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F.Y.B.A. [Economics]

Paper - I

Micro Economics

Unit - 1    Introduction :

              Deliration - Nature & Scope of Economics, Methodology in economics - choice as an economics problems. Basic postulater.

Unit - 2     Demand and Supply :
               Meaning and laws of Demand & Supply - Concept of prince mechanism. Basic Concepts of  Cardinal & approaches of Consumer's behavior theory. Consumer's Surplus.

Unit - 3       Elasticity of Demand :
               Meaning of Elasticity of Demand - Types of Elasticity of demand - importance of Elasticity of  demand - factor affecter of elasticity.

Unit - 4     Theory of Production &  Cost :
              Meaning of Production Function - Short - run production Function. Law of Diminishing Return - Different Concept of Costs. (Real Cost, opportunity - cost, and monetary cost.) and their  interrelation.

Unit - 5       Market Structure :
              Meaning and forms of Markets - its functions & limitation, Characteristics of perfect competition monopoly and monopolistic competition.

Unit - 6       Factor Pricing :
              Basic Concepts of Rent, Wages, Profit & Interest. Basic concept of economic welfare.     

Paper - II

Money, Banking & Public Economics

Unit - 1        Basic Concepts :
         Money - means, functions and classification : Gresham's law; Role of money in capitalist, socialist and mixed economies; Monetary standards - Metallic and paper system of note issue.

Unit - 2        Inflation :
Inflation, deflation and reflation - definition types, causes and effects of inflation of different sectors of the economic. Demand-puli and cost-push inflation; Measures to control inflation; Trade off bet- ween inflation and unemployment.

Unit - 3        Commercial Banking :
          Meaning and types; Functions of commercial banks; The process of creditcreation - Purpose and limitations; Labilities and assets of banks; Evolution of commercial banking in India after Independence; A critical appraisal of the progress of commercial banking after nationalization; Recept reforms in banking sector in India.

Unit - 4        Central Banking :
          Functions of a central bank; Quantitative and qualitative methods of credit control - bank rate policy open market operations, variable reserve ratio and selective methods; Role and functions of the Reserve Bank of India; Objectives and limitations of monetary policy with special reference of India

Unit - 5        Public Economics :
           Meaning of Public Finance, instruments of Public Finance - Public expenditure taxation and public debt. Basic  Principle of Taxation.

Paper - VII 

Elementary Economics

Unit - 1       Definition and basic Concept of economics Variables :
         Definition of Economics - Demand - Supply - difference between value and prince, Utility - private & public goods. Factors of production - Division of labor and specialization.

Unit - 2       Concept of Money :
         Various definition of money - function of money - Value of money - meaning and types of inflation - effects of inflation meaning and types of Unmet laymen's.

Unit - 3       Banking :
         Meaning and type of Banking - Functions of commercial and central Bank - Role and functions of Rural & Co-operative banks.

Unit - 4       Indian economics issues :
(a)  Concept & Causes of Poverty
            (b)  Causes of Unemployment
            (c)  Causes and effects of population explosion.

Unit - 5       Environmental Economics :
Concept of Environment - importunes ecological - Type pollution - effects of pollution on society.