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F.Y.B.A. [Statistics]

Paper - I

1.   (1) Descriptive Statistics :
         Measures of Central tendency and measures of dispersion; mean median, mode, Geometric  mean , Quartiles, range, mean deviation and standard deviation, Coefficient of variation, skew ness, and kurtosis. Diagrammatic representation of data. Bar diagram, Pie diagram pictogram.
   2.    (2) Elements of Probability :
          Sample space, events, algebra of events probability of finite sample, space, properties of probability. Conditional probability, Independence of events, By's Theorem.
   3.    (3) Mathematical expectation, Rules of expectation, Moments and Moments generating function. 
   4.    (4) Random variables on finite sample spaces, distribution of random variable Hyper Geometric, Distribution (From only) Binomial distribution. Poisson distribution.
   5.    (5) Properties of continuous distribution Normal distribution, properties of this distribution. Use of tables of Normal distribution

Paper- VII (S. S.)

Unit  I    Planning of statistics enquiry, collection of Data  20%
        Planning of statistical enquiry-scope & objective, scientific methods of conducting statistical enquiry, Methods of data collection-personal interview-direct observation mail enquiry. Design of questionnaire, primary and secondary data and their reliability.
Unit  II    Sampling summarization of date 20%
         Concept of population, sample and sampling unit, Different methods of sampling. Description of simple and stratified random sampling and systematic sampling illustration of situation where these methods are useful. Qualitative & quatitative  characteristics , classification and tabulation of qualitative and quantitative data Frequency distribution.
Unit  III    Measures of Central tendency 20%
          Arithmetic mean Median, Mode, Geometric Mean & Demerits of these measures.
Unit  IV    Measures of Dispersion 20%
          Range Quartile Deviation, Mean, Deviation & Standard deviation, coefficient of variation & its use.
Unit  V    Time series, Graphical representation of data  20%
          Time series, component  of time series = trend, seasonal and cyclical fluctuations. Elimination of trend by the method of moving averages. Uses of time-series analysis. Histogram, Frequency polygon, frequency curve and give curve (cumulative frequency curve) Reading of quartiles and percentiles from the give curve.

Reference Books :
    1.    Goon. Gupta & Das Gupta.      -    "Fundamental of statistics vol I & II. world press (Pvt). Ltd.
    2.    Kenny & Keeping                   -    "Mathematics of statistics Vol. I"
    3.    Elhance D. N                         -    "Fundamental of statistics" KitabMahal Allah bad
    4.    D. Worwick &                         -    Sample Survey - theory & Practice McGraw Hill Co.      .                 
    5.    Spiegel                                 -    "Statistical Theory and problems" (schaum's series) McGraw 
                                                               international Book Company.