.
            -    Arousal Theory
            -    Mallow's Hierarchy of Needs.
                The Primary Drives : Hunger, Thirst and Sex. Social Motives: Achievement.
    (4)    Emotion :
The Components of Emotion. The oriel of Emotion :
            -    The James   - Lange Theory
            -    The Cannon   - Bard Theory
            -    The Scatter-Singer Theory.
                The psychology of Emotion, the polygraph.
Unit 3    Learning and Memory :
    (5)    Learning :
Definition of learning, Classical conditioning :
            -    Pavlov and  classical Conditioning.
            -    The Elements and processes in Classical conditioning.
            -    John Watson    :    Little Albert and patter operant conditioning.
            -    Skinner and operant conditioning.
            -    Reinforcement and punishment.
            -    Cognitive learning.
            -    Learning by insight.
            -    Observational learning.
        (6)    Memory :
                The Three processes in Memory :
                -    Encoding
                -    Storage
                -    Retrieval.
                The Three Memory Systems :
                -    Sensory Memory
                -    Short term Memory
                -    Long term Memory.
                Forgetting. Improving Memory.
Unit  4    Perception and Intelligence :
        (7)    Perception :
            Definition of  perception, The Gestalt principles of Perceptual organization Perceptual constancy Depth
            Perception. Perception of Motion.
       (8)    Intelligence :
               The nature of intelligence. Measuring intelligence. Requirement of Good Tests. The Range of
             Intelligence :
                -    The Gifted.
                -    The Mentally Teetered.
             The  I. Q. Controversy.
Unit 5    Cognition and personality :
        (9)    Cognition and Language :
                Imagery and concepts as tools Thinking Problem solving, Approaches to problem solving.
               - Impediments to problem solving Creativity.
               - Creativity and Intelligence Language
               - Animal Language
               - Language and Thinking.
         (10)    Personality :
                Theories of personality:
                - Sigmund Freud and psycholonalysis
                - Trait Theories : Gordon Alport and Raymond Cattell
                - Humanistic Personality Theories : Abraham Mashow and carl Rogers. Personality : 
                  Is it in the Genes ? Personality Assessment.
                - Observation, Interviews and Rating Scales.
                - Personality Inventories
                - Projective Tests.
Basic Books :
(1) "The world pf Psychology" By Samuel E. Wood and Ellen Green Wood (Refer Ch. 1,2,3,5,6,7,10 & 12).
    (2) "Introduction to psychology" By C. T. Morgan, Richard A. King, John R. Weiss, John Scholar Seventh Ed.
         1986 McGraw Hill International Ed. (Refer : Ch. 8 for Physiology of Emotion Page No. 313 to 316).

Paper -II (Main & Subsidiary)


Unit 1    Nature of Social Psychology and Socialization : 
    (1)    Nature scope and methods of Social Psychology :
Definition of Social Psychology, Observation and understanding human interaction, Relation of social Psychology to general Psychology, Sociology and cultural-Anthropology.
        Methods of Study : Observation, Experimental, Survey, Measurements Application of social Psychology in Indian Context.
    (2)    Socialization : Socialization process :
        Affiliation :   
The dependency condition Inter alligator of Values Identification process  Achievement Motivation, Intereronal communication., The Development of self.

Unit 2    Social perception and Group Process : 
Learning and perception : Perception, pro Social Behavior, Social learning.
    (4)    Group process, conformity and Deviance : 
The Group : Properties of the group : structure, zhoc-Cho, sivencess, the group Norms, Conformity conflict, Group effectiveness, Group Dynamics.
          Deviancy : Causes of Deviant Behavior, forms of deviant Behaviors.
Unit 3    Leaderships and Public Opinion :
    (5)  Leadership :
The Emergency of leaders, Communication Network content of communication. The function of the leaders, The personality characteristics of leaders, Some leadership studies in India.
    (6)    Public opinion Propaganda :     
            Concept of Public opinion, The nature of public, formation and Dimensions of public opinion the Information content.
            Polling : The measurements of Public opinion.
            Propaganda : Propaganda Techniques, Conditions for propaganda Success. Mass Media.
Unit 4    Attitudes and Prejudices :
    (7)    Attitudes :
Definition - Function of Attitudes Attitudes and Behavior Attitude formation. Attitudes change. Measurement of Attitudes : Some Indian Studies.
    (8)    Prejudice :
What is Prejudice : , Origins of prejudice, Redcing prejudice : An Indian study.
Unit 5    Collective Behavior and social change :
    (9)    Collective Behavior :
            Crowd and Audience, Types of crowds, Some feature of the crowds size, The composition of crowds, Romor, mob violence, Riots in Rourkela, The ories of Crowd Behavior Social Movements Fads, Fashions and Crazes.
(10)    Social Change :
Resistance to change, the concept of planned change, Procedures in instituting social change, revolution and social change, war and social change, The Modern Approach to world Peace.
         Brick Book : " Elements of social Psychology" the revised edition B. Kuppuswamy (ref. ch. 1to 11) Vikas publishing House PVT. Ltd. New Delhi, June,1973.

Reference Books :
        1.    Social Psychology " Wrights man"
        2.    Lizey G. & .Aronson E (1955) Hand Book of Social Psychology (3rd ed. 2 volume)
        3.    "Social Psychology" By Sharon S. Brehm & Sal M. Kassin -1990. Houghton Mifflin comp. Boston N.Y.
        4.    Krech Crutechfield and Ballachy " Individual in society". McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1962.

Paper-VII  (S. S.)


Unit I    Introduction to psychology and Motivation :
        1.   What Psychology is like ? Definition of psychology., Methods in psychology, The work of Psychologists.
        2.    Motivation, Characteristics of Motives, Homeostasis, Hunger Motivation, Thirst Motivation, Sexual
               Motivation, Achievement Motivation.
Unit II    Development and Adjustment :
        3. The process of Development, Healthy and Faulty Development, Development and Adjustment in Adolescence, Young Adulthood, Late Adulthood.
Unit III    Stress : Its Nature and Effect :
4.    Meaning of Stress :
            Sources of Stress :    Frustration, Conflict, Pressure, Self-imposed stress.
            Severity of stress :     Characteristics of the Adjective demand of the individual.       
        5.    Reaction to stressful events :
            Emotional components of the stress response Management stress, Built in coping Mechanism.  
            Task - Oriented Responses.
Unit IV    Coping and Maladaptive Behavior :
        6.  Effective Methods of coping :
             Coping effectively with stressors, coping effectively with emotional relations to stress, Using stress for personal growth.
        7.    Maladaptive Behavior : Problems in living, Eation Disorders, substances use disorders: Alcohol.
Unit - V    The Individual and the Group :
        8.    The Individual and the Group.
            Why we have growth, How group affect us  :
                - Social facilitation, 
                -Social contagion,
                - Conformity.
                - Obedience. 
                - Helping. Leadership prehudice.

Basic Book :
1.    "Introduction to psychology" Seventh Ed. 1986. By C.T. Morgan, R.A. King. J.R. Weisz and John Schoples (Ref . ch No. 1 & 7) McGraw-Hill Book company international Edition, 2nd reprinted 1987.
       2.    Contemporary psychology and Effective Behavior Sixth Edition-1987. By Games C. Colemen, Charies, G. Morries and Ala G. Glares. Scat foreman and company. (Ref. ch No. 3 to 8 & 14).

Reference Books :
    1.    "Psychology of Adjustment Fourth Ed. -1990 by Westwood Atwater. Prentice Hall, Enclewood, Cliffs, N.J.
    2.    "Exploring Choices Psychology of Adjustment 1989 Ed. By Loarld Meichehbaum, 
            Price phrases, Hyde etc. Scoft, Fremen & Company, Glenview llions, U.S.A..
