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F.Y.B.A. [Philosophy]

Paper - I Logic (First Subsidiary)

Unit - 1 Indian Logic :  10% 

(1)  Introduction
(2)  Nature and structure of Indian Interface
(3)  Getwabhasa
(4)  Kinds of Indian Interface
      -  Svarthanuman & Pararthannuman.
      -  Purvavat & Shashvat & Samanyodrasta

Unit - 2 Western Logic :    20%

(A)  Introductory Topics
      -  Definition
      -  Sentence & Proposition
      -  Argument & Truth & Validity, Soundness
      -  Inductive & Deductive Arguments.
(B)  Laws of Thought :
      -  Law of Identity.
          -  Law of Non-contradictory
      -  Law of Excluded middle.
      -  Law of sufficient Reason.

Unit - 3 20%

(A)  Aristotelian Classification of categorical proposition :
        -  Proposition
      -  Categorical Proposition
      -  Classification of Categorical proposition.
(B)  Modern Classification of propositions :
      -  Symbolidiogic use of symbols.
      -  Modern classification of propositions.
      -  Truth Functions of  (1) Negation (2) Conjunction (3) Disjunction (4) Implication (5) Equivalence.

Unit - 4 Categorical Syllogism : 10%

(1)  Definition and structure of syllogism
(2)  Figure and books
(3)  Rules of validity
(4)  Fallacies

Unit - 5 Induction : 10%

(1)  Nature & Presuppositions of Induction.
(2)  Silent idle Hypothesis
(3)  Methods of experimental enquiry 

Suggested Reading :

    1. T.P. Copy : Introduction to symbolic logic.
    2. A.H. Basson & D.J. Connor : A modern introduction to logic
    3. Richard quine : Methods of Logic
    4. Richard Jeffery : Formal Logic : Its scope and limits.
    5. Susan stobbing : A Modern introduction to logic
    6. W. Kneale : Probability and induction
    7. S.S. Barlingay : A modern introduction to logic
    8. Annambhatta : Tarkasangraha.
    9. C.Bhattacharya : Elements of Indian logic and Epistemolosy.
   11. 0F"PIFl7S VG[ o 5|FZ\lES TtJ7FG4 5|FPS{,F;A[G 58[,
   13. 5|F[PVFZP5LPE8' o VlEGI TS"XF:+ VG[ ZlJ 5|SFXG4 0F"PIFl7S ZF[04 ZFHSF[84 5|F[[PALPS[P,F0JF

Paper - II (First Subsidiary)



Indian Ethics :

Unit - 1 10%

(A)  Indian Ehics
(1)  Introduction & Concerns & Presuppositions.
(2)  Theory of Karma : Nishkam Karm
(B)  Dharm :
(1)  Meaning definition
(2)  Classification
(3)  Vidhi Nishedha, Arthvada.
(4)  Swadharma & Sadharma dharma.

Unit - 2 10%

(1)  Purusharthas & Their inter relations
(2)  Sadhana.

Unit - 3 10%

(A)  Buddhist Ethics :
(1)  The Four noble truths
(2)  Eightfold path
(B)  Jain Ethics :
(1)  Anuvratas
(2)  Mahavratas. 


Western Ethics :

Unit - 1 10%

(1)  Introduction
(2)  The Nature of Ethics
(3)  Concerns & Presuppositions
(4)  Freewill

Unit - 2 Moral Judgment :10%

(1)  The Growth of Moral judgment
(2)  The Nature of Moral judgment
(3)  The object of Moral judgment. Conduct (Act), motive, Intention
(4)  Will & Character

Unit - 3 10%

(A)  Teleological Ethics :
(1)  Hedonism - Egoistic hedonism.
(2)  Utilitarianism.
(B)  Virtue Ethics :
(1)  Plato : Four virtues (the cardinal virtues)
(2)  Aristotle : The Moral Syllogism.
(C)  Deontological Ethics :
(1)  Ethics of Kant.

Unit - 4 Theories of Punishment : 10%

(A)  Punishment
(B)  Theories of Punishment :
      -  The preventive / deterrent theory.
      -  The Educative / reformative theory.
      -  The Retributive theory 

Suggested Reading :

    1. I.C. Sharma : Ethics Philosophies of India.
    2. S.K. Maitra: The Ethics of the Hindus.
    3. Surama Dasgupta: Development of Moral philosophy in India.
    4. M. Hiriyana: The Indian Conception of Values
    5. J.S. Mill : Utilitarianism
    6. Aristotle : Nichomachean Ethics.
    7. Bernard Willians: Morality : An Introduce on the Ethics.
    8. J.S. Mackie: Ethics - Inventing Right and Wrong.
    9. GLlTXF:+ 5|J[X o VG]P 0F"PALPHLP N[;F.4 V[DPV[;PI]lGP4 JNF[0ZFP
   10. GLlTXF:+ o 0F"P EF:SZ UF[5F,HL N[;F.4 V[DPV[;PI]lGP4 JNF[0ZFP

Paper - III Philosophy Aesthetics

Aesthetics :

Unit - 1 Aesthetics and Aesthetical Sense (Attitudes) 10%

(A)  Aesthetics :
(1)  Aesthetics is it Science ?
(2)  Aesthetics and Its Problems.
(3)  Philosophy of Art Problems.
(4)  Philosophy of Art Evaluation of Art.

(B)  Aesthetical Sense (Attitudes) :
(1)  Aesthetical and non Aesthetical attitudes
(2)  Characteristics of Aesthetical attitudes.

Unit - 2 Classification of Arts and Characteristics of work of Art : 10%

(A)  Classification of Arts :
(1)  Visible and audible Arts.
(2)  Literature.
(3)  Mixed Arts.

(B)  Characteristics of Work of Arts :
(1)  Values of Senses.
(2)  Values of Form
(3)  Values of Life.

(C)  Art - Creation of a human being :
(1)  Art - Exploration of various definitions.
(2)  Cultural importance of art.

Unit - 3 20%

(A)  Thought of Plato & Aristotle for Art :
(1)  Plato - Plato's Conflict of mind. Art imitation is low activity.
(2)  Aristotle Artist an activity of form creation.

(B)  Croce : Croce's thought of Art.

Unit - 4 15 %

(A)  Indian Aesthetics :
(1)  Nature and Art
(2)  Art Experience, Cause of Art - Method of Art.
(3)  Art and Morality

(B)  Ravindranath Tagor's concept of Art :
(1)  Philosophy of Art and subject of Art experience is pleasure, not beauty.
(2)  Sorrow is also pleasurable.
(3)  Nature of the activity of Art.
(4)  Tagore's concept of Art.

Unit - 5 Thinking of Art in Gujarati Literature : 15%

(1)  Aesthetical conception of pandit era (Narasingrao Divetion, Anandshankar Dhruv, B.K. Thakore, K.M.
        Munshi, R.V. Pathak)
(2)  Aesthetical Conception of Gandhian (Kakasaheb Kakelker, Umashanker Joshi, Bhogilal Gandhi)
(3)  Thought of Art in Modern Gujarati literature.

Suggested Reading :

    1. Panl Edwards (Ed.) : Encyclopedia of Philosophy Vol.-I
    2. Melvin Reader : A Modern Book of esthetics.
    3. Langer S.K. : Philosophical Sketcher.
    4. Hiriyanana M. : Art Experience
    5. 5FZ[B GULGNF; o SF[R[G]\ .:5[l8S; VG[ ALHF ,[BP
    8. XF:+L lJHIo ;F{NI" lGq9FJFNP

Paper - VII Philosophy Of Religion (S.S.)


Unit - 1 Philosophy of Religion : 10%

(1)  The Concept of Religion
(2)  Nature of Religion
(3)  Nature of Philosophy
(4)  Relation between Religion & Philosophy.
(5)  Philosophy of Religion.

Unit - 2 Sources of Religion : 8%

(1)  Belief
(2)  Scriptures.
(3)  Traditions.

Unit - 3 12%

(A)  Reason & Faith :
                      -  The Roll of reason in Religion
      -  The Roll of Faith in Religion.
      -  The Relation between reason & Faith.

(B)  Jnana & Bhakti : 
      -  The Nature of Jnana
      -  The Nature of Bhakti
      -  The Relation between Jnana & Bhakti
      -  Relation

Unit - 4 Arguments for the existence of God : 20%

(A)  Western Arguments :
      -  Ontological Argument
      -  Cosmological Argument
      -  Teleological Argument.
      -  Ethical Argument.

(B)  Indian Arguments :
      -  Arguments for the existence of god, in Nyaya Darshan, Yoga Irshan.
      -  Concept of god in shankar Vedanta.

(C)  Incarnation of God.

Unit - 5 Religion Pluralism : 4%

(1)  Religious Pluralism
(2)  Secularism conflict between religions.
(3)  Faith and its resolution.

Unit - 6 Idea of Deity : 4%

(1)  Animism, Polytholism and monothelism.
(2)  Attributes of God.

Unit - 7 Religious Experience : 10%

(1)  Religions experience of saints (Mira, Narsinha, Tukaram, Kabir, Chaitanya, Mahaprabhu)
(2)  Significance of Religion Experience.
(3)  Nature of religion experience

Suggested Reading :

    1. Brian Davies : An Introduction to philosophy of religion.
    2. James Churchill & David Jones : An Introductory Reader in the philosophy of Religion.
    3. John Hick : Philosophy of Religion.
    4. D.A. Trueblood : Philosophy of Religion.
    5. Chemparathy : Indian Rational Theolosy (This book contains an english translation of Udayan's Nyaykusum
    6. John Hick (ed.) : Classical of contempurry readings in philosophy religion.
    7. D.M. Edwards : The Philosophy of Religion.
    8. N.K. Brahmu : Philosophy of Hindu Religion.
    9. S.Radhakrishnan : The Idealist view of life.
   10. S.Radhakrishnan : The Hindu view of life.
   11. 3D" TtJlR\TG o 0F"PV[RPVFZP9SSZ
